My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 535

When the flying magic weapon entered the center of the inheritance place, a sudden strong force not only stopped the progress of the flying magic weapon, but also shrouded it in place.

After all the disciples found something strange, they went out of the room to check on the top of the ship.

"Array, we are trapped by the array." a disciple of Haoyue sect exclaimed.

Others also showed a dignified and nervous look, and Qi Qi took out the magic weapon and fiercely split it on the transparent mask.

It's a pity that such power not only didn't cause any damage to the array, but all yuan power was absorbed by the array.

Then, more than 30 people in black were exposed in the open space one after another, each holding the same auxiliary magic weapon to seal the blessing array.

Before all the disciples continued to respond, the array light began to work.

"It's the Juyuan array again." a disciple of Jianzong said with a panic: "I feel that my essence is beginning to lose again."

Other people immediately took back the yuan force they were going to mobilize. The more they use force, the essence in their body will lose faster.

Mingxiu and Lou Muyan stood among the disciples without making a sound or taking any action.

"Jie Jie!"

A strange and cold laughter echoed continuously. Then they saw a woman with white hair and very young face in the air not far from the array.

"You six disciples are not very good either," he continued with a sneer, "but it suits me to gather together like this. It's more convenient to catch you all."

This man's body is female, but his voice is a male voice with a strange feeling. It is obviously also a sword God attached to others.

"What are you proud of, you unfairly and unfaithful old man?" Bing halberd turned into an elegant and handsome man and looked coldly at the sword God opposite. "You are the only sword God to come today? If you have a companion, call it out quickly so that I won't have to do it again later."

"Hum, a newly promoted bingluan dares to be so arrogant with me. You really want to die!" the smiling woman's face suddenly darkened, "I'll deal with you alone."

They received the news that the other party had a newly promoted ten level monster. In case, although there was a sword God hidden, he was conceited that one person could refine the souls of all the six disciples here.

The six pin Juyuan array couldn't trap the ice halberd with the power of space, so he dodged and fell next to the sword God, and soon formed a ball.

Long Yao has been hiding in the space. When he found that there were high-order breath fluctuations not far away, he showed a playful smile.

"Smelly bird, there is a sword God hiding 500 meters in front of you." he spoke to ice halberd.

Ice halberd narrowed his small eyes, turned into a body in an instant, and spewed out an ice blue flame towards the sword God in front of him in that direction.

"Stupid dragon, let's cooperate again?" he couldn't deal with the two sword gods with the strength of ice halberd, so he invited the unpleasant Long Yao to join the battle group.

"Hum, is it possible to expect you to kill two people?" Long Yao's meaning is very obvious. He will do it.

Ice halberd's face is black, damn stupid dragon. After coming down, he must go to boss Mo to black this stupid dragon.

Seeing this, the woman immediately moved her body to avoid the life fire of ice halberd, but found that the space was distorted, and his steps were pulled back.

The fierce flame shrouded his body in an instant. Although he quickly opened a layer of body protection Tiangang outside his body, he was injured by the afterwave of the flame.

The sword God hidden in the dark frowned and looked at the sky. Without further delay, he immediately moved behind the ice halberd for a sneak attack.

A palm wind with the power of the medium level sword god suddenly fell on the head of the ice halberd.

Ice halberd didn't lift his eyelids. He kept flashing his wings and released an ice cone to attack the sword God shrouded in fire in front.

The raider's heart thumped and suddenly gave birth to a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the space on the top of bingluan beast suddenly twisted, and the palm wind changed its direction and attacked him.

Unprepared, although he offered a defensive shield, he was hurt by his palm wind and spewed a mouthful of blood.

"Who, who is so mean, get out of here." he roared and explored the surroundings with his mental strength, but he didn't find any breath.

At this time, the two sword gods in the dark market also found that they had been deceived. The other party was not only a monster with ten levels of cultivation, but clearly two.

There must be a ten order monster who knows the power of space hiding and attacking them.

"Old and immortal, you are a despicable thing, so you can shout?" Bing halberd sneered.

The two looked at each other and quickly joined together to launch a fierce attack on the ice halberd.

However, most of the moves were either dissolved by the ice halberd or swallowed by the hidden black hand Long Yao with the space secret method taught by Mo Yan.

The two monsters obviously had the upper hand and continued to deal with each other and play with each other.

On the flying magic weapon, Mingxiu and Lou Muyan kept forging a seal. An orange fire unicorn and a golden fire dragon drilled out of their bodies and flew in two directions of the array.

Then two array plates flew out, and they continued to seal into the array plate.

"I control the array plate, you set up the array." Lou Muyan said to Mingxiu when he was ready.

Mingxiu nodded, and a red flag flew out of his sleeve and spread out slowly.

Under the control of his mind, the golden fire dragon was divided into nine and ran in several directions of the array.

The orange fire Unicorn rushed straight into the array where the other party arranged the six product arrest element array, constantly releasing the power of spiritual fire.

Lou Muyan kept condensing the Dharma seal against the two array plates, and the action on Mingxiu's hand didn't stop.

Seeing that they didn't say a word more, they cooperated seamlessly and couldn't help admiring them.

Especially the disciples who knew the array were staring at the two people's tacit cooperation in arranging the array.

The light of the array flourished again before the time of a incense stick.

The six disciples on the flying magic weapon felt very relaxed. Instead of losing their essence, there were strands of aura mixed with the power of essence into their bodies.

On the contrary, the killers who are blessing the array in the dark market use the array as the medium to absorb the essence of the six disciples.

But now not only does not have a trace of essence inhaled, but his own essence in the body is like a vented ball, rushing frantically towards the array.

"Get out of the array, get out of the array." the later sword God, who was fighting with bingluan, changed his face and immediately shouted to more than 30 dark market killers who maintained the array below.

More than 30 people were ordered to stop injecting yuan force into the magic tools in their hands, but after stopping the blessing array, they still did not change the current situation of being absorbed by the essence force.

"Want to withdraw?" Lou Muyan smiled sarcastically, "it's late. Let our disciples of the six schools taste your essence power."

The power of sucking essence is not only useful to the demon clan in the dark market, but also to the disciples of the six sects.

However, such means are too insidious. Generally, no swordsman will use them except demon cultivation and ghost cultivation, otherwise they will be entangled by heart demons in the future.

This time, they also treated them in their own way, so they would not be affected by the demons. Each disciple readily and madly absorbed and refined each other's essence.

Gu ruozhi's eyes on the top of the boat sank. He was cruel in his heart. He quickly moved to the back of Lou Muyan and waved it.