My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 454

Twelve players who have entered the finals in six array competitions will draw lots to decide the group at the same time.

Lou Mu smoked in the first group and Emperor killer smoked in the second group, which relieved elder Feng and huolinglong.

After all, if two people are matched, one is bound to be eliminated. If there is no match, there is hope that both of them will enter the top six.

The competition between the two groups was conducted at the same time. The six people in the first group went to the left stage together.

There were three referees on the stage, one of whom stood up and announced the rules.

"The array competition is divided into three games. In the first game, please arrange the array according to the array tools we gave. The time is only one hour. If the time exceeds the disciples who have not been arranged, they will be eliminated directly."

"In the second game, please use the disciples in the first game to repair the same incomplete array arranged by our side. The time is one hour. The disciples who can't be repaired for more than one hour will be eliminated directly."

"In the third game, the disciples who passed in front are invited to enter the same array arranged by our side. It is always better for the disciples who break the array to enter the last second round. If they can't break the array within an hour, they will be eliminated directly."

"Well, now let's start the first game."

After his voice fell, several people went to their competition space in order.

Lou Muyan picked up the array in front of him and looked at it. The level-4 primary fire element array can spray powerful element flame from all directions to kill the enemy. It is a more powerful killing array.

She didn't take the array flag and equipment like other disciples, but grabbed the yuan stone that had been cultivated and threw it in four directions, and then the Dharma Seals built by Yuan Li fell on the four red flags.

After arranging the four pole flag, she urged Yuan Li to build the pattern of the array in the void, and then she pointed to the main array flag.

After the main array flag was excited, it flew into the array and emitted a dazzling red light. Then a red mask fell in place, and four fire pillars erupted at the same time.

The power of the array is amazing. Even if the medium-level sword Zun accidentally falls into the array, he may be seriously injured or even fall directly.

From Lou Muyan's coming on stage to her not in a hurry and not slow arrangement of the array, it took only a incense stick of time. The speed stunned everyone present.

Of course, the final is different from the semi-finals. In addition to Lou Muyan, there are experts lurking. Three of the two groups also arranged a fire array in turn.

The seat at the top.

Seeing that Lou Muyan and Emperor killer Tian finished arranging the fire array as soon as possible, the other five courtyard leaders were not very comfortable, but they didn't show it on their faces.

"Master Feng, the two disciples of your Baji sect are good in this array competition." a master of Tianji palace smiled, "they are not both five grade array mages, are they?"

Master Feng breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said modestly, "where, where, they just passed the first game. There are two more difficult games behind. Other disciples also performed very well."

He did not answer the question of the mage of the five rank array, because he had no spectrum in his mind.

"I think the disciple of Tianji palace looks like a master of the five grade array. He is expected to win the title this time!" the master of haoyuezong smiled at a disciple who had finished arranging the array second only to Lou Muyan.

The courtyard master of Tianji palace was somewhat proud in his eyes, and modestly pointed to another person and replied: "your disciple of haoyuezong should be the card in this array competition? I think he should also be a five-level array mage, and there is hope to win the championship."

"Ha ha, you can see this."

"Each other."

Several people pushed around, but all ruled out the possibility of bajizong winning the championship.

In their opinion, the talent and strength of Lou Muyan's array are very strong, but her cultivation has dragged her back. The level 5 array needs to be arranged, and the yuan Lixiong's thickness of Jianzong's cultivation can't be maintained at all.

The cultivation of emperor killer Tian is good and has strong talent strength, but the means of arranging the array is not as old as the other two. It is unlikely to win the championship. It is hopeful to enter the top five.

Huo Linglong looked at several old guys pretending to be modest to play Tai Chi and frowned slightly. Their voice was not high or low, but everyone at the table could hear, "hypocrisy."

"...." several hospital leaders who were still discussing enthusiastically turned red and white when they heard her words.

This witch is really a disappointment. Is the leader of the eight pole sect out of his mind this time? How can he let this woman be the leader?

Lord Feng was also afraid of fire Linglong, but every time he saw her half angry with the old immortals of other sects, he suddenly found that her hot and direct nature was not bad.

In the first round of the array competition, only two people were eliminated, and the remaining ten people began the second game.

The second game is to repair an incomplete level-4 defense array.

Lou Muyan went to the array and looked around. She had a number in her heart. She picked up some array tools ready to repair the array and began to get busy.

This four level defense array consists of ten prohibitions, two of which are missing, so the array cannot be activated.

She quickly found the missing double prohibition and repaired it with array tools. It's not time for a incense stick. She poured a yuan force into the array.

The array was shining brightly in an instant. A blue mask appeared in the open space. The level-4 defense array was repaired and activated successfully.

Her speed surprised the people present.

Not far away, on the disciple viewing table of Tianji palace, Mingxiu hugged his hands and leaned against a stone pillar to watch. Bai Feiyao and several old disciples of the inner door came to him and stood next to him.

An old disciple who was quite familiar with Mingxiu smiled and said, "I didn't expect younger martial brother chi to be interested in this Dabi!"

"The overall strength of the six new disciples in this session is good. Come and have a look." Mingxiu nodded back.

Bai Feiyao saw that he was warm and dusty in white clothes. Feng's eyes were cold and deep, with a fatal attraction. His handsome face set off that he was more like a relegated immortal who landed in the world of mortals on the ninth day.

She looked at him greedily. A blush appeared on her face, and then she restrained her look. She smiled simply and sweetly, "brother Chi, do you think the younger martial brother of our Tianji palace can win the championship in the array competition?"

Mingxiu's attention was on Lou Muyan. He heard her ask and replied indifferently, "he has no chance to win the championship."

Bai Feiyao and several others didn't expect him to say so, but he is usually sharp and sharp. He has long been famous, and they can't help believing it.

"Younger martial brother Chi, who has more hope of winning the championship?" one disciple couldn't help asking.

Ming Xiu spilled an arc from his lips and said simply, "the building of Baji sect admires smoke."

His woman is naturally the best. She always attracts his attention.

"...." several people looked at Lou Muyan.

Although she was also amazed by her talent and speed in the array, her cultivation was really unable to do well. If she couldn't build a level 5 array, she would lose.

Under normal circumstances, a swordsman with the cultivation of Jianzong cannot be promoted to a mage of the five grade array unless she hides her strength.

Bai Feiyao held her hand tightly in her sleeve, and her fingernails went deep into her palm. A strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in her heart.

The man she loves is paying attention to another woman. She can't mistake the smile on his lips just now. This is a woman's sixth sense.