My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 463

"Pei\'er." Wang suddenly reacted, stared at her warily and said, "you\'re still delusional about your fourth brother."

Qishui blushed, "I... I didn\'t."

Fortunately, it was night.

It was dark. Wang couldn\'t see Qi shuipei\'s blushing face at all.

Wang\'s eyes were fixed: "my mother told you that you should nip off some ideas as soon as possible. You can\'t delusion about the king of heaven and Lao Tzu, but you can\'t delusion about him. If others know this, your reputation will be really ruined."

Wang Shi was really pissed off by this confused girl.

Who is bad for you? Your brother.

Even if qixingyun is not born, in everyone\'s eyes, qixingyun is born.

Wang can\'t be stupid enough to run out and preach that qixingyun is not Qijia\'s family.

Anyway, qixingyun follows qijiabao\'s surname.

Both of them are half mothers and have the same blood in their bodies.

She dares to dream of such a mess.

Qishuipei was silent.

Wang sighed, "when the work in the field is finished, my mother will go to the Li family and discuss with them about your marriage with the child Li Hei."


"Don\'t be embarrassed. You\'re going to be a daughter-in-law anyway. Be careful what you look like. You\'ll be looked down upon."

"Oh." Qishuipei was a little discouraged and suddenly said, "by the way, mom, I have something..."

"What\'s the matter?"

"I doubt my fourth brother will go to town tomorrow." Qishuipei also said.

After all, I went around old four again

Wang\'s headache: "tomorrow is not a big episode. What can they do in the city?"

"Sell prey. You see, my fourth brother brought back so many good things today. He must sell them as soon as possible in exchange for money.

I heard my second sister-in-law say that he brought a wounded roe back a few days ago and is still raising it at home. He can\'t keep it at home all the time. He must sell it early. "

"Don\'t say... It\'s really possible." Wang sat up excitedly.

"In the past, when he came back from hunting, I could sell those prey for twenty or thirty liang of silver. This time he went for four days, which means he might sell a hundred Liang." Wang Shi said, and he was excited.

One hundred liang of silver, a lot.

"There must be more than one hundred Liang." Qi shuipei said, "think about what my fourth brother doesn\'t want us to see. Those things really need to be sold for at least a few hundred liang of silver."

"Old four really has so much ability? Why do you get so much money?" Wang obviously still doesn\'t believe it.

"Mom, don\'t believe my fourth brother. My fourth brother has never been reliable. If he really wants to make money, he can make it every day.

He has been so diligent on the mountain recently. I doubt he has any big moves to do recently. We have to keep an eye on him. Don\'t let him run away with money. "

Wang turned to think, this is really more and more reasonable.

Sure enough, Peier grew up with old four and knew old four best.

"You\'re right." Wang nodded heavily.

"Don\'t tell my father about it. It\'s no use telling him anything. He\'s so stupid that he won\'t think about anything at all."

"I know, your father..." Wang also did not want to make complaints about it.

"We\'ll let the second brother stare at my fourth brother tomorrow." Qishuipei said, "anyway, my second brother is also procrastinating. Give him something easier to do. Maybe he did it and helped us a lot."