My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 425

The shopkeeper said that if girls go out, applying Yurong cream can prevent sunburn and keep their skin moist and smooth.

The sun is so big in summer that it is most needed.

Qi Xingyun smelled the taste of Yurong cream and found no suspicious smell.

Some skin care plasters are good, but they also hurt the body.

Generally, Chi Xingyun will help her study the components of what she wants to buy for personal use to ensure that she is safe.

The shopkeeper saw that qixingyun was so serious about the product research in his store that he didn\'t dare to talk nonsense for the moment. He answered what qixingyun asked.

Even if the shopkeeper doesn\'t say, Qi Xingyun can guess the ingredients inside, which flowers are mashed and what spices are added

At the same time, the shopkeeper can only admire qixingyun\'s sensory acuity.

"Sir, you are from a medical family." The shopkeeper asked in surprise.

He was almost surprised by Qi Xingyun\'s speculation that he would follow the good advice.

Qixingyun can guess everything. The shopkeeper feels that the products in his store are like small transparent, and nothing can be concealed from him.

The shopkeeper asked himself that he had been doing Rouge powder business for so long. He had always been a guest who talked nonsense about shopping. He had never been exposed by the guest so frankly.

Qixingyun smiled at his lower lip, "No."

"That\'s not... Is it a colleague?"

If you are really a colleague, the store\'s strong smile in the last second may collapse in the next second.

Peer prying into the enemy or something is the most disgusting!

Blast people every minute!

Chi Ziyu, who tried the product on the back of his hand, couldn\'t help laughing, "boss, my husband really didn\'t come from a medical family. We are all countrymen.

There is only one-third of an mu of land at home, but we usually have more contact with these flowers and plants. We come here today to buy your rouge and don\'t smash the field. "

The shopkeeper also smiled, "Oh... I see. You\'re really good, sir. You guessed that the score was not bad."

To tell you the truth, the store is still very skeptical.

It\'s not enough. They both wear simple clothes. I think they are really farmers.

Yurong cream was taken away because there was no big problem.

The shopkeeper finally sent away the two giant Buddhas, and the whole people were tired of wiping the sweat stains on their foreheads.

I don\'t know whether it\'s hot or nervous.

The shopkeeper didn\'t even dare to open the price too high. He was afraid that if people knew the bottom of the matter and haggled the price, he would get off the stage at all.

"This Yurong cream is very good, but you really scared the boss. I don\'t know. I thought you were going to dismantle the platform." Out of the rouge shop, Chi Ziyu lived together in the clouds.

"The things painted on your face are more important. You can\'t take it lightly. Some unscrupulous stores cheat money with inferior products. I\'ll check it for you. It\'s not good."

"OK, of course. I think the ingredients of Yurong ointment are very good. It must be very expensive in other people\'s stores. As a result, the boss was frightened by you and offered a low price." Chi Ziyu said with a smile, "it\'s really economical to take you to buy Rouge powder."


I spent most of the day shopping in the city.

Two people go back in a natural and unrestrained way, which inevitably leads to the commotion of the habitat family.

However, people can only complain behind their backs. If they really want to question openly, they really don\'t have such a face.