My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 666

It\'s just moving home. I\'m not so excited.

Uncle Zheng said, "sister-in-law Qi, your old fourth house is broken like this. You should build a new house..."

"I didn\'t say I wouldn\'t let him build a house!" Wang said, "he can do anything in the house, but he is not allowed to leave our house!"

"Why?" Qixing cloud cold road.

"I\'m your mother!"

Qijiabao pushed Wang, "calm down. The fourth is so old. Don\'t be cruel to him."

Wang said coldly, "my son is going to move away. He doesn\'t recognize our parents!

I\'m not fierce now. Can I be fierce when I die! You\'ve seen whose son built the house far away. Even his parents don\'t care! "

"It\'s my business where I build the house."

"You\'re my son and I\'m your mother. That\'s our family!" Wang said.

Chi Ziyu laughed angrily at Wang\'s unreasonable provocation and said to the point, "what you said is really nice.

Mother, you let our family stay. Don\'t you just take advantage of us and bully us more? Who doesn\'t know your mind... "

"Shut up, you poisonous woman!"

Chi Ziyu didn\'t care, "I have to say! Dare you say you didn\'t mean to let us go!

Why pressure us in the name of unfilial? We don\'t owe you. We should support you. We usually have good things in our family and you!

It\'s you. You should reflect on what your mother did! Why force the two of us to move out! "

"You!" Wang was so angry that he scratched his hand. "You shameless, you instigate my son to bully me every day.

I\'ll kill you today, a fox spirit. I\'ll make you a demon... "

Qixingyun stopped her immediately and shouted coldly, "stop!"

Wang didn\'t succeed. He immediately sat on the ground and cried, "you heartless thing! Now you know to listen to the fox spirit!

You don\'t care about your parents! Thanks to our excrement and urine, we have pulled you up. How hard and tired we have suffered for you!

I knew I had a white eyed wolf like you. I should have pressed you to death in the urinal!

Anyway, raising you is also a disaster... My God! Why don\'t you come and chop the beast to death! "

"Fourth brother, it\'s too outrageous of you. Look how angry your mother is." Qi Duojin came up and said, "my parents won\'t let you go. They care about you.

I\'m afraid no one will take care of you after you move away. How can you scold our mother like this! "

Qijiabao picked up Wang, "old woman, get up quickly. Don\'t sit on the ground and lose face. There are outsiders..."

"What am I afraid of!" Wang said reluctantly, "my son doesn\'t want me to be a mother now. What am I afraid of!

As long as the fourth dare to leave the house today, I dare to die in front of him! He\'s leaving today! If you leave, don\'t come back! "


Qiduo brother also said, "Mom, get up quickly. The fourth brother\'s family has made money now. It\'s understandable to build a house in another place..."

"Go away! Boss, you have no conscience! You know to help your beast every day! Do you still have your mother and me in your eyes!

I raised you for nothing! None of you bastards bothered me! I\'m so angry! " Wang cried and scolded.

SIDO was speechless.

Wang simply climbed in front of qixingyun and lay on the ground.