My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 430

"I drink all these scented tea, so madam, do you think my skin is in good condition now?" Chi Zijiang cut in.

Mrs. Huang smiled and nodded, "it\'s really good."

"Madam, if you like, I\'ll send you some back to make tea when you go back." Said the fish.

"That\'s not very good..."

"Don\'t worry, madam. I\'ve dried a lot of Rosa. Madam, just take it back to make tea." Late roe path.

Asked Mrs. Xu again, "Mrs. Xu, why don\'t you take it back with you? The soil and water quality here are excellent. The rose flowers grown are better than those elsewhere. The tea is sweet."

Mrs. Xu was moved by the description of Chi Ziyu. She nodded at the speech, "then take some back."

After standing aside for a long time, Qi shuipei saw that neither of the two ladies meant to talk to her. For a moment, he was interested and retreated silently.

Chi Ziyu sat in the yard and chatted with his two wives for a long time. Most of them were about their own flowers and plants, and some interesting things at home.

After chatting, he took his two wives to the flower house to see another green world.

The two ladies exclaimed.

I thought there were enough flowers under the eaves, but I found there were more flowers in the greenhouse.

The light sunlight spilled into the flower house through the window.

The light is bright.

The flowers and plants in the greenhouse are orderly and have a wide variety.

But the main thing is meat, and other plants play an auxiliary and decorative role to a certain extent.

Other plants are also planted well, but because the competition itself is relatively fierce and the accessible market is relatively narrow, Chi Ziyu spends most of his mind on meat.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang are not only interested in meat, but also particularly interested in the various flower pots of Chi Ziyu\'s family.

Those strange but not out of tune flowerpots are really eye-catching.

General flower growers are pure flower pots and don\'t work hard on them.

After all, people generally think that the most important thing in raising flowers is how the flowers grow, not whether the pots are good-looking.

People subconsciously think that the basin plays a bearing role and don\'t need to care too much.

However, a creative flowerpot can bring good market and income to this flower.

For example, Mrs. Xu took a fancy to a large wooden pile type meat swing plate, a three wheeled flowerpot swing plate, and a running water family swing plate

I can\'t put one down when I see one.

So is Mrs. Huang.

Accompanied by Chi Ziyu, they chose for a long time. After a long time, they didn\'t think about what meat and flowers to buy.

Mrs. Huang said that she wanted to take all the pots back to raise them, because they were beautiful and couldn\'t choose.

Chi Ziyu recommended several to them and finally gave them some choices.

The two ladies chose a meat dish. They found that the meat dish looked better than a single meat dish. I don\'t know how many times.

Although it\'s more expensive, they like it.

After picking up the goods, Chi Ziyu enthusiastically left the two wives for lunch and said to let them taste the dishes of the farm.

The two ladies were embarrassed at first, but with Chi Zijiang\'s persuasion, they agreed.

So Chi Ziyu hurried to make a feast, and Chi Zijiang was afraid that the two ladies would be bored, so he proposed to take them around.

Chi Ziyu is cooking in the kitchen. Qi Xingyun also leaves his ear wood and comes to the kitchen to help Chi Ziyu.

The meat at home is ready-made.