My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 481

The city Lord smiled and nodded, "elder sister has spoken. Do I have any reason not to agree?"

"I didn\'t force you." Mrs. Xu also smiled.

It can be seen that the two brothers and sisters have deep feelings.

Chi Ziyu is very envious.

In this world, no matter poor or rich, the best thing is a family and beauty, mutual tolerance and understanding.

Like she didn\'t do much.

It\'s not that she doesn\'t want to, it\'s the situation at home. If she blindly tolerates, she will help the tyrant.

Mutual tolerance and understanding should be based on mutual respect at least.

"Madam and the city Lord have a good relationship. It\'s really enviable." Chi Ziyu smiled.

"You and your sister are good, too."

When she said this, Mrs. Xu was actually a little unconscionable.

The first time I said it, it was because I didn\'t know enough when I first met.

She was blinded by the surface and subconsciously expressed her envy.

The second time, it was pure modesty.

So when she finished saying this, Mrs. Xu herself stopped talking awkwardly.

Just smiled quietly.

"There are four hills in Yunshui village. It takes about 3000 liang of silver." The city Lord cut into the theme.

"But I can give you a tolerant deadline. You should pay a deposit of one thousand Liang first, and the remaining two thousand will be paid back when you get up the mountain and make a profit..."

Before the city master finished, he even whispered a few words to Mrs. Xu, the city master, and finally stopped with a loud voice: "Amin."

Mrs. Xu gestured to him with her eyes.

The city master interrupted at the right time and turned to look at Xu Fu\'s humanity, "elder sister, do you have any opinion..."

Seeing Mrs. Xu\'s expression, the city Lord also guessed 7788, so he changed his mind, "I understand that you two husband and wife are farmers. It\'s not easy to make money. If you don\'t pay 500 Liang in advance..."

"No, thank you for your kindness." Qi Xingyun smiled, "just as you said, the deposit is one thousand. If there is income in the follow-up, I will pay you another two thousand, as well as the red interest attached during this period."

"You don\'t have to force yourself like this. We know that it\'s not easy for you farmers to earn so much money all year round.

Since you are determined to buy it, we are also determined to help you. We just hope you can do a good job on the mountain. " Xu Fu is humane.

"I have prepared 1000 silver. Madam, you can rest assured." Qi Xingyun said.

when you go out to buy , don \'t show your silver.

According to Qi Xingyun\'s current status, it\'s natural not to say that he has thousands of liang of silver.

Otherwise, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of the city Lord and Mrs. Xu, and it is also easy to suffer disaster.

Mrs. Xu was stunned for a moment. "Did you raise it? I thought..."

It seems that she still underestimates others.

One thousand Liang has never been a small number for farmers.

In a few days, people will be able to take out 1000 liang of silver.

It is conceivable that the couple are also a little tricky.

I don\'t know what I did and achieved such great benefits in a short time.

At the beginning, she thought that she couldn\'t, so she also invested some money in it.

It is regarded as a dry stock. In the future, when there is income at the top of the mountain, she can also earn some additional income.

"This is a thousand Liang silver note." Chi Ziyu took out ten silver tickets from his sleeve. "As you know, my husband and I sincerely came to buy mountains this time, so we also spent a lot of effort and energy to buy these mountains."

Mrs. Xu and the city Lord were surprised and praised.