My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 578

"You\'re welcome, my father-in-law. It\'s not easy to come here. Later, I\'ll call the little fish to eat together." Wang has a good temper.


Chi really doesn\'t want to stay. His face is torn like this. He still has the face to eat. Isn\'t this a face for himself!

He\'s not so brazen!

The village head and his daughter-in-law had no intention of leaving, so they hurried away.

At the beginning, they didn\'t come for rubbing rice. It was Qi shuipei who told them that there was something wrong at home and needed the village head to preside over justice.

As soon as the village head was warm-hearted, he was used.

The Qijia family had to ask him to solve this problem. It seemed that he was biased by the village head.

If you want to marry a daughter-in-law, you can marry him. He is a village head, not a Yuelao in charge of marriage. What\'s the use of asking him to come.

People who don\'t know still think it\'s him who makes a mess of the mandarin duck spectrum and helps the tyranny, which makes it difficult for the young couple.

"Sister GUI, that\'s the deal." Wang said to Han with satisfaction.

Han nodded, "OK, I\'ll take my daughter\'s eight characters later, and our two families will take them to Daxian for a while."

Longan was shy and reserved. "Mom, why are you so anxious."

Han Shichen glanced at her, "silly girl, it\'s not urgent. Look at you yesterday. If you don\'t do it quickly, it\'s you who will suffer back."

Longan nodded gently, "well, I see."

What happened yesterday is really a brand on the heart of longan.

Longan is arrogant. She can\'t stand the fact that her body is desecrated, and she\'s afraid of revealing it.

So when I got home, I took Han and cried most of the night.

Han was also afraid.

Qijia\'s second son is not a good thing. Han Shi is afraid that his daughter will be entangled by him and can\'t get away from him in the future.

This is just right. The second child of Qijia made a mistake, so let the fourth child of Qijia make up for it.

Anyway, it was Wang\'s bad idea at the beginning. His family has to be responsible to the end!

"In my opinion, this should be done sooner rather than later. I\'ll give it to you on the 15th of next month." Wang said, turning to qijiabao, "old man, what do you think of this?"

To marry the fourth daughter-in-law, they agreed at the beginning.

Wang Shi and qijiabao are not right about other things. They have surprisingly consistent views on this matter.

Whose father-in-law doesn\'t want to have grandchildren early.

Qijiabao is really in a hurry, but also has no hope for the disappointing belly of Chi Ziyu.

So qijiabao nodded, "well, yes, let\'s hurry up."

Han Shi also said, "OK, fifteen is a good day for the full moon. It\'s just right for the two children to get married. Is it possible for your fourth brother to make sense?"

Wang\'s face was confident, "there\'s no need for him to say. He\'s not happy that the mother helped him marry his daughter-in-law.".

As long as the fourth daughter-in-law doesn\'t meddle blindly, the fourth daughter-in-law will certainly want it.

Which man in the world doesn\'t want to be a bridegroom several times? It\'s cool! I don\'t know what my son\'s virtue is. He can definitely succeed! Don\'t worry! "

The second son of his family is so keen on marrying a daughter-in-law, not to mention a man like the fourth.

Any normal man has seven emotions and six desires.

She doesn\'t believe that the fourth in her family can be pure and lustless all her life!

Han is very satisfied. "Well, you has the final say, I listen to you."

Wang\'s smiling teeth disappeared.