My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 536

Gu ruozhi's speed was very fast, his face was ferocious, and ten percent of the palm wind roared out.

Lou Muyan is controlling the two array plates. His hands are constantly printing. He can't fight back at all.

When many people stared at the sudden situation, two people appeared behind Lou Muyan and beat Gu ruozhi at the same time.

Su Jin is the No. 1 player on the list. Even if Gu ruozhi had hidden his strength before, he was not his opponent. Therefore, the palm wind was scattered by Su Jin's palm attack.

Lou mubai waved a palm from the other side and fell heavily on Gu ruozhi. He couldn't wait to spray a mouthful of blood and went back a few steps.

Zhou Bei, who was absorbing the essence, pulled out his axe and cut Gu ruozhi.

However, Gu ruozhi was not a vegetarian who could be a spy for so many years. He quickly sacrificed a defensive magic weapon to resist Zhou Bei's attack.

Just when he was ready to fight for suicide to uncover his cards and attack Lou Muyan again, suddenly a burst of inexplicable pain came from his chest, which stopped him.

Then Xiao Xiu came to him and played with a glittering and translucent yellow insect in his hand, "Gu ruozhi, the betrayer's end is life is better than death."

Seeing this, the colorful parrot on her shoulder immediately hummed an inexplicable tune. Then everyone saw Gu Ruzhi's face rolling on the ground more ferociously, and his mouth spilled blood, which was obviously bitten by himself.

"Xiao, Xiao Xiu, you, you poison me?" he looked up at Xiao Xiu laboriously.

Xiao Xiu nodded: "yes! When you summoned the people in the dark market, I poisoned you as a spy."

Then she sneered with disdain: "do you think your plan is very successful? You still want to sneak attack younger martial sister Lou. Don't you look at your virtue?"

She hated Gu ruozhi very much. This man once robbed her brother of the opportunity during a secret territory test, and even let his brother fall.

In Baji sect, disciples could not kill each other, so she was always looking for a chance to revenge Gu ruozhi.

Now Lou Muyan has given her this opportunity, and she naturally wants to grasp it.

Gu ruozhi was a spy in the dark market. Even if she was killed, no one would blame the top level of the sect. She didn't want this man to die in the hands of others, so she poisoned him in advance.

"Younger martial sister Lou, can Gu ruozhi give it to me?" thought for a moment. Xiao Xiu looked at Lou Muyan and asked.

She wants to take Gu ruozhi to his brother's grave and sacrifice him with his fresh head.

"OK, you are free." Lou Muyan found the news from Mingxiu. He knew the gratitude and resentment of the two people and was not ready to intervene.

Gu ruozhi is very hostile to her, and he secretly plans to attack the Lou family. All this must come from Gu family and Gu Yanran. It's really too cheap to let him die like this. It's also good to torture Xiao Xiu.

"Lou Muyan, my sister will make your life worse than death." Gu ruozhi was caught by Xiao Xiu, looked up and looked at Lou Muyan with a fierce look, and his hatred in his eyes was not concealed.

If the woman Gu's family hadn't won the Yanzhou state and destroyed the Lou family, her sister wouldn't have been destroyed and taken by the high-level of the dark city to do something.

This woman did everything.

Lou Muyan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I'd like to see how your sister makes me worse than death, but I know you can't escape the fate of worse than death in the future."

She also admitted that she was hostile to her, but the two brothers and sisters of the Gu family tried to attack the Lou family, which completely stepped on her bottom line.

Her eyes narrowed and flashed a dangerous dark light. Gu Yanran must not stay this time.

Soon, the war ended in a one-sided situation.

The two possessed sword gods were combined by ice halberd and Long Yao to draw out the power of their souls and throw them to Jun Luochen for refining.

And the other party's six product Guanyuan array was also cracked by Lou Muyan and Mingxiu, and joined the array. Instead, the essence of more than 30 dark market killers was absorbed and refined by the disciples of six schools.

When the more than 30 dark market killers were all white and their faces were getting old, the array collapsed.

The disciples of the six sects sacrificed magic weapons to kill more than 30 people without leaving any future trouble.

"Elder martial brother Chi and younger martial sister Lou, thank you this time!"

Several prestigious disciples thanked them one after another.

If Lou Muyan hadn't discovered Gu ruozhi's spy's identity in advance and cracked the messenger, they wouldn't have prepared in advance.

If Lou Muyan and Chi Xiu hadn't been spoiled by their spirits to restrain each other's two sword gods, they worked together to crack the array. At this time, they might have lost all their essence and become dead like the current dark market killers.

"This is what we should do." Lou Muyan said with a faint smile: "now we have entered the central area of the land of inheritance, and the killers in the dark market are basically dead. All senior brothers and sisters should also look for opportunities."

After entering the central area, there are countless inheritance halls waiting for people to look for opportunities. If they act together in a group, it is not only inconvenient, but also there will be contradictions for competing for opportunities.

Almost all the killers who entered the inheritance place in the dark market died in their hands. It is unlikely to jointly arrange the arrest array.

It is obviously impossible for the senior management of the dark market to be distracted and start again on the disciples of LiuZong. At this time, it is better to separate.

Before, she and Mingxiu gathered all the disciples, one is to make them a force against the enemy, which is also a good relationship, and the other is to lead out the last wave of killers in the dark market.

The others were stunned at her words, but no one objected.

The ultimate goal of entering the inheritance land is not to deal with the killers of the dark market, but to find opportunities for breakthrough.

Now the killers in the dark market are basically dead. It's not good for them to continue to focus on looking for opportunities.

"Younger martial sister Lou, elder martial brother Chi, we have written down your feelings for help. If you can be useful in the future, just speak." a core disciple of Jianzong thanked.

The other people of the sect also promised that if it weren't for the two, they might really be dead now. Even if they didn't care, they also wrote down the situation.

"Well, if there is any trouble in the future, we will not be polite." Lou Muyan smiled sincerely.

It's good for the Lou family to make friends with the elite disciples of the six internal sects.

Mingxiu smiled faintly and didn't speak. He didn't care about the return of these people.

The disciples of LiuZong did not leave immediately, but refined the essence in the body. Here, they left one after another in all directions of the central area.

The two brothers of the Luo family, Lou mubai and Su Jin didn't leave. They were ready to go with Lou Muyan.

"Jun Luochen said that three months later is the best time for magic Qi infusion. Let's take advantage of this time to look for opportunities in the land of inheritance." Lou Muyan suggested.

Now Gu Yanran's body can't meet the conditions for the arrival of the demon family's high-level soul. She needs to be quenched in a place with deep demon Qi for three months.

So they still have time to quickly improve their strength for a fierce battle in the near future.