My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 572

"I can do it too. Mom, you might as well wrap it up with me."

"You can\'t. You\'re still young. Where can you get involved in adult affairs?"

"Where am I young? I\'m going to get married anyway. If I have a baby later, I\'ll make full moon wine. Now I\'ll get familiar with it..." Qi shuipei disagreed.

Wang laughed at this.

"Oh, dead girl, you haven\'t married yet. You\'re thinking about giving birth to a baby. You\'re in such a hurry to leave your mother."

Qi shuipei blushed, "this should have been thought of for a long time. Anyway, Li hei and I have got together.

When you turn back, you should get engaged and then marry. You have to marry early and late. "

"We\'ll also invite the Li family to entertain your second sister-in-law\'s full moon wine this time.

You\'d better not interfere in the rest. If you don\'t do well, the returning guests will blame you. " Wang smiled.

Whose wine doesn\'t come according to the rules, but we must find someone with a stable focus to handle it.

Wang is exercising Chen Xiang now.

Qishuipei reluctantly replied, "Oh."

"By the way, you go to longan\'s house tomorrow and call their family to our house for dinner." Wang said again.

"Why call her home again?"

"Longan is your fourth sister-in-law. If you don\'t call her home, who\'s it?" Wang said, "also, you can call the Chi\'s in laws together."

"Ah? Why call them?" Qi shuipei\'s face doesn\'t know how long it has been.

She couldn\'t bear to have her family come to her house late.

"Call the village head\'s house... Forget it, I don\'t need you. I\'ll call myself."

"Mom, what are you doing? Just invite GUI\'s family and village head\'s family. What do you mean by inviting Chi\'s family? I don\'t want to see their disgusting ghost."

"Don\'t worry, my mother wouldn\'t invite them to dinner so kindly. She just called them for this reason.

My mother has something important to announce this time. These people have to be present. People may not be in the mood to eat later. "

"It can\'t be related to my fourth brother." Qishuipei guessed, "we\'ll have a showdown with them directly. Anyway, we\'re reasonable.

The fourth sister-in-law has been through the door for so long and can\'t give birth to children. Why should a hen who only eats food but doesn\'t lay eggs stay in our house for so long? "

"I wanted to put this behind me, but now it doesn\'t seem to be possible." Wang said, "the girl longan tried several ways, but she couldn\'t get close to your fourth brother.

It\'s not a matter to drag on any longer. I\'ll set it up myself. I\'m afraid your fourth brother doesn\'t have any opinion. "

"Then we have to be careful, sister-in-law. Don\'t let that crazy woman spill it again."

"Your fourth brother works on the mountain. I don\'t believe she can turn the world around no matter how much she does." Wang disdained.


Chi Zhen and Jiang Shi suddenly heard the news that Qijia invited them to be guests today. They were shocked at the same time.

Jiang wondered and muttered to Chi Zhen, "is it the little fish who has an accident again... Told us to clean up the mess?

That Wang is really not a good thing. He has separated his family and targets my daughter everywhere. If she has the ability, her daughter will not marry others as a daughter-in-law in the future! "

"Or we won\'t go." Chi Zhen whispered.

It\'s strange.

Qishuipei, who came to report, stood in front of them and couldn\'t hear what they were whispering.