My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 482

Soon, the city Lord said, "since everyone came to discuss with sincerity, how about we make a deed in duplicate?"


The city Lord called a man over.

Lay paper, grind ink and write with a pen.

Write the following terms according to the agreement of both parties.

This is not an ordinary transaction. In the end, it deals with the government, and the procedures are cumbersome.

Finally, the city Lord himself stamped the official seal of the city Lord and pressed the handprint.

After writing the deed, Chi Ziyu gave the silver ticket to the city master.

The city Lord gave the deeds of the four mountains, with a topographic map of the mountains attached.

At the end of all the steps, the city Lord asked them, "now these mountains officially belong to you. What are you going to plant on those mountains?"

"Fruit trees." Chi Ziyu was not sure. "We haven\'t thought about it yet."

The city Lord nodded, "it\'s reasonable that mountains are not as good as fields. If you really want to plant fruit trees to get benefits, you may have to endure for a year or two."

"Well, we know, but anyway, since we bought it, we are willing to work hard for it..."

The mayor smiled, "very good. Don\'t hurry to go today. Just have dinner at my house at noon. It\'s rare to know each other. Sit down and talk together."

Chi Ziyu didn\'t expect the city Lord to be so warm and easy-going, and it\'s hard to refuse his kindness, so he should go.


Zhu Shi, the wife of the city Lord, came to dinner with her son and daughter.

The city Lord and Zhu have a good relationship. They are like glue, which is very enviable.

The two children are still young, but they are very clever and sensible. They are quiet at dinner.

Chi Ziyu has a good impression of the Hemei family.

She thought a powerful family like the city Lord.

Three wives and four concubines are common. There is no lack of house struggle. Husband and wife can only respect each other like guests.

In this way, human feelings may be weaker.

Moreover, the more respected people are, the easier it is to look down on poor people like them.

Unexpectedly, the city Lord didn\'t mind his status, or even treat him equally.

This may have something to do with his hard growing up experience.

Mrs. Zhu is also generous and enthusiastic. She not only chats well with Mrs. Xu, but also talks with Chi Ziyu.

Zhu heard that Mrs. Xu went to Chi Ziyu\'s house a few days ago, so she said she also wanted to take her children to the countryside to experience life.

Chi Ziyu invited them to come together. Later, she went to get a lot of country game for everyone to taste.

Zhu was very excited and said he must go when he had time.

Chi Ziyu also said that when their mountain is ready, he will take them to the mountain to pick fruit and eat.

Think about the golden autumn.

The autumn wind is cool, and the grand occasion of numerous fruits on the shoots will be exciting for individuals.

The two children rarely spoke.

"Mom, I\'m going too."

"When are we going to pick the fruit?"

"Don\'t worry, wait a year. The fruit tree hasn\'t been planted yet. Where can I get the fruit." Chi Ziyu smiled.

"Yes, these two naughty people usually refuse to take you out for an outing. They are energetic when they pick fruit. They have to run all over the mountain." Zhu Shidao.

"Take me, too. I haven\'t picked fruit from the tree myself." The city Lord interrupted with a smile.

"Well, you must come on this day, my Lord."
