My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 499

As soon as aunt Hua left, several people were relieved by tacit understanding.

Chunhua\'s daughter-in-law let go and said, "I\'m also a daughter-in-law at home. My mother-in-law doesn\'t stop nagging me about my bad work, but I still treat my mother-in-law as my own mother.

She said, "I never say two. Although my mother-in-law still has a problem with me, I have done everything I should do. I have a clear conscience."

"Look, it\'s just like a daughter-in-law..." aunt Sun said with appreciation. "I know everything about Chunhua\'s daughter-in-law\'s family. You\'re really good to your mother-in-law. You kiss more than your mother.

Last time your mother-in-law was ill, you served her every day without touching the ground. Your mother-in-law\'s own daughter didn\'t see such filial piety.

I should have let my second dog marry you. I asked myself that I was a good mother-in-law and never beat or scold my daughter-in-law, but when I met our family, I was also unlucky all my life.

I\'ve never seen such a stupid woman. I have to talk to her at the top of my voice for a long time. I\'ve done everything. She still doesn\'t understand. I really don\'t know where her ears are. "

The voice just fell, and a voice came from outside the house, "Mom, I picked Zongye and came back."

Then Aunt sun\'s daughter-in-law Jin Xiang came in with a basket of Zongye.

Aunt sun was saying that she was angry. When she heard the speech, she gave her a hard look, "I told you to pick half a basket of Zongye, and you picked so many for me. You made zongzi for my glutinous rice! I don\'t know that our family counted the rice grains into the pot!

Your ears fart and your eyes go. It\'s stupid! How could my son marry such a useless thing as you! I\'m so angry... "

Aunt sun scolded harder and harder. Fortunately, Wang coaxed her in time, "sister-in-law sun, don\'t be angry. Your daughter-in-law picked more Zongye and gave me more. Our family hasn\'t started picking Zongye yet."

Aunt sun smiled, "I\'m so angry to see my daughter-in-law\'s hopelessly stupid appearance. You say how can there be such a stupid person in the world? I\'m going to be angry with her..."

"Mom, I want to pick more leaves. I have to pick them temporarily when I don\'t have enough time..." Jin Xiang wanted to explain.

Aunt sun immediately shouted, "shut up! You stupid woman! My grandson became stupid after staying with a stupid woman like you for a long time! Let my grandson sleep with me later and don\'t touch him again!"

"Niang......" Jin Xiang was tearful. She was reluctant and didn\'t dare to go out.

She has only one son, bao\'er. Bao\'er has learned to walk. There are many places that depend on her.

As a mother, she is not willing to take her children to her mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law is not my mother. There are many places I can\'t take care of.

Jin Xiang asked herself that she was stupid, but she did her best to take her son and let her mother-in-law take her. She was not at ease.

"Go aside and get upset when you see you! I don\'t have a muscle in my head and don\'t know what to think. I\'m so stupid that I\'m going to die. Don\'t bring my grandson stupid too..."

Jinxiang was scolded and speechless.

Wang said, "your family\'s golden fragrance is good. At least you say she won\'t talk back. If our fourth daughter-in-law can\'t point to her, she\'ll point to her nose and scold me for being immortal."

"So, your fourth daughter-in-law doesn\'t look like a daughter-in-law at all. She\'s been in the door for so long that she can\'t lay an egg. Your fourth daughter-in-law married her, and I\'m afraid she\'s going to be widowed.