My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 596

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu went to the Darcy front. When the red bee swarm appeared, the demon Legion immediately dispersed and fled without a trace.

The swordsmen on the Western Front danced with excitement, and the morale of the army was very excited.

After they entered the base camp established by the front, Su Jin and several sword gods greeted them.

"Younger martial sister, you are really famous now!" Su Jin looked at Lou Muyan with a smile, and her elegant and unparalleled face was filled with pride.

Lou Muyan smiled at Su Jin, "elder martial brother also laughed at me."

"Anyone who dares to laugh at you now is afraid of you to death." Su Jin joked.

Lou Muyan said with a smile, "I'm not a man eating monster. What are you afraid of me for?"

"You can kill a demon clan legion with one person's power now, and the reputation has long spread all over the Tianling continent." Su Jin said: "you see, when you come to the high-level sword master of the demon clan, you are scared and run away. It's not fierce!"

Now, not to mention the demon clan, the high-level swordsman on the Terran side has a deep understanding of Lou Muyan's reputation. When I mention her, there is nothing but praise and fear.

"They should have ulterior motives." Lou Muyan guessed that the demon clan should have received some orders not to fight with itself, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coward.

Su Jin narrowed her eyes and said, "the recent actions of the demon clan are really strange."

"Well, but no matter what they decide, we won't let them succeed." Lou Muyan sneered. "Since they dare to make the idea of turning the Tianling continent into a place of slavery, we'll let them have no return."

"Younger martial sister is right. Even if they are the demon clan on the upper interface, what if they bully us and let them all die here." Su Jin's eyes crossed with a cold idea.

"Senior brother, let's go to the array with Mingxiu first." Lou Muyan looked at the border that had been attacked by the demon clan and said.

With the war on the mainland, Mingxiu mobilized the chamber of Commerce of mingmeng to deliver materials and send high-level strong men to participate in the war. His identity was also exposed. Su Jin and others knew his real name, and Lou Muyan no longer hid it.

Su Jin nodded and asked, "can I help you?"

"Don't use it for the time being. Mingxiu and I have refined the array tools for arranging the array." Lou Muyan replied.

"Then please two Taoist friends. The defense line of our western front depends on two." an old man standing next to Su brocade said enthusiastically.

Lou Muyan smiled: "you're welcome."

They didn't say much anymore. They took out the array equipment and flag and began to set up a large array.

As the two continued to seal into the array, a layer of light blue aperture covered the whole western front, a wave of water element fluctuated, and there was a little more moisture in the air.

This time, they established a seven grade attack and defense array based on water element. Their defense is very strong. They can't destroy it unless a strong person with super sword God cultivation comes.

After arranging the array, Lou Muyan handed ten blue array flags to the old man and said, "this is an array based on water element. You can freely control the array by refining the array flag with ten swordsmen who are proficient in water element power."

The old man took the array flag and said gratefully, "thank you for your help this time."

"You're welcome!"

The old man and several other sword gods knew that they wanted to talk to Su Jin, so they consciously made room, "two Taoist friends, let's go in with Su Daoyou and have a rest."

Lou Muyan thought for a moment and asked Su Jin, "elder martial brother, do you have any plans? Do you want to stay on the west front or go with us to the North front?"

"Let me join you, master. Let me help you." Su Jin said with a smile.

Lou Muyan nodded and said a few polite words to the people on the west front. He left the west front with Ming Xiu and Su Jin and rushed to the North front.

Entering the inner space of Long Yao, Su Jin handed several space rings to Lou Muyan, "this is the array material, spirit grass and spirit stone gathered by the temporary alliance."

Lou Muyan took over and swept around. He was surprised and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that in addition to double the materials, they were so generous and gave so many spiritual grass and stones."

Then she winked at Su Jin and asked with a smile, "master has made great contributions in it?"

"The old man is helping you continue to entrap people." Su Jin said with a smile, "it is estimated that the next batch of spirit grass and spirit stone will be gathered soon."

The array materials for the four fronts are the fastest to gather. It is not only the contribution of the temporary alliance, but also the generosity of the empires and aristocratic families in the four regions, hoping to establish the array as soon as possible.

After all, with the seven grade attack and defense array arranged by Lou Muyan, they at least don't have to worry that the Empire and families on the front will be forced to leave their hometown and become displaced like those families at the beginning of the demon attack, let alone the demon family whose resources are all cheap.

"Well, with this batch of spirit herbs, I can refine a large number of seven elixirs." Lou Muyan said with a smile, "you talk first. I'll go to refine elixirs."

Watching her leave in a hurry and go to another independent small space for alchemy, Su Jin and Ming Xiu both smiled and shook their heads.

"Younger martial sister is really an alchemy maniac!" Su Jin smiled in her eyes.

Ming Xiu restrained his spoiled look and said with a smile, "Yan Er can't help seeing the high-level spirit grass."

During this time, Lou Muyan took all the time to prepare resources. He saw it in his eyes, and her feeling had told him.

He believes that such a sixth sense is not inexplicable. After all, some people will have a very subtle and accurate hunch after reaching a certain cultivation.

Therefore, during this time, Lou Muyan not only prepares cultivation resources for those who care, but also arranges matters for the chamber of Commerce of the Ming League in Tianling mainland.

His second incarnation in the wide spirit world recently cut off contact with his body from time to time. I don't know what happened. He must break through the cultivation bondage of this interface and go back.

Originally, the pure yuan force he suppressed in the second Dantian two years ago was enough to support him to break through the sword God and soar to the spirit world, but he met the most important woman in his life.

So he didn't untie the seal of the second Dantian. He stayed for two years and naturally promoted to the sword God. He just wanted to wait for his beloved woman to return to the Guangling world.

His eyes were remote and deep, and now it seemed that it was almost time.

Before Mingxiu and Sujin met at first sight, Mingxiu made a pot of spirit tea and they chatted.

After more than an hour, another wave came from the independent small space.

Then the thunder of "boom" sounded, and the pill of seven pills came.

This time, because he was alchemy in Long Yao's independent space to bear the Dan robbery, in addition to several of Lou Muyan's fighting for the spirit pet cleaved by thunder, he was the most fiercely cleaved by Dan thunder.

Although he didn't adapt when he was split, and several places were charred, when the Dan robbery dispersed, the meridians of his body seemed to have been washed again, and the injury healed quickly, he only felt refreshed and refined.

Seeing that Lou Muyan started the second wave of refining again, his eyes were surprisingly bright, and he thought to make Danlei more violent.