My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 185

"What poetry party? Why haven\'t I heard of it?" Qishui peinahan road.

Wang didn\'t tell Qi shuipei about it. Although she liked the third and fifth, she was a little more partial to the third. After all, the third is a son.

Qijia\'s honor and disgrace will be on him alone in the future.

"It\'s a gathering for scholars like your third brother. It\'s organized by the new city Lord himself. He will invite them to a big meal.

We who haven\'t read books can\'t have such good luck. We can only do farm work at home every day. " Wang said proudly.

Qishuipei was disappointed. "I thought I could go too. I didn\'t expect that only the third brother could go."

"What\'s the matter with girls running around? You can learn some embroidery from your sister-in-law. When your third brother is admitted next year, my mother will entrust you with a best marriage."

Qishuipei began to lose his temper, "I said I didn\'t want to marry."

"My mother promises to find you a mother-in-law with a good temper, so you don\'t have to worry about getting angry when you marry."

They all changed their faces.

It\'s really a slap in the face. My mother-in-law bullies other people\'s daughters recklessly and forbids her daughter to go out and be bullied by her mother-in-law.

I don\'t know. Reflect on yourself!

No face!

After dinner, everyone went back to the house to have a rest.

Wang really took a lining to qiduocai\'s house and said to let him try on a new lining.

In order to make Qi duocai comfortable, Wang specially chose that kind of good brocade to make clothes.

Qi duocai was such an adult. He didn\'t shy away from changing. Without saying anything, he took off his clothes, took them from Wang\'s hands, and began to put them on his body.

Wang\'s eyes were not very focused on one side, and he was surprised and said, "third, why is the Guanyin jade pendant on your neck missing?"

Qi duocai was trying hard to get dressed. He didn\'t remember the Guanyin pendant at all. For a moment, Wang mentioned it. He thought for a while and then stammered, "I... I don\'t know where to go."

Wang\'s face was anxious. "Where did you get it? Do you know that this Guanyin pendant is very expensive. My mother went to the temple to ask for it for you. She can bless your high school in the future. Think about where you put it?"

Qi duocai didn\'t dare to say that Guanyin pendant had been a long time ago. He was only guilty and said, "I can\'t remember. I\'d better forget it. If it\'s gone, it\'s gone. I still feel too cumbersome to wear it."

Wang is not reconciled. After all, the Guanyin pendant is worth five Liang silver. It hurts her dearly. What a pity to lose it!

"No, I\'ll look everywhere for you. Do you remember when you lost the pendant?"

Qiduocai frowned and said impatiently, "I don\'t know! Mom, don\'t ask!"

"Did you put the pendant in your dirty clothes and forget to take it when you changed your clothes one day, and then you didn\'t see it?" Wang\'s guess.

Qi duocai wanted to shake his head, but if he really wanted to shake his head, Wang Shi must keep looking, so he casually nodded his head.

Wang immediately gnashed his teeth. "These poisonous women dare to steal my son\'s things under my nose. See if I don\'t pull her out and kill her!"

With that, Wang angrily went out to call someone.

"Mom, what are you doing out there?" Qi duocai had an ominous premonition and hurried to catch up with him.

When he went out, a chill swept over him. Qi duocai shrunk his neck and hurried back to the house to put on his coat.