My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 485

Guo Jinlian had a questioning smile on her face. "Little fish, why are you and old four so capable now? Even if you make friends with the elder sister of the city Lord, you can forget it.

Why did you climb the high branch of the city owner\'s house? Maybe you bought them with something... "

Guo Jinlian couldn\'t help thinking about the eccentricity of Sifang in recent days.

"You think so. I\'m going back."

"Hey, don\'t walk so fast..."

The couple in the second room went back to the house and reported this little gossip to everyone more and more interestingly.

Wang didn\'t believe it and hissed, "who are you kidding? How can the city Lord come to them? They are daydreaming."

"It doesn\'t look like a fake." Qi Duojin said, "Mom, you didn\'t see how spacious and dazzling the carriage they took when they came back today. I\'ve only seen those big families when I\'m so big."

"What can the city Lord do for them..." Wang said.

"God knows what the fourth brother is doing. He secretly refuses to be seen. There must be a ghost." Guo Jinlian said.

"What\'s the hurry? Let\'s wait slowly first. If my fourth brother really wants to do something, he can hide it from all of us." Qishuipei road.

"Yes." Wang nodded.

After a while, Wang suddenly said, "the third and the boss have been out for so long, why haven\'t they come back?"

"Mom, what\'s your heart? I\'m not a three-year-old. Can I lose it?" Qi Duojin was jealous.

Wang glanced at him, "you go to butcher Zhang\'s house and slaughter me two kilograms of meat. I\'ll give old three a good tonic tonight. He\'s going away tomorrow..."

"OK." Qi Duojin stretched out his hand, "Mom, give me the money first."

Wang got up unhappily, "come with me to the house."


In the evening, qiduodi and qiduocai came back.

In addition to finding Companions to travel, Qi duocai also went to buy some necessities for the journey.

Qijia cooked dinner early and waited for the two people together.

On the table.

Qijiabao spoke with qiduocai for a long time, which was nothing more than some trivial advice.

Qijiabao is not a talkative person.

But he loved his son deeply. At the thought of his child going on a long trip, qijiabao couldn\'t rest assured. Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, he talked a lot.

Qiduocai himself also has a parting feeling. The more qijiabao says, the more lonely he is.

Some true feelings can\'t be covered up in any case.

Qiduojin and qiduodi are brothers. They are also happy for qiduocai now.

Qiduo is the hope of their family.

They worked hard for qiduocai to pay so much. They didn\'t let him worry about the trivial things at home, so that he could study at ease and become famous in the future.

The atmosphere in the main room was particularly sad, but it was also rarely consistent.

When we have common expectations, our emotions will resonate.

Even qijiabao and Wang rarely said a few words.

In the end, it is a couple who have lived for decades. The two couples tell each other and complement each other one by one.

Everyone saw that they had the momentum of reconciliation, and the stone in their heart was put down.

Qi duocai took advantage of the situation and said, "Mom, when I\'m not at home, you don\'t get angry with your father. Don\'t let me worry."

"Well, I know." Wang wiped his red eyes and nodded.