My Funny Consort

Chapter 61: It would be nice to meet you earlier

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Chapter 61

Hearing the sound of the two, seeing the two returning safely, they were still in a good mood, looking at the four people standing in front of them.

Hong Ling, Red Chip, Sapphire, Qing Lian, her four maids finally got together, adding her mother, ah, yes. Jiu Jiu nodded self-consciously.

"Just come back, right, Hongling, do I have any plans for today?"

Hong Ling looked at Qian Jiu Jiu and smiled, before answering: "Back to Princess, the last time you asked for medicinal herbs, the slaves are ready."

"I bought a barren mountain in a village outside the city, and bought some people to grow herbs. Just when nothing is happening today, would you like to see it?"

"Also, Yueniang said that there is something for you."

Jiujiu blinked for a moment: "Did Yueyue say when she will come? Or maybe we should go out to find her? But Wang Ye? Take him out when you leave."

"There have been a lot of things recently, and it\'s good to go out and relax."

Things are almost resolved, and Jiu Jiu\'s mood is very good. The most important thing is that her mother is by her side. After waiting for half a month, Mu Yexiao can walk.

She can take her mother and shake her ass, and leave, whether it\'s the waves or the horizon, or the rivers and lakes, it\'s actually a meaning!

Haha, she\'s free anyway, and her mother is free too, thinking of it is happy.

After eating breakfast, Wan Ye came in, and saw her daughter as an idiot, smirking there, and standing in front of her was a girl.

Obviously I don\'t know what happened. Several people looked at each other with expressions, Wan Wan coughed and looked at Jiu Jiu Jiu: "Prince, what are you thinking?"

When several aunts saw Auntie Wan, they all wanted to salute: "Mrs ...."

Wan Wan waved her hand: "Don\'t be so polite, I will be your wife next to me, call me Wan Wan."

A few girls looked at each other, and then called together: "Slave has seen Wanyou."

Hong Ling looked at Wan Yan again: "Well, just now the Princess ordered it. After the Lord returns, we will go to the countryside to relax."

There was a touch of softness on Wan Yin\'s face: "Okay, then you can prepare."

Although it was only the first day that the four maidservants were serving next to Jiujiu, the division of labor was very clear, because Hongling was automatically promoted to be a big maid.

Help Qianjiu manage her property and respond to things. The red chips are responsible for eating and drinking, and this time they are going out, they must eat outside.

Some must be brought clearly. Sapphire has always been in charge of Wanyang\'s appearance and dressing. After returning, she started to take care of dresses, clothing and other things.

Qinglian has done a lot of things. In short, it is actually a messenger. When it\'s okay, she stands next to Qianjiu Jiu and waits in person, bringing tea and pouring water.

After the division of labor between the four people, they started to do their own things. Before Mu Yexiao had not returned early, Hong Ling took the lead to call Yueniang, Yueniang looked at her.

"Yue Niang has seen the princess."

Qianjiu Jiu looked at Yueniang: "Get up, come to me again in such a short time, what\'s the matter?"

Yue Niang looked at Qianjiu with a smile: "Back to the princess, this is the case. The two female doctors you asked me to find are also found, and the shop has been bought. When do you have time to see it?"

Jiujiu blinked for a moment: "I can\'t think of your movement so fast, but I don\'t have time for today. Tomorrow, if you go to see it, it will be fine."

"In fact, I still believe in you, but I always want to recognize the door and know which shop is my own."

Although Qian Jiu Jiu did not intend to go in the shop by herself, she still had to know the location. Yue Niang didn\'t care about Qian Jiu Jiu\'s words, she just nodded.

"What the princess said."

Jiujiu poked his lips: "Are you doing anything today?"

Yueniang shook her head: "The slave is now in charge of what the princess has ordered. Since the princess will only go to see tomorrow, then Yueniang is fine today."

It turned out okay, thinking of Jiu Jiu hehe smiled: "Who are the two female doctors you are looking for? Take them to the countryside with us today, just as we are going to see."

"Hongling\'s barren mountains that people buy are not suitable for medicinal herbs."

Yue Niang nodded: "The slave is going to invite someone now."

After nodding nine thousand nine hundred, Yue Niang turned and left.

"Slave resigned."

It wasn\'t long before Yueniang left, and Mu Yexiao returned from the early morning. His expression on his face looked a little serious, and he looked at him with some wonder.

"Yo, lord, what\'s wrong with you? You don\'t look so good?"

Mu Yexiao glanced at 999: "You seem to be in a good mood."

Niu Jiu nodded: "It\'s not bad, what\'s wrong? You have been bullied? Would you like me to help you get revenge?"

Mu Yexiao gave a glaring glance at 999: "I can bully people, and you can bully others. This is really amazing. I am in a bad mood."

"Some time ago, there was no rain in the north. Now it is the harvest season, but the drought is almost lost, and I don\'t know what to do now?"

Jiu Niu looked at Mu Yexiao with a bit of wonder: "Drought? Why haven\'t I heard any wind? Suddenly burst out?"

"I don\'t think you have any thoughts to relax, so let me go alone."

Distracted? Mu Yexiao looked at Jiujiu: "Where are you going to relax?"

Only then did Jiu Jiu say what she meant, but Mu Yexiao exhaled: "Well, I\'ll go with you."

After hearing Mu Yexiao\'s words, Jiu Jiu wondered: "But at this time, you still go out with me to relax, will not be ginseng you a book, drought in the north, you still go out to play?

Mu Yexiao snorted: "Will it be a drought in the north, I will not eat or drink? Well, this news has not been verified. After all, the reason for this time was not reported by the officials below."

In fact, when I heard about the drought, I thought it was a bit suspicious. At the moment, the autumn harvest was just around the corner, so there was such a drought?

It\'s a coincidence not to report early or late, but she doesn\'t know the specifics, so she won\'t speak. Now when she hears Mu Yexiao say that again, it\'s natural that Jiujiu doesn\'t speak anymore.

"Since you are going, follow the original plan. You take Dongchen and Nanfeng and go together, then we set off."

Although Jiu Jiu also cares about those people, is it really a drought, but she is just a person and cannot do anything at all, so even if she is worried, it will not help.

This time, nine thousand and nine, with four big girls and Wan Wan, a team of six people, plus Mu Yexiao and two guards, and the carriage of the people, the group went out with a mighty spirit.

When I came to the gate of the city, I saw Yue Niang and her two ladies, and stood there waiting. The carriage stopped. This time, she took three carriages.

She and Mu Yexiao, Wan Wan and the three big maids, because Qing Lian will stay in the carriage of 999, four people can just do it, and the last one is reserved for these three people .

"Yueniang has seen the prince and the princess. These two are the female doctors who were looked for by the slaves. This is Song Song, this is Fang girl."

Qianjiu didn\'t open the car door, but instead said directly in the carriage: "Go in the carriage first."

Yue Niang felt two women doctors got on the third carriage, and then the carriage slowly exited the city and headed out of the city.

999 Going out today is totally temporary. No one knows it, but such a mighty group of people go out and have been paying attention to their news.

I still received the news. There are three princes Mu Yesheng here. When Mu Yesheng heard that 999 was out of the city, he immediately wanted to chase the mountain. After all, it might not be safe outside the city.

If he went to find a hero to save the beauty, he wouldn\'t make any money. After all, the man with his legs slumped is not suitable for any hero to save the beauty.

So the three princes happily set off and went to chase after nineteen ninety-nine.

Qiangjiu knew nothing about it. Except that the city gate was far away, Qiangjiu directly opened the carriage window and looked at the scenery outside, and couldn\'t help sighing.

"What a beautiful mountain and white cloud. It looks so good."

Mu Yexiao sneered at it: "Where are you not looking at Qingshan Baiyun?"

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine glances at Mu Yexiao: "Don\'t you spread the scenery? Okay? Whoever said it was Qingshan Baiyun, and Huangshan Baiyun and Hongshan Baiyun!"

"You have no idea."

Mu Yexiao froze: "Who the **** hasn\'t seen? So happy to be out of town?"

Jiujiu snorted twice: "You don\'t understand, I like to go to the mountains, there are more things on the mountain, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and a lot of wild vegetables."

"There are gray ash, and ..."

These are things that were invisible in the previous life, 99. No, not invisible, but seen, and few people know it. It was from the memory of the original body, that she did not know it well. .

Mu Yexiao\'s eyes flashed a little distress. She was clearly the lady of Shang Shufu, but she knew all about these wild vegetables, and she didn\'t seem to suffer much.

Can\'t help but reach out and touch the ninety-nine hair: "If only I knew you earlier."

Jiu Jiu was a little puzzled, where did the man\'s brain circuit go, but she wouldn\'t tell him. Earlier, he would never have known her.

Well, even if you see Qianjiu, unfortunately, that nineteen is not her.

Mu Yexiao looked at Qian Jiujiu but did not speak, but fell into thoughts, thinking that she was thinking about the previous things again, and gave a voice of comfort again.

"Jiuer, don\'t worry, I will take care of you in the future."