My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 385

"I did write this sentence." Lu Xun asked, "what\'s the matter?"

"Nothing. I just want to ask what this sentence means."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xun bowed his head and mused, "let me think about it."

"Well, didn\'t you write it yourself? How can you think about it?" Fang Ze was a little puzzled.

"Writers who have accumulated a lot of creative experience will definitely not deliberate sentence by sentence when writing. Most of the time, they just feel it and write it down."

"So these two trees were written down because they felt it?"

"Almost. Don\'t you think it works well in the article?" Lu Xun smoked a cigarette and said slowly, "if you want to say what it feels like, I have to think about it before I can tell you."

Fang Ze listened to Lu Xun\'s words, took out his tablet and searched two famous articles interpreting Lu Xun\'s words. One said that this sentence represented Lu Xun\'s loneliness at that time, and the other said that Lu Xun\'s words represented criticism of the unchanging society. Fang Ze copied these two articles into the notebook of his mobile phone, and then showed them to Lu Xun, "look, these two explanatory symbols do not conform to the idea you want to express."

"Let me see." Lu Xun took the tablet, read it carefully, and then praised, "the interpretation is good."

"I just want to know that these two interpretation symbols are not in line with your original intention at that time?"

"Just like when athletes run, they don\'t think about whether they step on their left foot or right foot first. When dribbling the ball in front of the goal, they don\'t think about whether they kick on their left or right. Writers also write some sentences because of their instinct. As for the meaning of these sentences, it doesn\'t matter what the writer thinks, but what the readers see in the middle. Shakespeare was in his heart when writing Hamlet There may not be a thousand ideas, but different readers see different ideas. This is the so-called 1000 people have a thousand kinds of Hamlet in their eyes, so it doesn\'t matter what kind of Hamlet Shakespeare has in his heart. "

"That\'s true." Fang Ze nodded in agreement with this sentence.

Literature is also highly interactive. The more classic literature, the more so. Take journey to the west, for example. In the eyes of religious people, it is a story about escorting master and eradicating demons. In the eyes of people with rebellious spirit, it is a story about fighting against power. In the eyes of conspiracy theorists, it is another story involving power struggle.

As for how the author of journey to the West thinks about this story, it doesn\'t matter anymore. Maybe someone else just wrote it casually.

"Fang Ze." Fang zegang and Lu Xun finished discussing literary matters, and Lin Jingxuan walked into the bedroom. "Do you know a friend who studies design? I want to change the logo of the studio again."

"Why do you suddenly remember to change the logo?" Fang Ze looked at Lin Jingxuan puzzled and asked, "whether the game sells well has nothing to do with the logo of the studio."

"Yes." Lin Jingxuan said, "the investor said that he would come tomorrow. The previous logo of my studio was fooled with an expression bag casually, which was not very formal. He was afraid that when the investor saw it, he thought our studio was playing tickets, so he wanted to design a better logo."

"Let me see your previous log."

"Yes." Lin Jingxuan handed over his mobile phone and showed Fang Ze the logo of their studio.


This NIMA is really an expression bag.

Fang Ze looked at the logo of Jingxuan game studio on the mobile screen and almost didn\'t laugh.

Even if you use an expression pack as a logo, at least choose a positive expression pack. The expression bag Lin Jingxuan chose turned out to be a salted fish following a person, and the salted fish said, \'please take me to play.\'

"If I were an investor, I would probably laugh to death when I saw your logo."

"So I just want to change the logo!" Lin Jingxuan rolled his eyes at Fang Ze, who was struggling to enjoy there, and then said to him, "do you know a designer? Introduce one for me."

"Yes." Fang Ze pointed to Lu Xun and said, "this is it."

"Isn\'t uncle Zhou a Chinese teacher?" Lin Jingxuan thought Fang Ze was teasing him.

"Uncle Zhou is not Lu Xun, bah, isn\'t uncle Zhou a fan of Lu Xun, so he has learned everything Lu Xun can do, and his level is not low."

"Even Lu Xun can\'t design logs." Lin Jingxuan still didn\'t understand what Fang Ze wanted to say.

"Who said Lu Xun couldn\'t design a logo?" Fang Ze looked at Lin Jingxuan and said, "the Peking University logo designed by others is still used by Peking University now."

"The logo of Peking University was designed by Lu Xun?" Lin Jingxuan also heard about this for the first time.

In fact, Lu Xun is indeed a serious designer. Needless to say, the icon he designed is the most famous symbol of Peking University. In addition, the cover designed by Lu Xun for his own books is recognized as a design that transcends the times on the Internet. Today, it still seems that it is not outdated and full of beauty.

"In addition to the logo of Peking University, the earliest national emblem of the Republic of China was also designed by Lu Xun." Fang Ze told Lin Jingxuan, "at that time, the national emblem designed by Lu Xun was printed on the back of the coin."

"I said, why is there a Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Liaoning? Lu Xun was also a designer." Lin Jingxuan touched his head, then looked at Lu Xun and asked, "Uncle Zhou, can you help me design the logo of the studio? The investors will come tomorrow."

"That\'s no problem." Lu Xun nodded and agreed.

"Thank you uncle Zhou." Lin Jingxuan said happily, "I\'ll follow you when the logo is designed tomorrow, and we\'ll go according to the market price."

"I don\'t need the money. It\'s useless for me to take it." Lu Xun said to Lin Jingxuan, "please have a meal in the evening."

"Thank you uncle Zhou!"

The design of icons and logos can\'t be completed in a moment and a half. Many times, they rely on inspiration. So in the afternoon, after Fang Ze\'s neon Chinese version of GALGAME was translated, he introduced some classic logo and icon designs to Lu Xun.

"This sign is good. If I guess correctly, it should be a sign related to the railway." Lu Xun pointed to an i-sign in the computer that looked like a worker and said.

"Yes, this is the logo of the former Ministry of Railways and now the railway corporation." Fang Ze replied, "this was designed after the founding of the people\'s Republic of China. The designer was a Liaoning native who studied in Liaoning and was rewarded 800 Jin of millet at that time. Later, there were countless attempts to change this logo into something else, but they were unsuccessful. It was difficult to find a second icon that could represent national characteristics and high recognition all over the world."