My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 412

One cannot judge by appearance, and the sea cannot be measured.

"I suspect that he stole the fish lost by our family every day before. You say how I raised such a son. It\'s really irritating..." Wang\'s chest was in labor this time.

The fish thief couldn\'t catch it, but he could see the strange footprints on the Bank of the fish pond.

So that back and forth can make Wang angry to myocardial infarction.

If she really wants to be caught by Wang Shi, she can\'t catch it and hang it.

"Mother, the fourth brother doesn\'t look like that." Qiduodi said aloud, "maybe you can do something else by making a wind lamp."

"Then you say, what else can he do with the wind lamp?" Wang questioned.

Qiduo brother couldn\'t answer, "I... I don\'t know, but the fourth brother never did such a thing."

"Why do you think he can\'t do it? In the past, our family didn\'t separate. He took care of the fish himself. If he wanted to eat one, he wouldn\'t do it.

Now that we have separated our homes, we are instigated by that woman to steal our fish every night, open small stoves, rotten hearts and lungs. " Wang read it in pieces.

"Mom, let\'s go to the fourth brother to lose money. He stole so many fish from our family, but we can\'t let him cry." Qiduojin road.

"There\'s no evidence. How can I lose money?" Wang Yinger said quietly.

Qijiabao also said, "don\'t guess if there is no evidence. Don\'t wronged the fourth. Their family usually asks me to buy fish. Why bother to sneak around like this."

When they thought about it, it seemed that this was the reason. For a moment, the big guy agreed with qijiabao\'s words.

Wang thought for a moment and said, "boss, second brother, after dinner later, you two will follow fourth brother to have a look and see what he is going to do at night. If you really go to steal fish, you two will catch him for me, shout if you can\'t fight, and shout everyone over. Do you hear me?"

"OK, mother!" Jiduojin is very excited.

He has long wanted to grasp the handle of qixingyun.

Qixingyun has been trampling on her feet all the time. Qiduojin is in a panic.

"I\'m going too." Qishuipei road.

"Don\'t go. What if you accidentally hurt you?" Wang said.

Qi Xingyun is a person who doesn\'t have eyes. He can beat the men and women, whether they are good or bad.

"My fourth brother won\'t hurt me. I believe him." Qi shuipei is very confident.

Guo Jinlian smiled, "Yo, it turns out that shuipei believes in the fourth brother so much. I can\'t see it."

Qishuipei dug her, "but shut up! Eating can\'t block your mouth."

When the two plates of fried noodles came to an end, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun went out with a wind lamp.

The night in Yunshui village is quiet.

Insects rustled in the bamboo forest.

There is only a crescent moon tonight, and the moonlight is not clear, so both of them rely on wind lights to illuminate all the way.

Facing the wind, insects chirp.

And intermittent, sounds like some noisy frogs.

What they went to was not Qijia\'s fish pond, but a small pond.

The pond is close to farmland and dry land. If the weather is not beautiful and the drought lasts for a long time, farmers will come here to carry water for irrigation.

The pond is full of water and the water is gurgling.

The grass beside the pond is low, lying on the ground sparsely, dotted with plowshares.

The frog\'s voice was restless in the grass, one after another, which had overshadowed the murmur of late fish and Qixing cloud.

"Just catch it here. I feel there are a lot of pheasants here. I\'ll help you carry the lamp." The late fish whispered.