My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 232 - The Queen's News

"I only just found out," Sophia said quietly, "But Delaney I... I\'m pregnant!"

A wave of emotions swept over Delaney all at once.  First, was shock to hear the Queen was pregnant since the witches had said she couldn\'t have children on her own.  The realization hit her quickly after that Sophia and Daniel had really gone through with killing the two women and then taking the potion in order to have a child.  That was their only chance and it had worked.  Now the Queen was pregnant already.

After she had gotten over the surprise she felt the familiar sting of jealousy and ache of sadness.  It had been only a few days ago that Delaney had realized she wasn\'t pregnant and that had been hard after she had been so hopeful with this new medicine from Opal.  Ms. Bird had reminded her though that she had been exhausted since Ian\'s injury so she and Vincent hadn\'t been focused on having a baby.  The maid was sure it would happen very soon.

Pushing all the negative feelings aside, Delaney worked to force a smile to her lips and feel happy for this woman.  The Queen had been trying for a baby for many years and had found out in the end that the reason she hadn\'t been able to have one was because her horrible sister had been poisoning her.  She had gone to great lengths to get this baby, doing things Delaney didn\'t think she could\'ve ever done herself, and now she had her reward.

"Oh Sophia," she said quietly, "That... That\'s so...."

"It\'s alright Delaney I understand," Sophia gave her a fond smile, "I know what it\'s like to have to try to be happy for another woman when you\'ve been struggling to have a baby of your own.  I don\'t need you to pretend to be happy for me.  You feel what you need to feel.  But I just wanted to tell you about it and honestly, I\'m happy to have been able to do so myself in person instead of later with a letter or worse, you finding out through gossip."

Delaney swallowed hard and felt tears sting in her eyes, "Thank you... that\'s very kind of you... I am happy for you though Sophia.  I know how hard this has been for you and everything you\'ve gone through.  If there was ever someone I would be happy for it\'s you."

"Thank you," the Queen smiled and blushed, "I\'m just... I\'m just so happy and excited.  It\'s still very early but Helena said everything looks perfect so I should be fine."

"That\'s wonderful!  And you should definitely tell Daniel right away.  This is the perfect time for this happy news.  It will help distract him from worrying about Mason."

"Really?  I thought it might seem selfish."

"Of course not," Delaney shook her head, "He\'s been wanting this just as long as you have.  He would want to know right away."

"You\'re right," Sophia smiled nervously, "I will tell him as soon as I can."

"Good," Delaney giggled, "The two of you will have a secret to celebrate."

"Thank you, Delaney," the Queen looked at her seriously, "I know this isn\'t easy.  May I ask... Have you had no luck at all?"

"No," Delaney answered, dropping her eyes and feeling as if she\'d been deflated, "I am taking the medicine that\'s supposed to help me but there\'s been no change."

"Well, the witches said it might take some time for the poison to get out of your system.  I could happen for you any time."

"Yes," Delaney nodded but didn\'t look up.

"Try not to worry," the woman sighed, "I know it is hard not to but you and Vincent are young and you\'ve been married less than a year.  Even Daniel and I didn\'t start to worry until it had been closer to two years."

Delaney swallowed hard and looked up at the Queen.  She considered the woman in front of her who had come here to share her secret, one she hadn\'t even told the King yet.  If someone had asked Delaney that morning if she trusted Sophia she would have answered not really but now she felt her answer changing.

When she had left the castle Daniel had said if there was ever anything he or Sophia could do for her she shouldn\'t hesitate to ask.  At the time, she couldn\'t imagine ever having a favor to ask of either the King or the Queen but now she was beginning to think she might.  First, though she would have to trust Sophia with a secret of her own.

She cleared her throat and took a sip of her tea.  The Queen watched her curiously now.

"Sophia I have something I want to tell you but... but it\'s also a secret."

The other woman sat up a bit straighter, looking at her seriously.

"You can tell me anything you\'d like Delaney.  I\'ve trusted you with information I would rather not get out... and not just that I am pregnant... so I hope you feel you can trust me as well."

"Thank you," Delaney nodded, "I won\'t ask you not to tell the King because I know it is hard for me to keep anything from Vincent... but if you could please only share it if you feel he needs to know I would greatly appreciate it."

"Of course."

Delaney took a deep breath then and worked to calm her nerves.  After a moment she slowly began to explain to the Queen her terrible agreement with Vincent that if they didn\'t have children in a year he would have their marriage dissolved.  She explained this was before she loved him and she thought their life together wouldn\'t be happy.

The Queen listened quietly with a serious expression even as tears began to slip over Delaney\'s cheeks as she told her that now the year was nearly over and they still hadn\'t had a child.  When she finished, at last, Sophia was quiet for a long time.

"This is why you ever took the potion in the first place."

Delaney nodded, wiping tears from her cheeks.

Sophia sighed, "I\'m sorry Delaney.  I know Vince is a good honorable man and he is only doing this because he thinks it is best for you.  I can see how deeply you love one another though so I understand how painful it must be."

"Well there is a reason why I\'ve told you all this," Delaney sniffled and cleared her throat, "Daniel said if I ever needed anything from you or he that I shouldn\'t hesitate to ask... So now I have a favor to ask of you."

The Queen sat forward and folded her hands in her lap.

"If... if we reach our one year and there is still no baby... If Vincent comes to the castle or sends word to Daniel asking him to break our marriage contract... Will you... Sophia, will you please try to convince him not to do it?"

"Delaney Vince is his cousin and he feels so guilty after everything that\'s happened.  Daniel will want to do anything he asks to try to make it up to him."

"I know," Delaney said quietly, "But you\'ve both seen how much we love one another.  You said so yourself.  Surely you and the King can agree that Vincent deserves to be able to keep that love and happiness even if he thinks I deserve something else."


"Please Sophia," she begged now, "This is my favor I ask of you and I promise it will be my only one.  Please... Please just promise me if Daniel has to decide what to do about our marriage contract that you will argue my side and try to convince him not to let it be broken.  Just promise me that at least."

The Queen sighed and looked down at her tea.  She was quiet for a long time as she thought and it was starting to make Delaney nervous.  At last, though she spoke.

"Alright, I will do this for you... But only because I feel responsible for you taking that poison and losing months when you could have been having a child with your husband.  If Vince contacts Daniel about breaking your contract I will do my best to convince the King to decline the request."

Delaney\'s hands flew to cover her mouth, "Oh Sophia thank you.  Thank you so so much!"

"Don\'t thank me yet," the other woman shook her head, "I can\'t promise Danny won\'t still break the marriage contract.  But I will try to convince him not to.  That much I promise."

"I will take all the help you can give me," Delaney smiled at her in relief.

It was then that the sound of horses outside caught their attention.  Delaney got to her feet and looked out, relieved to see her husband climbing out of their carriage.  When she turned back, Sophia was getting to her feet.

"If they\'re back then I should go and be with Daniel."

"Of course,"

"Thank you for trusting me with your secret Delaney.  I will help all I can but I hope very much that I won\'t have to.  I hope that I will soon receive word that you and Vincent are excepting a child of your own.  Then they can grow up with my baby being best friends just as Vince and Daniel were."

"I hope so too."