My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 454

"It\'s natural for me to ask my son to help my family live a good life. My fourth brother has no face to refuse!"

Qijiabao looked slightly moved, "let me think..."


Among the wild fruits brought by qixingyun, Chi Ziyu washed some abduction dates and loquats to eat.

Loquat is quite common in the village. Some people have specially planted it. In this season, there is a large yellow area on the tree.

But the fruit is full and juicy.

Abduction jujube is also called chicken claw in Yunshui village, which is not very common in Yunshui village.

The ripe Calligonum jujube tastes sweet, but the immature ones are bitter.

Chi Ziyu tasted the two flavors knowingly. He estimated that Qi Xingyun was going to take a bath, so he went to bring the food and came out to prepare for dinner.

Fried shredded pork with green awn, braised pork with plum vegetables, and a plain fried lettuce.

There are still some washed abduction dates and loquats left. Chi Zi fish are also put in bowls and put on the table, waiting for Qi Xingyun to come and eat.

"Ready? Sit down and eat."

When Chi Ziyu saw Qi Xingyun coming in, he helped him with rice.

Qixingyun sat down wiping the water stains on the tip of his hair.

"Do you want to eat some abductions first? I think they\'re very sweet." Chi Ziyu first fed him some abductions.

Qixingyun opened his mouth and bit it off. A sweet smell immediately filled his mouth. He nodded and said, "it\'s very sweet."

"And loquat."

Chi Ziyu handed over another loquat that had just been peeled. It was a big round one that made people salivate.

You can eat in the clouds.


"I\'m going to use black rice to make wine. It\'s said that drinking this wine is good for your health. We\'ll keep some by ourselves and give the rest to dad and them." Late roe path.

Qi Xingyun nodded.

"OK, we\'ll eat these fruits after dinner. Eating too much affects our appetite. I also made delicious food for you." Chi Ziyu moved both bowls of fruit aside.

He asked, "are you all right on the mountain these days?"

"Everything is going well. You see, I came back unhappily and safely."

"I don\'t know what Mrs. Xu said about it. Is there any hope?"

"Under normal circumstances, there is. If not, we won\'t lose any money now. We can buy other land later."

"Well, you\'re right." Chi Ziyu nodded.

I\'m not afraid of no resource supply, but I\'m afraid of no money in my hand.

"I found some good things on the mountain this time."

"What is it?"

Qi Xingyun put down his dishes and chopsticks, got up to look for something in the corner where he hid herbs, and soon came back with a lump of meat connected with mud.

"Look what this is?" Qi Xingyun beckoned Chi Ziyu to look over.

Chi Ziyu looked at it for a long time and thought, "how much meat?"

In fact, it is more like an expanded lotus canopy. Each small canopy has a pinch of yellow flowers. On the whole, it is not too much to be like a steamed stuffed bun.

When Chi Ziyu realized that the succulent plant qixingyun showed her was unusual, she quickly put the dishes and chopsticks and walked past in surprise.

"Is it really fleshy? Why have I never seen it?"

"I didn\'t either, but I can see that it is fleshy. I found it on the edge of a cliff. I think you will like it very much. Even a piece of soil has been dug back."

"How did you run to the edge of the cliff? You are not afraid of danger." Chi Ziyu said angrily.

"If I were really dangerous, you could still see me here." Qixingyun doesn\'t think so.