My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 429

Before Chi Ziyu could speak, Chi Zijiang couldn\'t wait to say, "my sister didn\'t make it. She brought me some last time. I thought it was good.

But it\'s worse than the flower cakes I made before. If you want to eat, madam, I\'ll make some later and send them. "

The two ladies were embarrassed. After all, they asked Chi Ziyu. Chi Zijiang broke in when he had nothing to do. In fact, he was very annoying.

Chi Zijiang Si didn\'t feel embarrassed and continued to boast, "I also love to make these snacks at home. I like to eat when I\'m free. My husband and my mother-in-law like to eat. They all say my craft is good."

Qishuipei was jealous that Chi Ziyu didn\'t send her flower cakes, but gave it to his sister. He smelled the speech and said, "you can cook food so well. You haven\'t seen what you sent. You also asked my fourth sister-in-law to send you something to eat. You can say it.

My fourth sister-in-law is not willing to give this flower cake to my little sister-in-law. Look how eccentric my fourth sister-in-law is. She would rather be partial to her mother\'s family than be filial to her mother-in-law\'s family! "

On the surface, he scolded Chi Zijiang, but in fact, he quietly wound Chi Ziyu in.

Chi Ziyu\'s face is not very good-looking.

I didn\'t eat flower cake. As for dismantling her platform in front of people!

If she had a better attitude and said a few good words to Chi Ziyu, it would be difficult for Chi Ziyu to hang her.

That\'s funny!

Take her kindness for granted, and don\'t see if you have this face!

But Chi Ziyu was always angry in front of outsiders, so he smiled and said, "shuipei, I\'m afraid you misunderstood. I sent some flower cakes to my mother yesterday. She refused to accept it. I can\'t help it. I don\'t know you want to eat it."

"I\'ve asked you before! It\'s clearly that you don\'t want to give it!" Qishuipei immediately said.

She won\'t stop fighting with Chi Ziyu about this kind of thing.

Before Chi Ziyu could reply, Mrs. Xu glanced over with a light look like nothing.

The glossy lips pursed slightly without saying a word.

Some people are like this. She doesn\'t have to talk. She just needs to stop there, and her whole aura and emotion come out.

Mrs. Xu exudes this aura. It\'s no surprise that she has trained as a housewife for so many years.

Usually discipline others more, habitually strict, and occasionally a casual expression can be shown.

Qishui Pei is very afraid of Mrs. Xu\'s eyes. She is strong and indifferent and can\'t be questioned.

The last time she was looked at like this, her fourth brother Qi Xingyun.

Qixingyun has always been silent, but his indifferent manner can always frighten everything invisibly and make people dare not be presumptuous.

Qishuipei consciously silenced and stopped talking.

Mrs. Xu continued to eat flower cakes, and soon raised her head and praised Chi Ziyu, "I\'m afraid the cook in our small kitchen doesn\'t have such a good skill as you."

It seems that the discontent just now has not existed.

"Madam, you really flatter me." Chi Ziyu said modestly.

"It\'s true. It tastes good."

Mrs. Xu said and sucked a mouthful of flower tea.

Tea moistens the throat and leaves a fragrance in the mouth.

"I\'ve heard that rose tea has the effect of beauty." Mrs. Huang suddenly said.

"Yes, madam, you don\'t know. I drink flower tea at home every day, like me, Rosa, rose..."