My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 659

"What happened?" You can\'t set channels if you have too many.

Wang\'s expression is wonderful at the moment.

From a complacent face of spring to a blue face, but in a flash.

His eyes are very gloomy, like hiding poisonous insects.

Everyone else heard her breathing hard.

"This..." qijiabao saw qiduocai and was as frightened as seeing a ghost. "How can the third be you!"

Qi duocai looked innocent, "Dad, I don\'t know..."

"Where\'s the fourth!" Wang suddenly roared, "where is he dead!"

On one side, Qiduo brother heard the speech and quickly hung his head down.

Look a bit guilty, but also a bit painful.

But no one noticed him.

Wang was so angry that he blushed, his neck was thick, and his voice was irritable. "Didn\'t the fourth come in yesterday! How did you become the third!"

"I... I don\'t know..." Qi duocai now only feels his head hurts and can\'t remember what happened yesterday.

I just remember he sent qixingyun into the house, and then... Then there was no more.

He didn\'t know how he had been locked up in the same room with longan all night.

"Third brother, are you stupid!" Qi shuipei was almost mad by Qi duocai. "What are you doing here? I\'m so angry with you!"

"Woo woo... What happened... Why did you do this to me?" Longan is the most innocent and pitiful.

Without knowing anything, she spent the night in the same room with a man.

It\'s okay that longan doesn\'t speak.

As soon as she spoke, Wang remembered the whole night of the old three and the lone men and women in longan.

Suddenly Qi and blood surged up and his eyes turned over.

Wang struggled with his mouth open and suddenly fell down.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun were urged by Qi Jiabao several times before they got up.

The doctor came to see Wang\'s doctor in the main room.

Han and Guisheng also came.

The atmosphere in the main room was dignified.

The doctor said that Wang was just anxious to attack his heart. He could have a rest, but he couldn\'t be stimulated any more.

Qijia people were greatly relieved. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

Longan was still crying in Han\'s arms, and Han chattered that it was definitely not over.

She had a good daughter. She spent a night at Qijia for no reason. As a result, she was completely innocent.

She was very relieved of her family\'s character, which really opened her eyes.

She must give an account to her family, or she will never stop.

Now only qijiabao is left to take charge of the top business.

Qijiabao is almost unspeakable about his plot with Wang.

So qijiabao tried to bypass this and answer Han\'s question.

"The GUI family, what happened yesterday, our family is really sorry for you." Qijiabao had a good voice and a good way, "my poor discipline as a father has made a big mistake for the children. I\'ll compensate you here."

Because of this scandal, qijiabao has lost his dignity as a parent.

Originally, it would be better if the people who spent the night with longan were qixingyun. After all, everyone can accept this pair psychologically.

But now this man has unexpectedly become an irrelevant Qi duocai... Who can bear it!

Han said coldly, "at least I would like to call you in laws. As a result, your family

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Look what good things your family has done! My daughter has been delayed by your third child all her life! "