My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 484

The city Lord smiled, "I\'m worried. Maybe it\'s just a personal problem. However, it can\'t be denied that the people you introduced to me this time are very excellent. I believe that over time, they will make great achievements."

"Yes." Mrs. Xu smiled, "I also noticed the couple at a glance in the crowd. Originally, I easily didn\'t contact such small people.

But the couple gave me a really different feeling. They are positive, progressive and sunny. I can\'t help but want to get close to them and help them. "

The city Lord flattered, "this shows that elder sister, you have a good eye for picking people. You can\'t let such a good pearl be covered with dust."

Mrs. Xu didn\'t know he was flattering, but she scolded him: "you..."


The people from the rice grain shop came to deliver the millet very early. Almost Qihang cloud and Chi Ziyu had just left their front feet, and they arrived at their rear feet.

The Qijia family were not sure how excited they were when they saw the bags of millet.

Only qijiabao didn\'t look very well.

The money is also collected, the millet is also collected, and the boundary is drawn

Qi Duojin actively carried the 1000 kg of grain into the granary in gunny bags this time.

This 1000 Jin of grain is the ration for the whole family for more than half a year.

Wait until Qihang cloud and Chi Ziyu come home in the afternoon.

Qi Duojin and Guo Jinlian came over happily and thanked them a thousand times.

"Fourth brother, you are so rich and kind. You don\'t know how happy our family is to give us so many grains at one go..." Qi Duojin began to lick his dog\'s thanks.

"Yes, I saw the grain of that carriage today. I heard that it was sent to our house. My eyes were straight.

I thought it was the wrong one, but I didn\'t expect you to send it. It seems that our family doesn\'t have to worry about not having enough to eat in the future. " Guo Jinlian also said.

Qi Xingyun\'s face was faint. "Just be happy."

Then he left.

This sentence successfully poured cold water on the enthusiasm of Guo Jinlian and Qi Duojin.

They are so eager to come over to express their thanks. They just want to take the opportunity to flatter and have a good relationship with others.

Although the tone sounds hypocritical, at least they say it. It\'s a kind of sincerity to say it.

I didn\'t expect people to be so ungrateful.

Guo Jinlian seized Chi Ziyu\'s wrist and said, "where did you go today, sister-in-law? Why did you come back so late? I saw a big carriage pick you up this morning? Have you known any noble family lately..."

Chi Ziyu speechless broke away from her hand, "second sister-in-law, why do you ask this? We don\'t have to report to you where we go."

"I don\'t care about you. At least we are all a family. Your business is our business. If you really want to know any noble family, remember to introduce it to us." Guo Jinlian said.

Chi Ziyu glanced at her and said, "we\'ve gone to see the city master."


Qi Duojin and Guo Jinlian\'s eyes suddenly opened wide and looked unbelievable.

Chi Ziyu smiled, "why, don\'t you believe it?"

"It\'s impossible. An official as big as the city master, how can he meet you..." Qi Duojin said.

"Then the elder sister of the previous city Lord came to our house. You can\'t say it\'s false, second brother."

Qi Duojin: "I..."