My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 49: conflict

Although the situation in Shirakawa has always been good, you still need to see Professor Feng once a month. It is a routine check and not necessarily a treatment. It is simple. Have a chat so that Professor Feng can understand Shirakawa\'s mental state at this stage.

When Shirakawa was young, she was almost always taken by white grandma. Later, grandma was older and was taken by the other members of the Bai family in turn. Now Shirakawa is married, and this task naturally falls on Mu Xiao. Ya\'s body.

"I don\'t want to go in." Shirakawa frowned with disappointment when he walked to the door of the sanatorium.

"Let\'s go in for half an hour, and chat with Professor Feng before coming out. When we come out, we will have dinner, and in the afternoon, we will go to the furniture city to see the furniture." Mu Xiaoya coaxed.

"Is it possible to live in after buying the furniture?" Shirakawa\'s expression improved after hearing the furniture.

"Yeah, we\'ll be able to live in after we buy it."

"At that time, you will cook for me."

"I do, what do you want to eat, what will I do for you?" Mu Xiaoya laughed, and Shirakawa was so attached to cooking for him.

"Then I wash the dishes and watch TV together in the living room." Mu Xiaoya remembered everything he said to him in the new house.

"Yes, yes ..." Taking advantage of Shirakawa\'s effort, Mu Xiaoya brought people into the nursing home. I couldn\'t help but wonder, she hadn\'t seen Shirakawa so unwillingly when she came two times before, and I don\'t know what happened today.

Professor Feng was already waiting in the treatment room. He saw the two men coming in, and asked with a smile: "What\'s wrong, it looks a little unhappy."

Shirakawa glanced at Professor Feng, sitting in a chair and not talking. But he knew that even if he ignored him, Professor Feng would still keep talking.

Sure enough, I heard Professor Feng continue to say, "What happened, can you tell me?"

Shirakawa was still silent. He lowered his head and focused on playing with his fingers.

Professor Feng couldn\'t, but instead turned to Mu Xiaoya: "Is there anything before you come?"

"No, it\'s just ... Ogawa doesn\'t seem to like coming here." Mu Xiaoya explained.

"Don\'t like to come here? It shouldn\'t. He has been here for more than ten years. Why didn\'t he like it all of a sudden?" Professor Feng didn\'t avoid Shirakawa when he said this, or he just said it To Shirakawa, he secretly observed Shirakawa\'s reaction.

Shirakawa didn\'t respond, he still played with his fingers, and occasionally turned to look at the wall clock on the wall.

Is this anxious to leave?

Professor Feng found it interesting and continued to try to establish communication with Shirakawa: "Are you guys going to do something later?"

Shirakawa responded this time. He glanced at Professor Feng but still didn\'t speak. But the look of Professor Feng understood, showing resistance and impatience.

Is this contradicting yourself?

Professor Feng was puzzled. Although Shirakawa hasn\'t talked much, he didn\'t have so much resistance to himself before. If he talks about Shirakawa\'s feelings during treatment, Shirakawa will still actively chat with him. But just now, his topic apparently aroused Shirakawa\'s interest, but Shirakawa resisted to ignore him.

"We\'re going to pick the furniture in a moment." Receiving Professor Feng\'s eyes, Mu Xiaoya replied to Shirakawa.

"Are you moving out?"

"Yes, do you know this?" Mu Xiaoya was surprised.

"Let you move out to live. I originally proposed it. How could I not know." Professor Feng took a sip of tea with a smile.

After hearing this, Shirakawa looked up sharply at Professor Feng, and the resistance on his face suddenly abated.

Professor Feng looked more and more aware that today\'s Shirakawa is very interesting. It has been less than ten minutes since it came in, but this is already the most expressive day for Shirakawa during his ten years of treatment.

"Then ... we move out and live, what should we pay attention to?" Mu Xiaoya asked, although she had done a lot of preparations, she was still worried that she could not take care of Shirakawa alone.

"You don\'t need to pay special attention to it. Grandma Bai can live with Shirakawa alone, as can you." Professor Feng encouraged.

"I will work hard." Mu Xiaoya doesn\'t know if she can do better than Grandma Bai, but she will go all out.

Afterwards, Professor Feng let Mu Xiaoya go out, and he talked with Shirakawa alone for twenty minutes. Twenty minutes later, Professor Feng walked out of the treatment room alone.

"Professor Feng, what about Xiaochuan?" Mu Xiaoya hurriedly greeted.

"Shh, let\'s talk." Professor Feng made a banned gesture to Mu Xiaoya, as if he was afraid that Shirakawa in the house heard it, and then he took Mu Xiaoya to the outside corridor before he came out. Says, "Ogawa, it\'s against my treatment."

"How is that?" Mu Xiaoya anxiously said, "He has been doing well recently, and his parents said that Xiaochuan\'s condition is much better than before."

"He is indeed better than before, and he is indeed much better."

"That ..." Mu Xiaoya didn\'t understand.

"He has more and more exposed emotions, and his resistance to me is not self-enclosed and immersed in his own world, but deliberately does not want to ignore me." Professor Feng laughed. He is not usually used on autistic patients. "

Mu Xiaoya understood, Professor Feng meant to say that this resistance by Shirakawa itself was a manifestation of recovery.

"But I still want you to ask him for a while, why you are in conflict with my treatment, and then tell me the reason secretly." This is why he came out to look for Mu Xiaoya with Shirakawa on his back.

"Okay, when he feels better, I will ask him." Mu Xiaoya nodded and agreed.

"And ..." Professor Feng continued, "Some time ago, in order to surprise you, Xiaochuan left the company secretly and ran to find you, right?"

"Yes, when it comes to this matter, I want to consult you." Mu Xiaoya said, "In this case, do you think I should stop or let him develop naturally?"

"What do you think?" Professor Feng asked Mu Xiaoya.

"I ... I want him to develop naturally. I want Ogawa to do whatever he wants." Mu Xiaoya said, "I just don\'t know if this is okay?"

Professor Feng smiled comfortably and appreciated: "Your idea is right. In fact, long ago, when Shirakawa ran out of the house for the second time, I suggested to Shirakawa\'s parents to give him some freedom. But something happened at that time that made the plan work. "

"whats the matter?"

"In order to be afraid that Shirakawa could not be found, Shirakawa\'s brother found a watch with positioning function and put it on Shirakawa\'s body, but Shirakawa threw the watch and stayed outside for a day and night before returning home. The Bai family was scared, and since then, they have never dared to let Shirakawa run outside. "

"One day and one night, where did he go?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

Professor Feng glanced at Mu Xiaoya and asked meaningfully: "Do you want to know?"

"May I?"

"Of course you can," Professor Feng laughed. "Go back and ask Shirakawa first. If he doesn\'t want to tell you, I will pass you a video."

"Oh, good." Mu Xiaoya didn\'t ask Professor Feng why he couldn\'t pass the video directly to her, only that he must have done so for a reason.

"Let Shirakawa go out alone is a good way to promote his integration into the society." Professor Feng continued the topic just now. "In fact, I always feel that Shirakawa\'s family protects Shirakawa too much. Autism itself It\'s easy to immerse yourself in your own world, go out and walk around, especially let him go out alone, forcing him to have to communicate with the outside world. This is a very effective treatment. Of course, this method is also very dangerous. Excluding that if you encounter something very irritating, it will irritate the patient. But Shirakawa\'s condition is very good, I think it can be tried. "

"Even, I suggest you put more restrictions on Shirakawa. For example, don\'t assign him a driver and let him take a taxi to work by himself. For example, make him have to talk to a stranger every day or two."

"In this way, will it be too difficult for Ogawa." Mu Xiaoya worried.

"Try it. If not, let\'s adjust the plan."

"... Okay." Mu Xiaoya thought about it and agreed.

"Go in, he\'s waiting for you."

Mu Xiaoya nodded towards Professor Feng and turned to the treatment room to pick up Shirakawa. Professor Feng walked down the promenade and pulled up a little boy who was chopping leaves.

After leaving the nursing home, Shirakawa\'s mood was obviously better, but Mu Xiaoya did not rush to ask the reason, but took Shirakawa to lunch first, and then they went to the furniture mall according to the original plan.

During this time, Mu Xiaoya has successively set up a lot of things, such as curtains, carpets, washing machines, air conditioners, televisions, kitchen appliances, etc. She has almost done. This time I came to Furniture City, their main purpose was to choose the bed and sofa, and the bookshelf to be used by Shirakawa.

Because Qixi Festival is approaching, there are promotions all over the furniture city. After all, it is Valentine\'s Day, so the discount for couples and couples is the biggest. No matter what, as long as it is used by two people, there will be a very large discount.

Mu Xiaoya, who has been single for a lifetime in her previous life, has never received a discount in this area, so she can\'t help but read the discounted goods regardless of whether she needs it or not.

"Sir, madam, to buy this double bed, we send a pair of pillows, a pair of pillows, a couple of dolls, and a couple of pajamas." The promoter pushed hard.

"Thank you, let\'s take a look." Mu Xiaoya experienced it and felt that the bed was not very comfortable, so she dragged Shirakawa away.

"Why do you like that bed?" Mu Xiaoya couldn\'t help asking when Shirakawa looked back frequently.



"Couple pajamas." Shirakawa\'s eyes lit up, and he wanted to wear the same pajamas as Mu Xiaoya.

"Oh ... back, there must be back." Mu Xiaoya, who was stunned, blushed and dragged away.

"Sir, ma\'am, our mattress is made of the latest nanotechnology. It is soft and flexible, and has a good sleep experience." The salesman suddenly approached Shirakawa and passed a look that a man knew. Ambiguous, "No matter how tossing, no deformation will happen."

"..." Mu Xiaoya\'s heat finally managed to rise again.

It\'s really a mountain higher than a mountain. Is the Chinese so open now? Have n’t you read the online novel without writing below the neck? You guys are talking about this kind of thing with open eyes, and be careful to be closed.

"Send a couple\'s pajamas?" Shirakawa didn\'t understand the hint, obsessed with pajamas.

"Couple pajamas?" The salesman said in an expression he couldn\'t see, and said quietly, "Let\'s send **** pajamas."

"... No, thank you." Mu Xiaoya left without waiting for Shirakawa to make a stubble.