My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 453

After the semi-finals, there will be a two-day break for the finals of six major matches.

Bajizong's performance this time is still not very ideal. There are only five people in the finals, and there are six people at the bottom of the finals.

It is only gratifying that there are many projects.

Lou Muyan entered the finals in all six competitions, and the emperor killing heaven array and strength battle, Ziche world seal characters and refining tools, Luo Cheng's Alchemy and another disciple's refining tools all entered the finals.

Previous words have long been eliminated in animal control, seal characters and arrays. This time, there are Lou Muyan, Ziche Shi and Emperor killing heaven, which also gives Feng Yuanzhu and huolinglong more hope.

The emperor killing heaven array and Ziche's seal script are the best among the disciples of the six sects. If there is no hidden genius of this technique in other sects, they are hopeful to win the top three.

On the day before the finals, President Feng summoned five more people.

"The five of you are the hope of our bajizong, and you should strive for the top three anyway." Feng looked at them with hope and said.

The finals are not for the top ten, but for the top six. There is no top ten in the six competitions.

All the disciples who enter the top six have joint rewards from the six major schools, but each is different.

"The disciple must live up to his high expectations." several people said one after another.

Lord Feng praised and encouraged them again. Then he smiled a chrysanthemum on his old face and looked at Lou Muyan as lovingly as he wanted.

"Lou girl, has your alchemy reached the fifth grade?"

"Is Feng Yuanzhu worried that I will be kicked by Bai Feiyao or Wei Yu to the top five?" Lou Muyan didn't answer the question.

Twelve disciples participated in each competition. They were just divided into two groups. The first three of the two groups were compared in total.

If you are unlucky, you may meet those two geniuses in the first round. Although elder Feng is full of smiles, the sadness in his heart has not dispersed.

"Hey! You are a smart girl. According to your strength, if you don't meet them, you should have a chance to compete for the top three." master Feng sighed.

Lou Muyan smiled and said confidently, "I just want to meet them in the first round of competition. It's more challenging, isn't it?"

From the beginning of Danby, she found a look of disgust and hatred following her. Under observation, she found that the look came from Bai Feiyao who had little intersection with her.

If there is an intersection, that is, she robbed the wind element attribute understanding stone photographed by the other party at the Tianyuan auction, but the auction was the one with the highest price. If this makes the woman hate, it shows that the other party's mind is too narrow.

If Bai Feiyao insists on provoking her, she can only beat the woman in the face with thunder.

And she also found a very interesting thing. Bai Feiyao and Bai Luoyin were five or six similar in appearance. From Mo Yan, they were half sisters.

"..." after listening to her words, master Feng was quite depressed and speechless, but he still smiled and said, "you will encounter it anyway. There will be more challenges in the final final, but if you encounter it in the first round, you must not take it lightly."

Before Lou Muyan answered, huolinglong couldn't stand his wordiness, "enough, how to be a little girl is clearer than you."

"Little girl, don't be soft on that Bai Feiyao. I see she is very hostile to you." Huo Linglong accidentally saw Bai Feiyao show murderous spirit to Lou Muyan before, so she wanted to remind one or two.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Bai Feiyao and I just had an intersection at the auction. She hates me so much. I don't like to leave future trouble. I'll treat her well at that time."

"OK! As long as you don't play dead." Huo Linglong's unparalleled face is full of satisfied smiles.

Bai Feiyao, who pretends to be a white lotus but doesn't dye the mud, doesn't look good to her.

"..." hearing the two people's unbridled discussion on how to greet Bai Feiyao, master Feng and the other four couldn't help but smoke the corners of their mouths.

It's not even the final yet. Is it really good to discuss whether to kill the peerless genius of Tianji palace?

"Lou wench! Not only Bai Feiyao and Wei Yu, but also you should pay attention to some talents in other competitions. I secretly found that each sect has its own disciples hidden this time, which is more cruel than the competition in the past." master Feng was afraid of Lou Muyan and despised the enemy, so he emphasized it again.

Lou Muyan smiled helplessly and said, "don't worry, master Feng, I will try my best to win the championship just for the reward of liudazhongmen, bajizong and my master."

Master Feng's smiling face stiffened. The purpose of the girl who wants to win the championship is not to win glory for the sect, but to win those rewards. Can we not be so realistic

The other four people also don't understand Lou Muyan. They want to compete for the top five, mainly to make a splash, so that their efforts are not in vain, get everyone's recognition and win face for the bajizong.

Of course, the reward of the competition is also very exciting, but good things are certainly not so easy to take. They just hold a glimmer of hope, but she always seems to have a confident attitude.

Master Feng wanted to say more, but he was speechless when he saw that Lou Muyan was still heartless and did not worry about the final.

After explaining a few words, Lord Feng left Luo Cheng alone and asked others to go back.

Before the final, other disciples of the sect came to visit Lou Muyan and were pushed by huolinglong.

Two days later, the finals of the six major doors finally came.

The martial arts competition field of Tianji palace was unprecedentedly lively. Many disciples who were doing tasks outside rushed back one after another, including many old disciples of the inner gate who had lost their dragon tail.

The opening was still the passionate encouragement of the patriarch of Tianji palace, and then it was the referee's turn to announce the rules.

"The six major projects are divided into six items, each of which is divided into two rounds."

"The first round is divided into two groups. The top three of the two groups finally enter the second round, and the second round is also the top three competition."

"Considering that some disciples participated in two or more competitions at the same time, we decided to carry out each competition separately and in turn. After one of the top six was determined, we would continue with the next one."

"The order of the six competitions is determined by drawing lots, and the order of the disciples in the first round of each competition is also determined by drawing lots."

The referee waved his sleeve and six small balls of different colors spread out in front of him. He grabbed one and crushed it at will, and then crushed the remaining five small balls in turn.

The little ball suddenly turned into a black text and appeared on the crystal wall of the martial arts competition field. It said array, controlling animals, seal characters, alchemy, refining tools and strength battle.

"Well, the first thing is the array competition. All six disciples participating in this competition go to the center of the competition field and start drawing lots to prepare for the competition."

Lou Muyan and Emperor killer Tian go to the competition field together, and they will know whether they will win or lose.