My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 681

"No, it\'s haunted here. You forgot..."

"All right."


Changsheng shouted for most of the day, but no one came in. It was a little discouraged.

Chi Ziyu comforted him. Anyway, the new store hasn\'t opened yet. There\'s no need to worry about this kind of thing first.

Recently, she is planning the activity of sending green plants. She plans to pick a good day to open the market of her family.

However, she is short of manpower and always has some trivial things to deal with, so the opening date has been pending.

The shop closed early that day.

Anyway, you don\'t have to open the door to do business. Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun come to the shop every day. They just draw drawings and manage flowers and plants. There\'s nothing else.

In addition, there is a long life chore today, which is nothing more.

Qixingyun drove the donkey cart and went back dusty.

Walk through the winding mountain road and pass a green pond.

Lotus leaf fields, the wind over the lotus pond, lotus fragrance all over the pool.

Some farmers were walking through the lotus leaves in small boats, and their loud songs floated between the water and the sky.

Qixingyun stopped the donkey cart and pointed to the lotus pond not far from the sky, "how about going down to pick lotus seeds?"


Chi Ziyu was just thinking that the lotus leaves in the pond are really beautiful

Lotus seeds all over the pond must be delicious after picking fried vegetables

As a result, qixingyun spoke first.

They walked together to the edge of the pond.

Qixingyun called the farmer and said he was buying his lotus seeds.

The farmer was happy. "Yes, I have ready-made ones here. How much do you want to buy?"

"Three jin." Said the fish.


These lotus seeds only took off the lotus pod, but did not take out the lotus seeds, so the price was a little cheaper.

When he got back to the car, Chi Ziyu peeled a green lotus seed and planned to eat the lotus seed raw.

"I just forgot to go to the lotus core. It\'s so bitter." Chi Ziyu frowned after eating one, "but it smells delicious."

The qixingyun man had already sat on the shaft. He leaned over and said, "give me a taste."

Chi Ziyu peeled one for him.

Break off the core and feed it into his mouth.

"If you remove the core, it should not be bitter."

Qi Xingyun tasted it, "well, this is sweet."

"Do you want another one?"



Cook tremella lotus seed soup in the evening and fry lotus seeds.

Qixingyun put the beehive at night.

Their family\'s sunflowers bloom. Put the hive in the sunflower field and collect more honey.

When he came back, qixingyun accidentally had two more small watermelons in his arms.

Qixingyun said he saw Uncle Liang picking watermelon home on the road, so he stopped him and bought two watermelons.

Chi Ziyu wants to say that the watermelon he bought before hasn\'t been cut yet.

Is their little life too nourishing.

Compared with their nourishment, the main house is miserable.

It\'s still hot.

The dishes on the table are as clear as ever.

Everyone is not interested in eating. However, forced by life, they can only eat obediently.

When Qi shuipei saw these meals without any appetite, he thought of the lotus seeds brought back by his fourth brother today.

She mumbled, "fourth brother, I don\'t know where to get a lot of lotus seeds today. Dad, I want to eat lotus seeds, too."

Qijiabao said, "there are no lotus flowers in our pond and no lotus seeds to eat."

Qishuipei was disgusted and died. "There\'s nothing in our family. The fourth brother\'s family was so poor when they first separated. As a result, they have everything now."