My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 453

"I don\'t allow you to bully my mother!" Qishuipei glared angrily at qijiabao.

Qijiabao was angry and helpless. He sighed, "I didn\'t bully her. It\'s your mother..."

"Pei\'er, your mother\'s life is hard for me." Wang cried, "I\'ve been with your father and watched your fourth brother live an immortal life. I don\'t know how to let the fourth brother help us. We don\'t treat us as people

They are all a family. Can\'t we look at their natural and unrestrained days, so we can only dig in the ground?

Your third brother asks for money for exams, you ask for money for marriage, and your second sister-in-law asks for money for children. You say he doesn\'t know how to worry at all. His family is a conscientious person who knows how to worry.

I just said a few words to him, and he scolded me for being unreasonable. My heart hurts here. My kindness has become ignorance... "

Qi shuipei shed tears and hugged Wang\'s way, "Mom, I know your heart is bitter. I understand your pain. My fourth brother, they have the ability. They should have helped our family live a better life.

But now, they make a lot of money behind our backs every day. They don\'t know how to take care of our family. Where can they be a brother? Whose brother is so ruthless like him... "

"I also say that the fourth is really outrageous. He must have got a lot of money back from going to the mountain this time. He just hid it and refused to tell us. He was afraid that we would rob them." Qi Duojin quickly agreed.

He has long been jealous of four rooms of hidden property.

"Dad, do you have to indulge my four brothers and kill me and my mother!" Qishuipei road.

Qijiabao felt that they were making trouble for nothing. "Your fourth brother has already separated. What are you staring at others? Can\'t you live your own life?"

"Dad, do you think our family is doing well? My third brother has to borrow money from my uncle\'s house for the exam.

My fourth brother has a lot of silver in his hand. He doesn\'t have to work very hard. He eats well and drinks spicy food every day.

Everyone is a family. Why should they live a good life? We deserve to live a hard life. It\'s not your father\'s useless! "

Qijiabao\'s eyes turned red when he was stimulated by qishuipei, "shuipei, you child..."

"Dad, to tell you the truth, you really connive at the old four. Since the old four have a way to make money, they should let them make money with us.

Instead of making a lot of money secretly every day, we are still poor, and others will gossip when they see it. " Qiduojin road.

"Third brother, you are a scholar and know the most. Do you think that\'s the truth?"

Qiduo just pondered and said, "second brother is right, just..."

"Just what just." Qi shuipei snapped, "third brother, don\'t forget that all your exam money was borrowed by our parents, not by the wind. You\'ll have to pay it back in the future!

If the fourth brother could take our family and make money, we would have a good life. As for life, is it so tight? "

Qi duocai pursed his lips. He was ashamed and stopped talking.

"Dad, just say it. Are you really willing to watch my fourth brother enjoy happiness and we suffer?" Qi shuipei asked in turn.

Qijiabao sighed helplessly.

Qishuipei smiled coldly, "Dad, don\'t forget that my fourth brother is your son. It\'s natural for me to ask my son for money!"