My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 233 - Goodbye

Vincent and Ian both stopped to bow and greet Sophia when they saw her before she left.  They walked together into the house after that and Delaney felt her heart flutter in her chest at the sight of her husband.  As he walked towards her a small smile curled at his lips and amusement lit his eyes when he saw her standing there.

She couldn\'t help it.  After her talk with Sophia, she suddenly felt much more hopeful and relieved.  She was hopeful they would have their baby but more than that, she was relieved that even if they weren\'t able to before their year was up, the King might still deny Vincent if he requested breaking their marriage contract.

The relief that that knowledge gave her lifted a weight that had been hanging over her since she had first begun to realize she loved him.  She knew she couldn\'t tell Vincent and that bothered her but for now she just wanted to enjoy the happiness.

Ian saw her standing there looking at her husband and glanced at Vincent to see he was looking back at her with a similar expression of excitement.  The pirate dropped his gaze from them and instead of going to Delaney as he had planned, he veered off and headed up the stairs to pack.

Delaney saw him go but didn\'t wonder where he was off to.  Her focus was on Vincent as he walked towards her where she was leaning in the doorway that led to the sitting room.  He looked at her in confusion but chuckled as he grew close.

"You look like you\'re up to no good."

Delaney giggled and reached out to grab his hand, pulling him into the room and closing the door behind them.  As soon as they were inside she pushed him against the door and took his handsome, scarred face in her hands.  His chuckling was cut short by her lips catching his in a possessive kiss.

She pressed herself against his warm, hard body and heard a groan escape him.  The sound caused a thrill in her and her kisses became more hungry, her hands pulling his shirt free so they could slip beneath it and explore his muscular abdomen and chest with its web of scars.  His hand moved around to cup her backside and hold her to him while the other held her face in place so their lips wouldn\'t have to part.

When Delaney kissed his chin and his jaw he chuckled again, breathless now.

"What\'s happened while I was away that\'s inspired this?"

"Nothing," she murmured against his skin, "Why?  Would you like me to stop?"

"No!" his answer came like a choked gasp as she lightly bit at his earlobe.

His wife laughed and moved back to his lips where his kisses became hungry.  Vincent lifted her up and spun around to pin her against the door where he had been.  His hands moved down and she felt his fingertips pressing into the fabric of her gown and she wished there was nothing keeping his skin from hers.

Vincent pressed himself tighter against her and it was then that they heard the door groan under the pressure.  Vincent swore and Delaney giggled as he lifted her up and moved her to another wall, only to send a painting crashing to the floor.

Delaney laughed harder at this and her husband looked around for another option for them.  She caught his face in her hands and gave him a sweet kiss.  He looked down at her as she laughed and his eyes were filled with his love for her.

A knock came at the door, "My Lord?  My Lady?  Is everything alright?  We heard a crash."

Vincent joined Delaney in laughing then and when the door opened, they turned to find Ian standing there.  He glanced over and saw the painting on the floor before looking them over and taking in their disheveled appearance.  Immediately he blushed and dropped his gaze.

"Sorry.  I just heard them say they\'d heard crashing in here and.. well I see everything\'s fine."

"Ian wait," Vincent called as he turned to leave, "I\'m sorry.  I got... a bit carried away.  Were you able to pack?"

Ian turned back to them but kept his eyes averted as Vincent tucked his shirt back into his breeches.  Delaney had to bite her lip to keep from giggling at her husband although she did feel guilty Ian had seen them like that, knowing how he felt about her.  She swept her hands over her skirts in an attempt to straighten them.

"I am packed," Ian answered, "and I woke my father\'s man.  We\'re ready to leave."

"Wait," Delaney looked up in surprise now, "What do you mean?  Leave today?  Now?"

"Yes," Ian answered with his expression back to the unreadable mask she knew he liked to hide behind, "The King has sent a messenger ahead already to warn his ships captains that we\'re coming.  We\'re leaving right away."

Suddenly the happiness and relief Delaney had felt for her future with her husband slipped away as she realized it was now the end of her time with her best friend.  She looked at Ian with sadness now and shook her head as she walked towards him.

"But shouldn\'t you wait?  You could leave first thing in the morning.  I thought... I thought we might at least have the rest of today.  I don\'t want you to go yet."

Ian\'s expression wavered, "I need to go look for them Delaney.  Every minute I\'m here is another minute they could be stranded in a lifeboat or aboard a pirate ship that isn\'t my father\'s.  I can\'t rest until I know they\'re safe or... or..."

"I understand," she said quietly now, reaching out to take one of his hands in hers.

He looked down at their hands before his eyes went back to hers.

Vincent cleared his throat behind them.  "I\'ll have your horses brought around."

"Thank you," Ian said turning to look at the other man and gently pulling his hand from Delaney\'s, "Thank you for everything Vince."

The Duke stopped and looked at the pirate, a warm smile on his face, "Thank you for everything my friend.  I owe you my life after all."

Ian shook his head, "You owe me nothing.  We\'ve all helped one another too many times to keep track now."

Vincent smiled, "You may be right.  I will always come to your aid if you need me though.  You need only send me word."

"Thank you Vince.  The same is true for me."

Tears stung Delaney\'s eyes as she watched her husband embrace their friend.  The men held one another tightly for a moment before quickly breaking away and stepping back.  Vincent clapped Ian on the shoulder one more time before walking out of the room to call for the horses.

Delaney was left alone with Ian now and she didn\'t know what to say.  There were so many things she wanted to say to him but nothing that could explain how much he meant to her.  She bit her lip and felt her heart ache as she stared at this man who had so quickly become her best friend and someone she trusted with her life.

"I... I\'m sorry..."

"Don\'t say that," he shook his head and a sad smile pulled at his lips, "Like I said, I\'m happy you and Vince have each other.  I know how deep your love is for one another.  I wouldn\'t want that to ever change."

Delaney nodded but tears slipped over her cheeks.  He reached out and took her face in his hands, using his thumbs to brush her tears away.

"Don\'t cry," he spoke softly, "Nothing is changing.  Not really.  I won\'t be here with you but I will still be your best friend.  You can write to me.  Send them to my father\'s estate and they will get to me."

"And you have to write me," Delaney insisted with tears in her voice, "Send me letters from all the exotic places you visit.  I will be happy imagining you on your ship on exciting adventures with your men."

"I will," he agreed with a warm smile, "I will send you letters of my adventures and you can read them to all the children you and Vince will have."

A laugh escaped Delaney\'s lips and her hand flew to her mouth as her tears flooded her eyes and her heart broke.

"I will," she promised, "I will read all the stories of the dashing pirate captain that sailed the seas in search of treasure but you must promise me something."


"You must promise me you will find love as well," she said seriously.  He looked away but she caught his face and turned it back towards her.

"Promise me Ian.  I know... I know I can\'t love you as you deserve but you are wonderful.  You will find a beautiful woman who is just as wonderful and she will fall madly in love with you.  Promise me you will let yourself love her back."


He trailed off but stared at her.  At last he slowly nodded.

"Alright.  I promise."

She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight and she felt his strong arms envelope her and hold her against his chest.

"I love you Ian Black," she whispered, "You are my very best friend."

"I know."

Ian kissed her on her forehead then and let her go.  He turned, walking out of the room and picked up his sack from where he had left it on the floor.  Delaney followed after him as he walked out the front doors and climbed atop the waiting horse.  The other pirate was already there and took off as soon as Ian was in the saddle.

Before he left, Ian turned back to look at Delaney and Vincent where they stood by the door in front of the city house.  He couldn\'t speak, so instead he raised a hand to wave goodbye to them.

And then he rode away.