My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 592

Qixingyun fried a plate of pickled vegetables, fried soybeans and a small fried meat.

While cooking, Qi Xingyun said that the wooden stakes had been sent and was asking someone to put them in the ground. They could all be installed in about two days.

Chi Ziyu said she wanted to plant the type of flowers and plants, and now what she lacked was mainly plant seedlings and seeds.

There are not many Chi Ziyu left, so you have to book flowers or buy seeds to sow in the field.

They chatted one after another, and the dishes were cooked.

In the main room.

Several gossip aunts and Wang\'s discussion about Chi Ziyu is rising, and they are reluctant to go back to eat.

Wang said, "their daughter of the Chi family is useless. Now they have to delay our fourth child and forbid us to marry another. What\'s the matter? It\'s really.

This man is really selfish. I don\'t know how their late family taught such a girl. I haven\'t seen such a diaphragmatic person. I\'m almost angry these days. "

Her grandaunt was here, too. She said, "your family is also unfortunate. You have married such a widowed daughter-in-law.

I watched your house being stirred up by her. I\'m restless all day. Where does it look like a home.

And the fourth in your family, he is stubborn. You and your family can\'t indulge him. Don\'t let him fool around.

Such a big thing has happened. I can\'t bear to leave anyone. Who wants a woman who is homeless? Your fourth brother is really obsessed. "

"That\'s lard. Now it\'s our bad eyes. I don\'t understand. What\'s good about Chi? How can she fart in the eyes of old four.

Your cousin\'s niece longan is very good. She looks good, can do everything, and is filial and considerate. I am more and more happy.

She\'s going to marry into our family. Our family must be nice and friendly. Why can\'t old four like it? " Wang said with emotion.

"If he can\'t see it, we can\'t see it." Aunt Qiu said, "we are the masters of our parents in this marriage event. These little children are not sensible.

Let\'s just treat them as if they are having a house. Let\'s just make our ideas and pay attention to what they do. Don\'t we add congestion to ourselves.

If the man surnamed Chi dares to confuse my son like this, I promise to beat her out with a broom and never come back in my life. Our family doesn\'t rare such a funeral star! "

"That\'s what I said. Look back, we\'ll handle the marriage according to our own wishes. If your fourth brother doesn\'t like it, he won\'t like it.

When it comes to the wedding day, when all my relatives and friends come, I don\'t believe he can leave us all unmarried. Don\'t be pointed at the bridge of your nose and scolded to death. " Said Aunt sun.

"That\'s right. Let\'s ignore these little children and say they are not sensible. They are so grown-ups and have become a family. Why don\'t we understand our hard work as parents at all.

What a big thing it is to have a son. Other families are scrambling to have a son. They are afraid of giving birth to a pile of money losing goods. Your fourth brother has been married for so long. He doesn\'t even have money losing goods. Don\'t mention his son. As a result, he doesn\'t know he\'s in a hurry!

I\'m worried to death by an outsider. After that, when he gets old and dies, he doesn\'t even have a person who falls the basin. How shameful it is. No matter how much money he makes, he won\'t make it in vain.