My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 1002

Her two children have a natural masochistic constitution. They are fine at home. They are protected and spoiled by their parents.

If the neighbor\'s children bully them, Chi Zhaodi can come to the door with a kitchen knife.

Anyway, they are neighbors. Chi Zhaodi knows the root and knows how to handle each other.

But externally, such as the bear child of the cow family.

Little fatty is the bully in the school. He takes pleasure in bullying his classmates every day, especially when bullying the two little children of the Lin family.

Chi Zhaodi couldn\'t bear it. One day she wasn\'t so angry that she blushed and had a thick neck.

Bear children are the most annoying and helpless.

She\'s a mother.

It\'s not easy to beat and scold the bear child. If you get angry, it\'s like casting pearls before swine. It\'s good if you don\'t get angry.

"I... we dare not." Tian\'an said wrongfully, "Mom, go and talk with dad.

If you don\'t tell me, why do you want me and my brother to tell you.

We won\'t talk about it. Their cattle family are so strong that they will kill us. "

"You\'re afraid of a ghost!" Chi Zhaodi gritted her teeth and said, "what if you are strong! You can hit people if you are strong!

They grow strong not because they eat more and eat well!

If you can eat as well as them, you can grow so strong... "

"Mom, let\'s go to my aunt\'s house to eat delicious food. There must be a lot of delicious food in my aunt\'s house, so that we can grow very strong." Tianan said expectantly.

Usually Chi Zhaodi always talks about it in front of these two sons. She must eat more at whoever\'s house in the future. She must not waste food, so that she can grow well.

In Tianping Tianan\'s impression, the only place where you can eat more and eat super well is my aunt Chi Ziyu\'s house.

Even the conditions of the aunt\'s house are not as good as the little aunt\'s house, and the aunt is very stingy to their house. Every time they visit her house, the aunt is reluctant to entertain them with delicious food.

Unexpectedly, Chi Zhaodi\'s first reaction was to refuse, rolled her eyes and said, "it\'s not the new year\'s festival. What am I doing at her house? It\'s embarrassing!"

Tianping pouted. "Then we\'ll go to grandma\'s house to eat delicious food."

"No! Your mother, I can\'t afford to lose this face!"

It\'s OK to go back to her mother\'s house during the new year\'s festival. It\'s usually OK to go back to her mother\'s house. Jiang\'s poisonous tongue can\'t choke her to death.

Chi Zhaodi asked herself that she didn\'t have such a thick skin. When she came home, she let her parents scold the villagers nearby.

So Tianping Tianan was wronged and silent.

Chi Zhaodi couldn\'t bear it, so she had to sigh gently, "you two are obedient, it\'s almost the new year.

Let\'s not go to grandma\'s house now. After the new year, let\'s go to your grandma\'s house to pay New Year\'s greetings.

Let\'s stay at her house for a few days and eat delicious food.

It\'s just that your aunt is going to have a baby. Their family must have bought a lot of good things. At that time, you\'ll also take good care of your body. "

"Ah? Mom, will the baby she gave birth to rob us of our delicious food.

Mother, we don\'t want my uncle and mother to give birth to Dolls... "Tianping looked worried.

"Don\'t give birth to her?" Chi Zhaodi humed with a laugh, "OK, you\'re looking forward to your uncle\'s mother having a daughter.

Turn around and annoy your grandmother. In this way, all the delicious food is yours. Your grandmother is very strict about son preference. "

"Really? That Niang, uncle Niang is giving birth to a female doll or a male doll."