My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 1003

"I don\'t know. All right, don\'t ask. Come in with me and I\'ll wipe some medicine for you.

Later, my mother will take you to school. My mother will tell your master about it.

I\'d like to see how your teacher usually discipline students. He doesn\'t care if students are beaten every day. How does he become a teacher? "

"Mom, we don\'t want to go back. Dead fat people will beat us." The balance said with fear on her face.

Now when he saw the dead fat man, his legs trembled and he didn\'t dare to move.

"Don\'t be afraid, he doesn\'t dare. My mother will sit there with you today.

If he dares to fight with you again, my mother will fight with him today! "

Chi Zhaodi is cruel today. She will definitely fight with the dead little fat man of the cow family to the end.


"Qiangzi! Qiangzi! Grandma\'s good grandson, are you there? Grandma has come to pick you up! Qiangzi..."

Looking for the old Lai\'s family, Wang rushed in regardless of whether there was anyone in the family.

"Qiangzi, if you want to hear grandma call you, just cry. Grandma has good ears. Can you hear me!" Wang howled again.

A middle-aged man came out of the room and said, "who are you? What are you doing in our house?"

"I\'m looking for my grandson!" Wang rushed over angrily, stared at him and said, "return my grandson quickly! Believe it or not, I\'ll go to the government to sue you!"

The man glanced at her and pushed her away with a ferocious face, "where\'s the old woman? Don\'t talk nonsense here.

Who moved your grandson? Get out of here quickly. If you don\'t get out again, I\'ll be impolite! "

"You return my grandson! You must have stolen my grandson!"

Wang refused to leave. The whole man grabbed his clothes and wanted to pull them off.

When a man is angry, he raises his hand and will hit someone.

"Are you going or not!"

Qijiabao rushed over and stopped, "don\'t move my old woman!"

"Go away!"

"Come on! Come on! Someone robbed my grandson here.

If you want to beat me in broad daylight, is there any royal law? "

Wang shouted at the top of his voice, pulling the man in one hand and forbidding him to go.

The man was instantly angry.

Today, he was the only one at home. His woman hid from her mother\'s house with the little doll she held last night. He left to settle the matter.

Sure enough, in the morning, a crazy woman came and was sent away by him. Here came another old crazy woman.

The little doll has been given money by their family. It\'s to be fixed. It will never be returned.

"Fuck you!" The man took Wang away and scolded loudly.

"My grandson can\'t control what I do in my house! I didn\'t see your grandson! I think you\'re crazy!"

"I\'m not crazy! You took away my grandson, you return my grandson... Ah

My heart... I\'ll sue you for stealing my grandson! " Wang burst into tears.

If you don\'t take hadron back today, it\'s definitely not over.

She\'s going to pester the family to the end!

"Oh, Lai\'s family, what happened to your family? Why is it so noisy?" A familiar voice suddenly came in from outside.

Wang\'s crying stopped immediately and turned around to see that Chi Zhaodi was the one who came.

She was wearing a gray cotton skirt with several patches of similar color. Because she scrubbed the tables, chairs and benches, several water stains were wet on the skirt.

Lin Tianping and Lin Tianan looked at the situation in the room strangely, each with bruises on their faces.