My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 606

"She beat people fiercely. Look at my Peier\'s face. She scratched it. She also asked the doctor for medicine, which cost me five dollars."

"If you don\'t quarrel or fight, what else can you do? Let her do evil in this way?"

"We have to play tricks with her." Wang had already planned.

Han thought, "well, you\'re right."


GUI family.

Han came back disappointed.

Longan put down his needle and thread and went up, "Mom, you\'re back. How\'s it going?"

Longan looks forward to Chi Ziyu being cleaned up by her mother. After all, her mother is not a vegetarian.

Chi Ziyu must be cleaned up by her mother.

Han sighed, "Oh, don\'t mention it. That woman is an iron bitch. She scolds people like pouring beans, and her mouth is poisonous."

Today, I scolded her for being a widow several times, but I almost didn\'t scold her out of illness.

I\'m so angry!

Any widow doesn\'t like others pointing at her nose and calling herself a widow! This is not intended to poke her heart!

Longan was a little afraid, "that mother, what should we do?"

"Don\'t worry, my mother has a lot of ways. I\'m afraid this little girl won\'t succeed. At least I\'ve eaten more rice than her for so many years. It\'s not for nothing." Han said confidently.

Longan nodded approvingly, "I believe my mother. Did you ask brother Qi about the size of his shoes?"

"No." Han Shi was a little embarrassed. "At first, I asked Chi Ziyu for help. She refused to say. She had to ask you in person. I didn\'t agree.

Later, I went to ask sister-in-law Qi. Sister-in-law Qi said that she had not bought shoes for old four Qi. She didn\'t know what size his shoes were. "

Longan lost his way. "What about clothes? You can\'t make shoes, but clothes are OK."

"I asked, and sister-in-law Qi didn\'t know. She said she didn\'t buy clothes for old four. He bought them with his own money."

"Why is aunt Qi like this? I don\'t know what size my son wears."

"Who knows, maybe there are too many sons and they forgot. Girl, do you still want to make clothes and shoes for Qi Laosi?"

"I want to."

"Or you can just estimate the approximate size and send it back. At least it\'s your intention. He can\'t refuse it."

Longan nodded, "OK."

"By the way, I told sister-in-law Qi that you can go to her house to help work from tomorrow. Her family is preparing full moon wine and building a house recently. There are a lot of things. Sister-in-law Qi must be very happy if you help for a few days."

"Well, I see."

"You remember to seize the opportunity. You may see qilao Si every day when you stay at Qijia these days."

Longan pursed her lips and smiled, especially shy, "Niang..."

Han smiled as brightly as spring flowers. "What my mother said is the truth. You can\'t miss such a good opportunity.

That\'s what your aunt Qi said. She told me several times that she must call you. "


The next day, longan had breakfast and really went to Qijia to help.

But longan came late. When it came, qixingyun and Chi Ziyu went out.

Chi Ziyu is going to buy flowers and plants in the city. Qi Xingyun is also going to book flowers, trees and saplings.

Longan threw herself into the air, so she stayed with Wang and them in good order, talking and doing things.

With the help of longan, Wang\'s business is much easier.

Wang likes the crisp of longan very much.