My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 405

"We don\'t lose as much land as usual. When they deliver the goods next time, I\'ll find an excuse to raise the price."

Xie Shu also had a bad idea about Chi Ziyu\'s money from growing meat. When he heard the speech, he said, "it must be mentioned, but let\'s not mention it too hastily for a while. Don\'t annoy them."

"What do you know?" Chi Zijiang said, "it\'s better to strike while the iron is hot. Don\'t you think about how much meat the little fish sold through our shop and how much money he made.

Now their business is getting better and better, but our own shop is still not popular. I\'m not reconciled. I can\'t let them get rich ahead of us.

At that time, all the people in our village will laugh at me and say that my life is not as good as that of little fish. How humiliating it will be for me to go back to my mother\'s house. "

"Didn\'t you say you would take her fleshy soil to study, and then we\'ll plant it ourselves." Xie Shudao.

Chi Zijiang sighed and said, "I want to, too, but I just thought about it myself, but I still can\'t. I have to see the store to sell things, and I have to hold a pile of earth planting things every day.

It\'s so troublesome and tiring. I also want to take advantage of this time to buy more clothes and boxes of rouge to dress up myself. This day of touching the loess is not suitable for me. It\'s better for a countryman like Xiaoyuer. "

Speaking of this, Chi Zijiang mentioned Mrs. Xu and them again. She gushed, "you don\'t know, those expensive ladies just married well, had money at home and lived a natural and unrestrained life. They don\'t have to do anything every day.

If you have nothing to do, you can play cards, raise flowers and water. This kind of flower work is done by servants in the house. You say we can live such a good life one day. It\'s really happier than immortals. "

"I\'ve heard for a long time that big families like them are served by servants even when they eat and dress. It\'s really clothes to stretch out their hands and food to open their mouths." Xie Shu said, "their lives are good..."

Chi Zijiang touched his slippery cheek and sighed, "Alas, why didn\'t I marry such a noble man at the beginning? Now think about it, it\'s really a loss."

Think of her beauty is not bad, but the conditions at home are not bad.

If she married a noble family and was blessed by a noble person, it might be that now everyone is prosperous.

Think about it and panic with regret

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun went out of Qilixiang alley.

Chi Ziyu asked Qi Xingyun\'s opinion on today\'s new deed again.

Qixingyun is still an old saying, "I can accept their requirements, and I listen to you."

Chi Ziyu nodded, "that\'s it, let\'s do it first."

She has the right to be considerate of her sister\'s hard work in helping her sell things and give her an extra 10% profit.

Besides, I\'m my own family. Don\'t care so much about some things.

"By the way, how\'s your foot? Doesn\'t it really hurt?"

"I\'m fine. Don\'t worry."

Chi Ziyu didn\'t believe it. "Don\'t lie to me. You didn\'t hide your injury from me."

"I didn\'t lie to you..."

"I don\'t care. Let\'s find a medicine shop to have a look."


"I can always buy some wound medicine back. Even if you don\'t use it this time, you can use it next time you get some injury."