My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 186

Wang banged Guo Jinlian\'s door and forced Guo Jinlian out.

He went to the kitchen door and shouted out Chen Xiang who was still washing dishes.

The last thing is to shoot the door of Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun haven\'t slept yet. When they hear Wang\'s words, they all go out.

Everyone gathered in the main room again.

Wang looked very serious. His fierce eyes swept around the three daughter-in-law. The target in his heart was naturally Chi Ziyu.

So Wang asked Chi Ziyu impolitely, "did you steal our third child\'s Guanyin pendant?"

"Guanyin pendant?" Chi Ziyu thought strangely, and suddenly remembered where she seemed to have heard the word, very familiar.

"I think it\'s you!" Wang said angrily, "you black heart, don\'t give me the Guanyin pendant quickly. Think you\'ll be all right if our third brother doesn\'t investigate you! Do you know how much the Guanyin pendant is worth?"

Chi Ziyu suddenly remembered that she and Qi Xingyun once went to the market and saw Qi duocai go to the store to be something.

It seems to be Guanyin Pendant!

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, Wang found that Qi duocai\'s Pendant was missing!

It\'s ridiculous to think that she stole it!

"Don\'t talk nonsense if there is no evidence. What if it isn\'t then?" Chi Ziyu Liangliang road.

"No? How could it not!" Wang sneered, "you are the most unpleasant to our family, and you are the most annoying. You said, did you take our third child\'s Pendant to change money and save yourself a private house?"

Wang\'s Association is very good. "I said how you suddenly have so much money in your hands. It turned out that you took my things and swaggered there. Chi Ziyu, your hands and feet are really unclean! You see, I won\'t kick you out today! You shameless!"

Chi Ziyu smiled angrily, "Mom, you have to show evidence to prove it. I can say that someone else took it. Why did I take it!

You don\'t like me and want to drive me away. At least find a legitimate reason. I won\'t admit what I haven\'t done! "

Wang looked at Chi Ziyu\'s righteous appearance. For a moment, he was unable to make up his mind, so he shifted his goal and asked Guo Jinlian, "are you?"

Guo Jinlian shook her head in fright. "Mom, I don\'t have the courage to steal your things. It\'s more terrible than the knife rest on my neck."

"You?" Wang pointed to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang shook her head, "I didn\'t."

"Maybe one of them accidentally lost the pendant while washing clothes." Qijiabao road.

Wang was even more angry. "Whoever lost it to me must compensate me!"

No one paid attention to her.

Qiduocai saw that it was bad, and said, "don\'t investigate, mom. You lost it when you really want to wash clothes, and you can\'t find it back."

"It was their fault!" Wang said, "who told them to open their eyes when washing clothes? They lost all the Guanyin pendant I gave you. It\'s five Liang silver! It\'s not cheap at all!"

"You guys, if each of you pays me two liang silver, I won\'t investigate the Guanyin Pendant with you." Wang said.

"Niang, two liang silver is too much, and we haven\'t seen Guanyin pendant. Niang, you can\'t wrong us like this." Guo Jinlian struggled.