My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 406

The man\'s self-esteem is so strong that sometimes she can\'t beat him.

But it\'s normal for him to walk. I don\'t think he has suffered multiple injuries.

So qixingyun had nothing to say.

He obediently followed Chi Ziyu to the medicine shop and bought a bottle of medicine for bruises.

Qixingyun is still stubborn and won\'t let Chi Ziyu see his feet, so Chi Ziyu won\'t investigate.

They went shopping together and helped wang buy some things by the way.

Wang didn\'t buy qixingyun money, so qixingyun paid for it.

But Chi Ziyu thought that Wang might want to trap the white wolf with empty hands this time.

Forget it, Chi Ziyu doesn\'t want to worry about such small things, so as not to hurt his harmony.

In addition to purchasing some daily necessities, they also bought pheasant feed and wheat bran.

The rest is to buy some vegetables and meat. Now the family can also provide vegetables. However, some of them have no seeds at home. They all buy them in the city or in the villagers\' house.

This time they came out late and bought a lot of things. They were ready to go back near dusk.

Before they went back, they ate a small steamer filled soup bag to cushion their stomachs.

At this time, there were few people in the shop, and it was late, and the stall owner was going to close the stall.

Bring them the last cage of soup dumplings and their shop should be closed.

As soon as the lid is lifted, the steamed stuffed bun inside is steaming with heat, and the thick aroma of pasta is gushing out, which makes people\'s appetite open.

Soup pouches are always thin and juicy.

Gently bite it open, the fragrant juice will flow out. If you eat in a hurry, you may spill juice.

"Sir, eat slowly. There is a lot of juice in this steamed stuffed bun. Be careful not to splash your clothes." When the shopkeeper brought up the soup bag, he didn\'t forget to tell him intimately.

"Thank you, boss." Chi Ziyu smiled.

What they want today is half sauerkraut meat fillings and half snow cabbage fillings.

Qi Xingyun first asked Chi Ziyu, "what kind of stuffing do you want? I\'ll clip it for you."



Qi Xingyun put his chopsticks into the steaming steamer and put a stuffed soup bag filled with shredded pickled cabbage into the plate of Chi Ziyu.

"Eat first."


Chi Ziyu carefully bites open the steamed stuffed bun skin, sucks the soup inside almost, and then slowly eats the whole steamed stuffed bun.

Then he was satisfied and said, "sure enough, it\'s still delicious to fill soup bags. There\'s more soup and thin skin. Let\'s do this at home next time."

"Yes, I\'ll do it with you."


"What kind of stuffing?"

"You can decide what filling to make. I\'m not picky about food. I\'m responsible for rolling and eating for you."

"Well, let me see. Why don\'t you make a mushroom and pork stuffing and a vegetable stuffing."

I haven\'t figured out what vegetarian food is. In short, it\'s vegetarian food.

"You can do anything. I\'ll eat it."



It was already dark when I got home.

Chi Ziyu went to the kitchen to soak the rice noodles he just bought today.

Because the two of them came back late and ate soup dumplings, it\'s easier to have dinner and save things.

Qixingyun sent Wang\'s shopping. Wang happily accepted the money he didn\'t buy. Instead, he asked xiaqixingyun how much money he made today.

Qixingyun didn\'t say.

Wang asked twice, but qixingyun still didn\'t say.

Wang let him go. "You haven\'t had dinner yet. Our family has already cooked dinner, but they haven\'t eaten yet. Your father and they are still working in the field."