My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 411

"I... i... I\'ll go now..."

Guo Jinlian shook her body and hurried away with a bowl in her disheartened face.

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help laughing when she looked at her back.

Guo Jinlian sometimes does things that make people angry and helpless. She can\'t cry or laugh.

Qixingyun also recovered his usual gentle look, "fried rice noodles?"

"Well, wait until I load the plate."

Qixingyun suddenly put his head to her cheek and took a deep breath into his lungs, "it\'s really fragrant."

"What are you talking about?" Chi Ziyu asked him back.

"You are more fragrant than fried powder."

Chi Ziyu scolded him, "just your sweet mouth. I installed a big plate for you and I\'ll eat a small plate."


Qi Xingyun has a bigger appetite than her, so it\'s nothing to divide.

"Would you like some side dishes? I\'ll shoot two cucumbers and eat them cold."


"The second sister-in-law is like you. She is not picky about food." Chi Zi fish picked up the fried powder and said with a smile.

"I\'ll take it." Qixingyun took it and said, "she\'s not picky about food. She wants to eat everything."

Chi Ziyu laughed and said, "if Xiao Wang hadn\'t been watching at home, I really don\'t trust us both to go out, otherwise she would have eaten the chicken at home."

The most worrying thing is two rooms. Even if you are greedy, the thieves are not clean and like to steal.

And it\'s the kind you won\'t admit after stealing it. It\'s really speechless.

"If they really dare to touch our chickens, I\'ll take them out and let the whole village see their true faces."


Guo Jinlian returned empty handed.

Needless to say, everyone can guess that she will be kicked out.

Four room where is so easy to be taken advantage of.

Originally, the relationship is not close. You take advantage of it once because you are polite. You will compete with you the second time.

Guo Jinlian is a real person. She doesn\'t know anything about herself.

Qi shuipei felt very comfortable when he saw Guo Jinlian\'s gloomy appearance, but he caught the opportunity to ridicule.

"Yo! Second sister-in-law, you went to the fourth sister-in-law\'s house to eat. Why is the bowl still empty? What\'s the matter? Is it in your stomach or can\'t even see the shadow?"

Guo Jinlian straightened her chest, swept away the decadent wind, and said confidently, "I must have seen it. My sister-in-law made fried rice noodles and shredded meat. It smells delicious. I really miss my sister-in-law\'s cooking."

"Oh, the second sister-in-law means you haven\'t seen it, have you?" Qishuipei immediately interrupted.

Guo Jinlian choked and couldn\'t answer, but she quickly argued, "the fried flour is too greasy. I feel sick and can\'t eat it."

Qishuipei white eyes, "cut."

Guo Jinlian felt guilty, but she just lost it.

As a habitual liar, it doesn\'t matter if someone pokes the lie.

The important thing is that she can\'t lose face.

Guo Jinlian continued to change the topic, "I just went to my sister-in-law\'s side. I saw the fourth brother making wind lanterns. I don\'t know where he\'s going tonight."

Wang thought it over and said, "don\'t steal my fish."

Everyone nodded deeply.

So Wang changed his face and pushed qijiabao, "old man, you can open your eyes and see what your son has done. Don\'t say I\'m bad to him. I didn\'t expect that he dared to steal our fish.

Fortunately, I always thought he would make money and would not do such dirty things. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly... "