My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 50: Sleep with me

After walking around for half an afternoon, the two were resting in the lounge area of ​​Furniture City. Lower calf.

"Ogawa, are you tired?" Mu Xiaoya asked Shirakawa.

"Not tired." Shirakawa shook his head and glanced around. "It\'s just a bit noisy."

"Today is the weekend, and the mall is doing activities again. There are a lot of people. Are you uncomfortable? If it\'s uncomfortable, let\'s go." Mu Xiaoya didn\'t plan to visit for so long at first, in fact she had already I picked a few good pieces of furniture. I came here today just to see the real thing. I didn\'t expect it. After I came here, I found that the other ones were also good. I couldn\'t help but started shopping. This shopping took a while.

"It doesn\'t matter." Shirakawa was a little uncomfortable at first, but as soon as he thought of buying everything, he could move, and his mood immediately improved, and even his head didn\'t hurt so much.

Mu Xiaoya watched Shirakawa seriously. Although Shirakawa said it was okay, her forehead was always tight. Mu Xiaoya reached out and gently stroked Shirakawa\'s forehead, asking softly, "Is it a headache?"

When they sat down, they bought two glasses of cold drinks. Mu Xiaoya\'s hands were cold at this moment, and Shirakawa could not help but stunned.

"Otherwise, let\'s go back." Mu Xiaoya said as he stood up.

"Don\'t." Shirakawa took Mu Xiaoya\'s hand, and in Mu Xiaoya\'s puzzled eyes, put her palm on her forehead again. "That\'s it."

Mu Xiaoya stunned, then sat down again with a smile, and did not release her hand until she felt that Shirakawa was fully recovered. However, knowing that Shirakawa was uncomfortable, Mu Xiaoya did not plan to spend more time in Furniture City, so she decided to make a quick decision.

"Xiaochuan, let\'s set the gray on the sofa. Then we buy a dozen different color pillows and pile them on top, so it won\'t look too cold." Mu Xiaoya opened the brochure and put that The gallery of this sofa is shown to Shirakawa.

"Yellow and black." Shirakawa just took off his headphones, heard the loud noise again, and shook his ears subconsciously.

"Do you mean the color of the pillow, just yellow and black?"

"Um." Shirakawa nodded.

"Okay, then we\'ll take these two colors." Mu Xiaoya knew that Shirakawa had a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he agreed without asking, "What about your bookshelf?

"This." Shirakawa was extremely clear about what he wanted, and he almost chose the style of the bookshelf almost without hesitation.

"Then take this." Mu Xiaoya marked it, followed by the last item, "Where is the bed, which one do you like?"

Shirakawa, who had been decisive in choosing, glanced at Mu Xiaoya and suddenly stopped talking.

"What\'s wrong? Don\'t like it?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"You don\'t like it." Just watching so many beds, Xiaoya he likes took him away, so Shirakawa didn\'t choose.

"You haven\'t chosen yet, how do you know I don\'t like it?" Mu Xiaoya wondered.

Shirakawa shook his head, but didn\'t choose.

"That way, I will choose three models, and in the end you will choose one." Mu Xiaoya had a slight phobia of choice, so she decided to give Shirakawa the final choice, or wait for her to choose it.

"This, this, and this ... I think it\'s good, but I don\'t know which one is better." Mu Xiaoya found the brand albums that she had just looked at and turned them over and showed them to Shirakawa.

Shirakawa glanced, and it took only one second to select the last one.

So the mattress, sofa, and bookshelf were fixed so quickly.

Furniture City has a free delivery service. Except for bookshelves that cannot be delivered immediately because the installers are too busy, sofas and beds can be delivered immediately. The two waited for the workers in the mall to pack their things and then drove back to the new house together.

The speed of the installer was very fast. It took less than half an hour from entering the door to installing and leaving. Before leaving, the installer also delivered a dark blue box to Shirakawa\'s hands and said, "This is a gift for the mattress."


Mu Xiaoya didn\'t think much about it. Recently, the mall was engaged in activities and gave away a lot of gifts. Her sofa pillow was given when she bought the sofa. When the installer left, Mu Xiaoya happily lay down on the sofa and sighed with a yellow pillow: "This sofa is very comfortable, and it is also very special with our living room. It has no taste." She was hesitant. It was bought back.

Shirakawa, holding the gift received, walked to the sofa and looked at Mu Xiaoya who was rolling on the sofa and smiled.

"What free gift did the mattress give? Open it and see if the packaging looks good." The mattress is the most expensive of the three pieces of furniture, and it is not surprising that the gifts are better.

"Pajamas." Shirakawa handed the gift box to Mu Xiaoya and replied without opening it.

"Sleeping ... pajamas?" Mu Xiaoya opened the lid in disbelief, and sure enough she saw a thin set of fabrics inside, with few pieces of cloth, and the few pieces of cloth that were left were not enough ... .

Sexy pajamas! !!

Four big characters plus two exclamation marks appeared boldly in Mu Xiaoya\'s mind.

She remembered, of the three mattresses she chose, only this one was for pajamas, wasn\'t it ...

No, no, their family Shirakawa is pure, how could it be that kind of person.

"You ... why did you choose this mattress?" Mu Xiaoya couldn\'t help asking, her heart was itchy, and she didn\'t know what kind of answer she wanted to hear.

"Because I sent pajamas." However, Shirakawa\'s answer was extremely upright.

Mu Xiaoya twitched her lips and couldn\'t laugh or cry, really!

However, Mu Xiaoya also knew that Shirakawa didn\'t have any bad ideas. He was just obsessed with pajamas. But ... why did you suddenly cling to your pajamas?

Mu Xiaoya was wondering. Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed. Shirakawa reached out and drew up the pajamas in the box. He not only held it high in front of him, but also said with a loss of face, "Why there is only one."

"You ... put down." Mu Xiaoya blushed, unable to look directly at Shirakawa at this time.

Even if you don\'t have any thoughts, but your wife and I are normal people, OK, can you not do this kind of thing with innocence! !! !!

Mu Xiaoya\'s heart growled, knowing that Chuan hadn\'t done anything, she was only carrying a pajama, but she just felt that the blood around her body was flowing backwards, and her head was steaming like a kettle.

"Oh." Shirakawa put the pajamas back obediently.

The pajamas fell back into the box, and Mu Xiaoya closed the box with that momentum, as if sealing a certain cannibalism.

"I want to drink water." Mu Xiaoya took Shirakawa to the kitchen to fetch water, and then jumped off the sofa quickly, shoved the box to the bottom of the cloakroom, and ran back to the sofa with incomparable speed.

With two sips of water, Mu Xiaoya calmed down, and returned to his new sofa. Shirakawa sat next to her, learning the look of Mu Xiaoya and cuddling a pillow in her arms, watching the TV in front of her quietly.

"I\'ll watch the TV tomorrow when I go to the business office to get the internet ready." Mu Xiaoya said.

"Um." Shirakawa nodded and glanced at the kitchen again.

"There is still a disinfection cabinet in the kitchen. The newly purchased tableware and kitchenware must be washed and disinfected before they can be used."

"I\'m here to wash." Shirakawa always remembers his work.

"Okay, it\'s all up to you." There is a husband who loves housework, Mu Xiaoyale is happy.

"Um." Shirakawa was also happy.

Shirakawa is in a good mood now. Mu Xiaoya thinks it is a good time, so he starts to ask about what Professor Feng explained in the morning. She seemed to inadvertently ask: "Xiaochuan, why are you against Professor Feng?"

"..." Shirakawa froze and said nothing.

"I don\'t want to say it, I don\'t want to say it." Mu Xiaoya saw the smile on Shirakawa\'s face and disappeared, and she dared not ask again.

"I don\'t like it there, and I don\'t want to see Professor Feng." Shirakawa never refuses to answer Mu Xiaoya\'s question, even if he doesn\'t really want to answer it.

"Why? Professor Feng is your attending doctor. You have known each other for more than ten years." Mu Xiaoya asked.

"I don\'t want to be treated." Shirakawa\'s tone was a bit quick and wronged, and he looked at Mu Xiaoya with red eyes and repeated, "I don\'t want to be treated."

"Okay, no treatment, no treatment." Mu Xiaoya was afraid of Shirakawa\'s excitement, and quickly sat down and hugged people, quietly coaxing.

In the hug, Shirakawa gradually quieted down, and Mu Xiaoya didn\'t dare to ask any more, for fear of stimulating him again, he could only secretly take the mobile phone and repeat the conversation just now to Professor Feng. After a while, Professor Feng\'s message came: I guessed right, Shirakawa resisted treatment because he didn\'t want others to think he was sick.

Mu Xiaoya: Professor Feng, what should we do?

Professor Feng: This is a good phenomenon, don\'t worry. In fact, all people with autism know that they are different from others. So when I treat them, they will not cooperate actively or disgustedly, they just show themselves to me naturally. But now Shirakawa starts to care, he doesn\'t want you to think he is sick. Come to see me, or come to the sanitarium, this is to remind him that he is an abnormal person, so he will resist.

Mu Xiaoya: Afraid I think?

Professor Feng: Yes, this change has only happened since you got married. Last time he came over, I felt it faintly. Are you doing something that makes him sensitive every time you leave the nursing home?

Mu Xiaoya: I ... I don\'t know.

Professor Feng: Are you in a bad mood for performance?

Mu Xiaoya froze for less than three months with Shirakawa. He only saw Professor Feng four times in total, and went to the nursing home three times in total. But it seemed that every time she came out of the nursing home, her mood was somewhat depressed. In addition to Shirakawa\'s illness, and because of seeing other children in the nursing home, she would be subconsciously in a bad mood.

Mu Xiaoya looked at Shirakawa seriously washing things in the kitchen, and her head began to buzz.

"Xiaoya, in the future, I will get sick. Don\'t worry about me, so I won\'t hurt you."

"Don\'t you hate me, okay?"

"I will control myself."

"Don\'t be angry, I won\'t read it anymore."

"I change……"

Suddenly his vision began to blur, his nose was sore, and his chest was a little breathless. Mu Xiaoya tightly dragged the pillow in his hand, and buried his head fiercely.

It turns out ... Shirakawa has made so many changes for himself.

It turns out that ... the subconscious emotions of his own will give Shirakawa so much pressure.

It turned out ... Shirakawa paid more for himself than he paid for him.

"Xiaoya, Xiaoya." Shirakawa\'s voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

Mu Xiaoya dries the tears in her eyes, then she lifts her head casually and asks with a smile, "What\'s wrong?"

"Your eyes are red." Shirakawa frowned.

"It\'s okay ... I ... I was a little sleepy just now."

"Then you sleep for a while. I just washed all the utensils. I\'ll wash the kitchenware again." Shirakawa reached out and lifted Mu Xiaoya\'s forehead, "blocking his eyes."

"Don\'t wash it, sleep with me for a while."

Mu Xiaoya circled Shirakawa\'s waist, and the two curled up to sleep on the big bed that they had just bought before they could spread any bedding.