My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 607

Work fast and not sloppy at all.

All day, Wang kept praising longan.

The habitat atmosphere is harmonious.

Longan said that although she lived more and was tired, she was very happy.

When the sun is about to set.

Longan couldn\'t sit still and asked Wang, "aunt, why hasn\'t brother Qi come back?"

It\'s been a day. She\'s been working at her house all day.

As a result, the door was locked for a day.

Although she was too busy to miss, it was a pity that she didn\'t see herself!

"It\'s so late. I must be back soon." Wang comforted her.

After the dialogue between the two people here, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun came back.

They brought back a lot of flower seedlings and flower seeds.

In addition, I bought some other daily necessities.

They carried the flowers they bought and went straight to their house. They didn\'t look at Longan at all.

Longan was plucking the rabbit\'s hair in his hand. Seeing this, he was not comfortable.

Staring at the gate of the hospital without blinking, he looked lost and resentful.

Qishuipei went over and urged her, "longan, what are you thinking? My fourth brother is moving things. Why don\'t you go and help."


Longan had a fever and went over.

"Brother Qi, let me help you move things." Longan sound channel.

Qixingyun and Chi Ziyu are working together to carry a large plate of flower seedlings into the house.

Smelling the speech, Qi Xingyun didn\'t look at her and directly refused, "no, we can move by ourselves."

Longan was cool in heart, but regardless of qixingyun\'s refusal, she chose a plate of flowers that looked smaller.

She wanted to reach out and lift the planter down.

In fact, the flower pot is not heavy, but it is too long and too wide. It\'s hard to carry it alone.

Longan finally pulled out a pot of flower seedlings, and found that its arm length could not support a whole plate.

Longan stood helpless and wanted to cry.

"Shui Pei, come and help me carry it." Longan for help.

Qishuipei didn\'t want to go, but he went to help longan get close to the fourth brother.

The two men worked together to lift a plate of flowers and seedlings down.

When qixingyun and others came back and continued to move, qishuipei asked for credit and said, "fourth brother, look, I\'ve come to move flowers for you..."

"Who made you move? Put it down!" Unexpectedly, qixingyun looked cold and stopped loudly.

This roar almost didn\'t scare longan out of disease.

Before qixingyun\'s voice fell, longan\'s hand shook.

One didn\'t hold it steady. The whole plate of flowers got rid of it, and the plate fell straight to the ground.

"Ah --"

Longan was so frightened that she quickly closed her eyes, screamed and jumped away. She didn\'t dare to look directly at the tragedy she had caused.

Qishuipei was also unprepared. Seeing that longan was out of hand, she also wanted to lose the flowers so as not to hit her feet.

However, before Qi shuipei could let go, Qi Xingyun held his arm and stopped the tragedy in time.

"Go away!" The sound of Qixing cloud rang overhead.

Seeing this, Chi Ziyu hurried over and opened qishuipei to help himself.

"What you don\'t want to do, you have to stir it up. If all the flowers fall to the ground today, I think how can you compensate!" The raw airway of beluga.

"How did I know longan would let go? WOW! It\'s not my fault!" Qishuipei was full of frustration and stared at longan.