My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 595

Lou Muyan just released the red bee. Before he did it himself, the Legion of the demon family had fled, and soon disappeared, as if he had been ready for it.

"What tricks are the demons doing? Don't they continue to capture the Tianling continent?"

Lou Muyan, who was preparing to move his muscles and bones and threw away the sixth and seventh runes and seal characters, frowned unconsciously when he saw that most of the high-level strong people of the demon clan had run away.

Ming Xiu looked at the high-level demon clan who was actively retreating and rushing into the flying magic weapon, narrowed her eyes and said, "they should be ready to go to the bottom of Yinsha cliff to find the lost demon clan war ruins."

"Well, I also have this guess." Lou Muyan said with a bright smile: "it's good to go to the Yinsha cliff. I promise they will never come back and enjoy the demons near the war ruins of the demon family at the bottom of the cliff."

"Have you finished refining the inheritance crystal of the demon family war ruins?" Mingxiu asked with a smile.

Lou Muyan nodded: "he told me an hour ago that he could carry out the plan we discussed before."

"By the way, he also said that after refining the crystal inherited from the Warcraft war ruins, he not only controlled the initiative of the whole war ruins, but also had spiritual contact with the evil beasts outside the war ruins, so he could control those evil beasts to attack and fight." she added.

"No wonder the demon clan has been plotting for so long against the lost demon clan war ruins. The demons outside the war ruins alone are a powerful force."

Ming Xiu's eyes were cold. "If the three saints recognize the master's control of the demon family war ruins, and then connect with the space in the place of inheritance, the space storm and turbulence of the Guangling world and the demon family war ruins will completely disappear."

"At that time, the demon family will only bring these evil beasts back to the demon domain to cultivate for a hundred years and expand their strength. I'm afraid the overall strength of the other three domains will be weaker."

"The current Demon Lord is estimated to have the ambition to rule the whole Guangling world, otherwise he can't secretly look for the ruins of the demon family for so many years." Lou Muyan sneered, "but they are doomed to steal chicken and lose rice this time."

Jun Luochen has taken control of the lost demon clan war ruins. Unless his soul is destroyed, the current demon lord of the demon clan will never realize his plan.

It must be the current devil who once killed Jun Luochen and almost lost his soul. He wouldn't think that Jun Luochen practiced the secret method of dividing the soul and hid the breath of escaping from the lower world. The soul that was about to dissipate will meet her and is still alive and well.

"Well, when the demon family's army is completely destroyed, I will go to close the space crack in the place of inheritance. At that time, the demon lord and the three saints are expected to spit blood." Mingxiu said with a smile.

His and Lou Muyan's ideas are interlinked every time. They can understand each other's thoughts with different explanations, which is also the place where they most agree.

"Well, let the old woman suffocate first." Lou Muyan smirked with gloating.

They smiled with tacit understanding and went out hand in hand on the southern front.

The red bee colony of Lou Muyan has another feature. The injured Red Bee will be swallowed by other red bees, and the overall strength will be higher.

Moreover, with the improvement of the strength of the red bee colony, the cultivation of the Red Emperor will also increase slightly, and then breed more high-level red bee colonies.

Therefore, after several wars with the demon clan, the red bee colony of Lou Muyan not only did not decrease, but also doubled in number.

"Ha ha, welcome to corridor friends and pool friends!" as soon as they arrived, the sword gods stationed here came out one after another and said with a smile.

"All Taoist friends are welcome." Lou Muyan smiled at them.

"Thanks to you two this time, otherwise once the demon army breaks the border of the southern front, we will face enemy occupation." a sword God said gratefully to them.

I only heard and watched the crystal image before. Although I sighed at the red bee colony of Lou Muyan, they were shocked again when they saw the monster swarm like a battlefield harvester.

Where her red bees pass, the demons flee in fear. Such strength can really be called the first person in the mainland.

What's more, she is not only powerful, but also proficient in five techniques, which makes them feel bitter for the so-called predecessors who have practiced for hundreds of years.

People are more angry than people!

Of course, no one dares to despise Chi Xiu around her. It is said that this man was destroyed by the spirit pets of Lou Muyan without using many means. He can be called the first genius in the mainland.

"The greatest credit for guarding the front is the Taoist friends who have been guarding here all the time. We have only made some modest efforts." Lou Muyan replied with a smile.

Although she played a key role, the long-term defense of these people is also the key to victory or defeat.

Moreover, she was not very interested in these false names. "We have to hurry to the next front, so let's arrange the array first."

"Well, in that case, I'll trouble you both." the others agreed and smiled gratefully.

Now the swordsmen in the whole continent are grasshoppers on a rope. If other fronts are captured, it will be unfavorable to the whole war situation. Naturally, they will not delay them to support other fronts in order to get closer to them.

They quickly took out the array tools that had been refined for a long time and began to arrange the array. When a red glow enveloped the whole southern front, the swordsmen present cheered.

The array of seven grade attack and defense arranged by Lou Muyan on the four lines of defense is not the same. If you really want to meet someone who can crack it, it will be in trouble.

Although such a possibility is very small, it is inevitable.

"This is the array flag for the southern front to control the array. This array is dominated by Yuan force fire attack, so to drive the array against the enemy, it's best to let ten swordsmen with fire force refine the array flag." Lou Muyan handed the ten array flags to the famous sword God who was the strongest on the southern battle line.

The man took the flag excitedly and said, "thank you for your trouble!"

"You're welcome, Taoist friends. We won't stay, otherwise we'll be late. Other defense lines will change." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

"OK! We don't dare to keep you any more. After the demon clan is completely driven out of the Tianling continent, we'll celebrate together." the famous sword God nodded.

Others agreed. Although Lou Muyan collected a lot of spirit stones and spirit grass to raise spirit pet, her contribution definitely exceeded the value of what she took.

Only those who really see the power of the red bee colony will experience that Lou Muyan's extravagant feeding behavior is very worthwhile.

If they had a group of such red bees, they would definitely provide a good supply for the red bee queen.

"OK, we'll get together another day!"

After saying goodbye, they entered the inner space of Long Yao and rushed to the next front.

Half a day later, a messenger was caught by Long Yao and thrown in.

Lou Muyan crushed it and said with a smile, "elder martial brother sent us the materials, spirit grass and spirit stone gathered by the temporary alliance."

"Is he waiting for us in the West defense?" Mingxiu said with a smile.
