My Funny Consort

Chapter 60: Must kill her!

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Chapter 60 Must Kill Her!

Qian Yu Ge Huo suddenly stood up and looked at Qian Shangshu: "Does my father think that I can\'t compare to that cheap girl?"

Qian Shangshu snorted coldly: "Isn\'t it? You look at the performance of that girl in the Royal Garden today, and look at you, you are just a joke."

Qian Yuge was so annoyed, how could a father say such a daughter? What else do you want to say? Just look at the color of the mother, Qian Yuge tried to bear it down.

"Father, I\'m sorry, my daughter is bad, I didn\'t take the opportunity to show myself."

I knew that she should have also learned that Zheng Fu danced in public, at least people remember that there was another her, but now it is estimated that everyone will only praise Princess Xiao.

It is not ordinary people who can do these things to win over the doctor and gain the trust of the emperor. On what grounds?

One hundred and ninety-nine has been so fateful since she became the princess of Xiao Xiao. Maybe she doesn\'t understand anything at all, it was all arranged by Mu Yexiao in advance.

If she had married the King of Xiao herself at the beginning, then everything is now hers, yes, that\'s it, it\'s Qiangjiu\'s robbing her.

She wants revenge, she must kill 999, but how can she kill 999?

Some people\'s thoughts are like this, just like the current Qian Yuge, completely forgetting that the original Jiu Jiu did not want to marry Mu Yexiao at all.

It was still she and the three princes who jointly killed the then 999 and sent it to the flower sedan. Now she can actually reverse the black and white. Just this, Qian Yuge\'s selfishness is beyond anyone.

Qianjiu didn\'t expect it at all, Qian Yuge turned out to be jealous and wanted to kill her, but even if Jiu Jiu knew the idea of ​​Qian Yuge, she would only sneer at her.

However, it is necessary to prevent it, otherwise one day it will die in the gutter and capsize the ship, and it will be uneconomical to die in the hands of this driver.

Not only Qian Yuge is counting 999, but also after the three princes Mu Yesheng returned from the palace to his prince\'s palace, his mind has been echoing that 999 is in the Royal Garden today.

The glorious appearance, squinting, thinking, why doesn\'t such a woman belong to her?

The third prince thought of this, and suddenly thought of one thing, that is Qian Qiange once said, Qian Jiu Jiu seems to like her, no, she has to go to Qian Yuge to ask.

Is this the case? If so, isn\'t there still a chance to make good use of it? Thinking of this, after the early morning of the next day, the three princes stopped Qian Shangshu.

"Qian Shangshu, wait a minute, this prince will go to your house with you."

Qian Shangshu listened to the words of the three princes, which was an excitement, thinking that the three princes didn\'t believe him, and they wanted to abandon him.

When the three princes went to his house, Qian Shangshu suddenly smiled and turned into a flower: "The three princes came to drive, and the old minister was very welcome."

The two talked and went to Shang Shufu. The three princes were regular guests of Shang Shufu. This can be known at a glance, but the other ministers were very puzzled.

According to the truth, Qian Shangshu is the father-in-law of Mu Ye Xiaoxiao, why even his daughter is married to Xiaoxiao, but why not help Xiaoxiao?

After arriving at Fushang, the three princes directly stated the reason for coming to Shangshufu: "Qian Shangshu, what is Yuge doing now?"

After listening to Qian Shangshu, it turned out that the three princes came to see Yuge today. If he wants to take back last night, Qian Yuge is still much better than 999.

Otherwise, why would the three princes cherish the song of Qian Yu! After the three princes asked, they looked at Qian Shangshu and didn\'t know what they were thinking, thinking that Qian Shangshu didn\'t want him to see Qian Yuge.

Could not help frowning: "Qian Shangshu, does this have any thoughts on the prince?"

Qian Shangshu was taken aback by these words: "No, no, absolutely no, Yu Ge is now in the boudoir, I will take the three princes to you."

The three princes shook their lips and didn\'t care about Qian Shangshu, and walked towards it.

And Qian Shangshu also did not find out that he was like an old man in a green house at the moment, and that was how he behaved when he took the guests to the girl.

At the door of Qian Yuge\'s room, the three princes took a look at Qian Shangshu, and inside Qian Shangshu understood: "Xiaguan retired."

After speaking, they turned around and left. There is no idea that men and women will not accept each other, and they should not let them be alone.

The three princes pushed the door and walked in after Qian Shangshu left. At this time, Qian Yuge was looking into the mirror. He wanted to see his face and see if he had acne.

When I heard the door open, I was about to curse, but when I looked back, I saw that the person she was thinking about appeared, and a flush appeared on her face.

"Ge\'er met the three princes. How did your Highness come today?"

The three princes smiled: "Geer is blaming the prince for not having come to see you for so many days. You also know that the prince is busy."

Qian Yuge blushed: "Where does Geer dare to blame His Highness? As long as His Royal Highness comes to see Geer from time to time, don\'t forget Geer, right? Right?

Asking Qian Yuge this way, she definitely wanted to prove her charm to the three princes, and wanted to hear good words from the three princes\' mouth.

But today, Qian Yuge is doomed to be disappointed, because the three princes are all directed at 1999, and when they heard the question of Qian Yuge, they felt that this Qian Yuge was very considerate.

"Ashamed, the prince really has one thing and wants to verify it in Geer. Geer said before that your sister-in-law admired me, but it was true."

Leng Buding heard Qianjiu\'s name, and Qian Yuge almost smashed a silver tooth. It turned out that the three princes were here today, and they wanted to vomit blood.

On the face, it was impossible to show the slightest, and he looked at the three princes with a smile: "This is true."

Upon hearing this, the three princes immediately rejoiced and looked at Qian Yuge: "Then you said that after nine hundred and ninety-nine became so outstanding after marrying Mu Yexiao."

"Will it be to catch my eye, hoping to make me regret and let her marry Xiao Xiao."

Having said that, the three princes patted the table and stood up: "Yes, it must be the case. This is to show me her ability and hope to attract my attention."

"In this way, the next time I saw Qiangjiu, I told her that she was successful and was in a concubine, so I wouldn\'t worry that she wouldn\'t use it for me."

When Qian Yuge heard this, his heart grew more angry and even growled: "One thousand and nine, I want you to die."

But the affection on his face was wronged, his eyes were a little moist, and the three princes who had already obtained the answer from their fantasy thought rejoiced and looked at Qian Yuge.

I was stunned: "What is wrong with Geer?"

Qian Yuge looked at the three princes: "Geer, it\'s okay, Geer just feels that he is useless. He can\'t think like sister-in-law, and His Highness wants to marry her for his wife."

"Geer is happy for His Royal Highness."

The three princes laughed and looked at Qian Yuge: "You, don\'t eat such flying vinegar. The concubine I said is just the side concubine. Naturally, my queen concubine can only make it."

"My song is so beautiful and so kind, it is not suitable for scramble and making chess pieces, that is to be used for good love. Only people like Qianjiu 99."

"Born by nature is a conspirator. It\'s a good game for making chess pieces, so Geer shouldn\'t eat flying vinegar, as long as you are the only woman you like."

When Qian Yuge heard this, a glow of red glow appeared on his face, and he looked at the three princes strangely: "Your Highness, you are so bad."

The three princes laughed and laughed: "You, it seems that I still have to find a chance to meet with Jiu Jiu, and I won it."

What this said is as if what he said is true, that is, the previous nine hundred and ninety-nine cannot be posted after marrying, let alone the current ninety-nine.

It\'s a pity that the person with a beautiful imagination in front of himself thinks that he is boundlessly charming. As long as he waves his hand, women in the world will fall in love with him.

However, at this time, Jiu Jiu did not know that she had been designated as a concubine by others, and just after she got up from the bed, she saw Hong Ling coming in carrying the water.

"Hong Ling, my mother? Why didn\'t you see you early in the morning?"

Hongling looked at Qianjiu with a smile: "Prince, you\'re up, I heard the voice, came in, you wash your face first. Wanwan went to the kitchen."

"I said it\'s for you!"

Suddenly I heard the words Wan Wan, but for a long time there was no response. I remembered after a while. Wasn\'t Wan Wan just her mother? She went to the kitchen.

She happened to be hungry and looked at Hongling: "What about the king?"

Hong Ling chuckled her lips and smiled, "The prince has gone up, but he hasn\'t returned yet! Is there something wrong for the princess to look for the prince? Then the slave went to the porter and said."

"Let the Lord come back and come over?"

Qiangjiu shook his head: "I won\'t find him, forget it, let\'s get up first and go and see what my mother has made delicious."

He stood up, washed and dressed, and then went to the kitchen. At the door of the kitchen, he smelled a scent, and walked in.

"It\'s still something my mother made, and it smells like an appetite."

Wan Yin turned her head and looked at some naughty 999: "You, although this is your place in the palace, but you better call me Wan Wan, I don\'t want to make you trouble."

Jiujiu rolled his eyes: "Mother, you are too careful. You said that this is my place, of course, I have the final say, no one here will betray me."

"Speaking of which, by the way, Hung Ling, have you asked someone to pick up Sapphire and Qing Lian?"

Hong Ling felt a little funny again, but before answering, she heard two voices from the door: "Prince Lao misses, slave sapphire / slave sorceress, please give the princess hello."