My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 579

"OK. Let\'s sit down and have a good meal at noon and discuss it in detail later."

"Well, by the way, call your fourth brother over, too. I haven\'t looked at him well." Han said.


Longan said shyly, "Mom, brother Qi is very handsome and capable. You will like it very much."

Han smiled like a spring flower, "you dead girl, before the eight characters were written, your elbow began to turn out."

"Don\'t tease me, mother..."


"Dead girl, look what you\'re doing today!" Jiang\'s family was mad at Wang\'s arrogance.

"Your mother-in-law is determined to drive you away! Why did you take the bait foolishly? You agreed that Gui came in today, and that Wang dared to throw you out tomorrow.

Why are you so worthless? You\'ve been married for so long, and you don\'t know how to cheer up. Look at your eldest sister, your second sister, and your third sister-in-law. Which one is not easy to have children.

Why are you like dystocia? You can\'t give birth to any of them. What\'s the use of raising you so big? You can\'t even give birth to a son. It\'s worthless!

I tell you, don\'t come back to me when you are driven out of your mother-in-law\'s house. Our ancestors of Chi family don\'t recognize you! " She added.

"Don\'t say a few words. I didn\'t see our daughter panicking. You sprinkled salt on the wound." Chi Zhenzhen interposed.

Jiang glanced. "I want to say less. How can I say less? What are you talking about!

The eldest brother and the second brother didn\'t see so many bad things in the family. They also married a flat wife, which obviously doesn\'t look at our Chi\'s daughter!

Little fish, you have to be tough on me. This mouth can\'t be loose, but it can\'t be loose. Even you are loose. Looking back, your fourth brother really hid in the quilt and died laughing.

Which man in the world is bad? Your mother-in-law deliberately stuffed women into your husband\'s bed to disgust you.

You say you are a good man. Is it true that your husband can share it with others! What a brain! Let\'s be wicked and show her a few times, and let her dead old woman scream! "

Chi Ziyu only lay on the table thinking and was silent.

Jiang still chattered, "that longan dead girl looks like a goblin. She knows to paint every day. She looks like a hook.

Later, if she makes a flat wife with you and keeps your share of suffering, your new daughter-in-law has only been a year, but she will really become an old man.

Haven\'t you ever heard of new people laughing but old people crying? You\'re willing to live like this for most of your life? It\'s better to marry the landlord as a daughter-in-law at the beginning! "

Jiang regretted not letting Chi Ziyu marry the landlord.

If I were married, these bad things would not happen now.

"Stop talking, mother." Chi Ziyu finally interrupted impatiently.

"Xingyun is not like that. Even if I don\'t intervene, Xingyun will refuse longan." Said the fish.

Jiang had no patience to listen. "You can\'t believe a man if you believe in ghosts. Men lie to you with sweet words.

You\'re young and don\'t know people clearly. You\'ve been harmed by him at first sight. I tell you, you can\'t believe what the fourth said to you! "

"I won\'t tolerate longan serving with me." Chi Ziyu finally said the key point.

"That\'s OK. You quickly find a way to drive the woman away. Look, she\'s eating at your mother-in-law\'s house..."