My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 500

"I\'d better take her home quickly. Such a woman has a big temper and doesn\'t have the ability to have children. Who dares to want her? It\'s not rare to give her away like a lost star..." aunt sun disdained.

"I\'ve been asking people everywhere recently. I just want to see who has the right girl. At that time, let our fourth daughter-in-law marry us and divorce our fourth daughter-in-law. My mother-in-law will have a better life."

"You really asked the right person." Aunt sun patted her thigh excitedly.

"Have you forgotten our uncle\'s daughter, who is also from our village?" Aunt Sun said.

Wang Shi thought for a while and suddenly said, "Oh, that\'s right. That short longan girl who hasn\'t married yet in her twenties."

Aunt sun was married from the village. Naturally, her uncle is also from the village.

Aunt sun smiled excitedly: "yes! That\'s the longan! I heard that she is the same age as your fourth, and looks very beautiful. She has been filial piety to my uncle in recent years, and has delayed dating.

It\'s really a big girl now. I met her last time when I went back to my mother\'s house. They all said they wanted to be beautiful and filial. Don\'t look at her short, but she\'s actually very beautiful. "

"The face is a little round. It\'s lucky at first sight. Unlike your fourth daughter-in-law, her face is smaller than my slap. I don\'t know how your fourth daughter-in-law likes her..."

Wang thought about longan carefully and thought that the girl was really good-looking.

Round, meaty, pretty cute.

Unfortunately, my father died earlier and kept filial piety for several years. He is so old that he hasn\'t found anything in the second half of his life.

However, no matter how, just like her, it won\'t be a loss to marry the fourth.

"When I get back to my mother\'s house this Dragon Boat Festival, I\'ll ask the girl for you and bring her over. Let\'s meet together." Aunt Sun said.


"Dang -" the gong sounded suddenly.

"Sister-in-law sun is at home." The voice of the village head came in with the sound of gongs.

Several women in the room stood up in wonder.

"Village head, why are you here? Come to find my second dog son?" Asked aunt sun.

The village head shook his head. "No, I\'m here to tell you. Come to my meeting in the evening."

"Just as sister-in-law Qi and daughter-in-law Chunhua are here, go back and inform the men at home. I won\'t go there. There are still many people in the village who haven\'t moved around." The village head said again.



"What meeting is it?" Asked aunt sun.

"There is something important to discuss." The village head is mysterious.

"What\'s the big deal?" Wang suddenly had a teasing mind, "whose daughter-in-law stole a man and was caught by you..."


The village head was embarrassed at once. "No, look what sister-in-law Qi said. The people in our village are serious. I have something important to discuss if they seem to be able to do such a thing."

"That\'s what I said..."

"Then I\'ll go first. You remember to ask the men in the family to come over at night. At least one man in each family."


As soon as the village head left, several women sat down and chatted again.

"What happened?" Wang said, "our village hasn\'t had a meeting for a long time."

"Don\'t be the imperial court to increase taxes..."

"No, it was only added two years ago. Plus, we\'ll have no food."

"Don\'t worry about that. Let\'s continue to talk about the girl longan. The child has a big ass and is sure to have a son.