My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 426

If you don\'t have the ability to live a good life, you run to make trouble with others. It\'s shameful to spread it.

The next day qixingyun went up the mountain again and saw some strong elms back.

Chi Ziyu asked those families in the village who had planted agaric. Agaric was indeed cultivated from rice bran and sawdust, but there were other steps.

The couple discussed and sawed the elm into ear wood about one meter and five meters long.

The chisel made several shallow holes in the ear wood, filled them with sawdust and pressed them tightly.

Cover the bark peeled from other trees, insert the branch bacteria into the hole, and knock it tightly with a hammer to make it flat with the surface of the section wood.

The ear wood with good strains is placed behind the house, the sun is not full, and it can maintain a certain temperature and humidity.

Ear wood should be piled together according to the word "mountain", and it will take the first half of a month to disperse.

They have cultivated more than ten Auricularia, which is expected to take two days.

As a result, people came to the house the next day.

Several expensive carriages stopped at the gate of qijiayuan. Chi Zijiang got off the carriage first, and then hurriedly helped Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Xu down.

"Madam, you see, this is my sister Xiaoyu\'s house." Chi Zi Jiang smiled.

Mrs. Xu looked up at the simple farmyard.

There is no high wall, but a few rows of earth bricks.

A row of green tea trees, mixed with small shrubs, spread along the courtyard dam to the bamboo forest.

Tea trees have not been pruned, uneven, but they grow luxuriantly.

Unknown flowers and vines climbed up the gate, and small yellow flowers hung down from the air.

The threshold edge is paved with pure natural bluestone ground, which is bumpy and irregular at all.

There was also a layer of finely broken petals on it. When the wind blew, the petals rose in the wind and disappeared in an instant.

In the eyes of interested people, such a scene has a different flavor.

Quiet, far-reaching.

It is said that Yunshui village is mountainous and rocky. Now it seems true.

Along the way, what Mrs. Xu felt most was the bamboo forest and rocks here.

"It\'s beautiful." Mrs. Xu nodded.

Once people are in such a paradise, the troubles in the world will be unconsciously left behind and replaced by unprecedented relaxation and comfort.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang have stayed in the deep courtyard for a long time. They are used to seeing the colorful flowers and grass in the courtyard. Suddenly, they feel very good when they see such a unique scenery.

"Well, madam, you don\'t know. There are eight villages around here. Who doesn\'t say our village is beautiful? In the past, many large families specially came to our small place for outing." Chi Zijiang said proudly.

"Let\'s stop standing and hurry in. I don\'t know if my sister and they are in the ground. If they aren\'t, we have to find her." Chi Zijiang said, and the man had pushed open the gate of the yard.

Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Xu then stepped in.

Qishuipei was basking in the sun in the yard, holding a bronze mirror in one hand and a needle in the other.

I am very patient to poke acne.

I\'ve eaten too many rose cakes and boxes of crispy cakes these days. It\'s really on fire, causing several red acne on her chin.

Qishuipei is afraid that others will find that she has such a big acne. She will put on special thick makeup and apply special thick powder every day.

However, this time the acne is threatening. It\'s not that dressing powder can cover up the past.

So qishuipei poked and squeezed out a lot of red and white blood.