My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 386

Fang Ze also found some classic designs for Lu Xun. These designs have one feature, that is, the designer himself is not a professional designer, or even does other occupations.

"The Internet is really a good thing." Lu Xun said, "he enables everyone to publish their ideas and ideas. Although the level is uneven, when the base number goes up, excellent works will inevitably appear."

"This also has something to do with the popularization of education. After all, more and more people are educated, and many previously monopolized circles will be broken."

After dinner in the evening, Lu Xun tentatively designed a logo after absorbing the essence of modern design concepts.

Although Lu Xun is a stranger to video games, the most important role of logo is actually recognition.

If the logo of a company or studio can be remembered at a glance together with the logo of its peers, then this logo is successful.

For example, the logo of the famous apple company, the apple that was bitten. Put together the logs of all mobile phone manufacturers, everyone must first recognize the apple logo, which has nothing to do with the size of fame, and has something to do with recognition.

The icon design of the introduction can be remembered without adding any letters.

Even if it is the reverse experiment, tell you the name of the company and let you draw the logo, the most similar one you draw must be Apple\'s. Of course, if you know a little about mobile phones and know that Huawei\'s logo is also called chrysanthemum, then maybe you can draw Huawei\'s logo.

The studio logo designed by Lu Xun for Lin Jingxuan is highly recognizable and belongs to the kind that makes people look impressive at first glance.

After checking the website of the Trademark Office, several people confirmed that the logo design did not collide with others\' designs, so they were relieved.

"Go back to find an agent and submit an application." Lin Jingxuan stretched, then took out his mobile phone and looked at the time.

"It\'s eight o\'clock, so we can only have supper tonight."

"Forget it, let\'s talk about dinner tomorrow." After a busy day, it seems that even Lu Xun is a little tired, "now he has no appetite."

"That\'s OK." Lin Jingxuan drove Fang Ze and Lu Xun home in person, and then said when they got off the bus, "the investor will come tomorrow, and it is estimated that she will have to have a meal after the talk. Sister Qi will definitely not go on this occasion, and Yu Xiao is still a child. Can you go and help me support the venue, just say it\'s an employee of my studio?"

"Yes." Fang Ze asked Lu Xun\'s opinion. After Lu Xun said he didn\'t object, he agreed to Lin Jingxuan.

What did Lin Jingxuan say about the little game Lu Xun said? Basically, the production has been completed, and the rest is procedural. Therefore, Lu Xun and Fang Ze spent the day reading at home and playing games at home.

Towards the evening, Lin Jingxuan called and said that the investment had been almost discussed. He wanted to invite investors to dinner in the evening and needed Fang Ze and Lu Xun to support the market.

When they rushed by car, Fang Ze and Lu Xun pushed open the door of the private room and saw four men sitting inside.

In addition to Yu Xiao and Lin Jingxuan, there are two bald men who look more than 40 years old.

"This is boss Xu and this is secretary Yang." Lin Jingxuan introduced the two people sitting, and then introduced Fang Ze and Lu Xun.

"These two are copywriting plot planners and UI designers in our studio."

"It seems that boss Lin\'s studio, like our company, is a Buddhist temple." Boss Xu laughed when he heard Lin Jingxuan\'s introduction.

"There are relatively few female practitioners in the game industry, so it is normal for the monk temple." Lin Jingxuan replied solemnly.

"The monk temple is good. We can concentrate when we eat and talk about business." Boss Xu smiled and said to the crowd, "several times before, it was also a matter of negotiating investment. Those little bosses didn\'t know where to inquire about the gossip, saying that I was a good woman, and specially hired several peripheral women to pretend to be employees. That\'s so damn, it makes people feel no mood to talk about business."

The honesty of boss Xu won the favor of everyone.

In addition to Lu Xun, Lin Jingxuan, Yu Xiao and Fang Ze are young people who have just entered the society. They are already very disgusted with this kind of thing. Now boss Xu takes the initiative to joke about the monk temple, so that everyone knows that boss Xu also hates these messy things.

After eating and chatting for a few words, Lin Jingxuan casually drank a cup or two, his face turned slightly red, and suddenly opened his mouth to boss Xu and said, "boss Xu, you have also seen our studio, and you must have investigated the games you made before you came here today. I\'m an acute person, so I\'ll take advantage of the alcohol to ask, can you confirm this investment?"

Lin Jingxuan opened his mouth and made the scene a little cold.

Although it is said that most businesses are actually negotiated at the dinner table, in fact, businessmen are only at the dinner table, throwing out their own bottom line, testing each other, and solving the parts that are most likely to get red faced in the places that are least likely to quarrel.

As for the matter of giving zhunxin, it\'s never something you can say at the dinner table.

But Lin Jingxuan, who was born as a programmer, actually didn\'t know about entertainment and other things, and he was a little anxious, so he directly raised it.

"Haha." Boss Xu was stunned for two seconds before he reacted.

He didn\'t get angry because of Lin Jingxuan\'s abruptness, but said directly and forthrightly, "you can choose two options, one is to buy 51% of the shares of the studio for six million, and the other is to buy 30% of the shares of the studio for two million."

Boss Xu\'s plan sounds a lot different from the shares bought by two million and five million, but in fact, the price is also reasonable. If boss Xu buys 51% of the shares of the studio, the studio will actually become his. Even if Lin Jingxuan can use the contract to determine his management right for the studio, he has to face the constraints of boss Xu in many aspects.

Two million yuan is quite a lot for Lin Jingxuan now, but in fact, if Lin Jingxuan wants to develop another high-quality game, this money is really not enough.

You should know that even if the domestic end game has been in a half dead state, it will cost up to 50 million yuan to buy a market access ticket, so if you choose to invest 2 million yuan, it means that Lin Jingxuan\'s next game can only be GALGAME.

"I choose twomillion." Lin Jingxuan chose to exchange 30% for 2 million shares without thinking about it.