My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 665

"What\'s Johnson\'s nickname?" Qijiabao said to himself.

"Just call it hadron." Qi duocai said.


"Dad, mom." Qiduodi suddenly came in with a paper bag.

"This is the brown sugar that my fourth brother and sister asked me to bring." Qiduodi road.

Wang\'s cold hum, "she also knows that our family has added a little grandson, and she doesn\'t know to come and have a look. She\'s a hypocritical rotten goods!"

Qiduodi pursed his lips. He really didn\'t know what to say.

Wang was so angry that he grabbed the brown sugar in his hand.

After weighing the weight, I thought it was ok, so I was not so angry.

"Where\'s the fourth? The fourth daughter-in-law doesn\'t know. Come and have a look, and he won\'t come?" Wang asked.

"Fourth brother, they are talking to the Zheng family."

"What? Which Zheng family?"

"The Zheng family in the east of our village."

"What are they doing here?"

"It\'s like selling land..."


"It\'s the fourth brother. They\'re going to build a new house, so they want to buy a new piece of land for the Zheng family."

Wang was so angry that he bit his teeth that he immediately howled, "old four, a black heart, is eager to stay away from me, an old woman! I just don\'t invite him to see me!"

Qijiabao frowned and said, "second, this is true?"

Qiduo nodded. "Yes, Dad, I just heard the fourth brother. They said they had paid and were discussing the land."

Qi Duojin just came in from the house and heard the news.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Who wants to buy land?" Qi Duojin came up curiously.

"It\'s the fourth."

"What?" Qi Duojin was shocked and his chin was about to fall off. He hurriedly said, "no, Dad, don\'t let them move away. If they move away.

In the future, we will really be two families. At that time, we can\'t say anything together. "

"The fourth brother and they are separated. If we really want to move away, we can\'t stop it." Sidoti whispered.

"Fart!" Wang didn\'t believe this evil, "I don\'t allow them to move! I\'ll stop them now!"

"I\'ll go too!" Qiduojin road.

Qiduodi is helpless.


Here, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun finished discussing the land with Uncle Zheng.

Uncle Zheng said to take them to see the land and determine the specific scope.

As a result, several people went out, and Wang rushed angrily.

"Old four!" Wang shouted.


Wang Shi stared at Uncle Zheng and asked, "fourth, what\'s the Zheng family coming to you for?"

"Buy land and build a house." Qixingyun short path.

"Build a house? Move away, don\'t you? When life is good, even my parents don\'t recognize it, do they.

There\'s nothing like you in the world! Marry a daughter-in-law and forget your mother. It\'s you!

I tell you, if you dare to move out today, I\'ll die in front of you! I make you ashamed to live in our village! " Wang threatened excitedly.

"Mom, we\'re all separated. It doesn\'t matter to you whether we move or not." Chi Ziyu sneered.

"I just don\'t allow it! The fourth is my son. He must live with us. He is not allowed to go even if he dies! If he wants to go, you can go alone!" Wang Shi angrily said.

"Unreasonable!" Qixingyun is on his way.

Wang was stunned and immediately howled, "old four, you scolded me. I\'m your mother!

You see, you\'ve been taught a belly of bad water by this woman now! Do you have a conscience? "

Uncle Zheng was confused. He didn\'t know what had happened.