My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 355

The speed of the flying magic weapon used by Lou Muyan and others was comparable to that of the seventh order monster. It took 12 days to get to luogui town.

When they arrived at the inn agreed in Daluo ghost town, the disciples of other sects had already arrived one after another.

"Here comes the disciple of Baji sect."

"The world is really going down these days. The worst one is Yue Naqiao. He always arrives last." a disciple of haoyuezong glanced.

Another disciple sneered: "of course, the worst ones have to arrive at the end, so that they can show their position at the bottom."

Lou Muyan and others heard their sarcasm as soon as they entered the door. She frowned slightly. It seems that the contradiction between Baji sect and Haoyue sect is not only between senior elders, but also between disciples.

"What are you talking about? The dog can't spit out ivory. Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death." Jin SE's temper is quite hot. He was ignited at the moment of hearing such ridicule.

As soon as the other disciples looked up, they saw the fierce look on the face of the beautiful and enchanting woman, and there were violent actions at any time.

Haoyuezong's disciples choked and immediately felt that they couldn't get down. Although they were afraid of the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex, they immediately stood up and shouted, "do you think we would be afraid of you witch?"

When Gu Xiu heard what haoyuezong disciple said just now, he couldn't help getting angry, so he didn't stop Jinse.

Just as the swords of both sides were domineering, a magnetic clear voice sounded.


The crowd looked and saw several people in white walking down the stairs. The leader was a handsome man with extraordinary temperament.

As soon as he appears, it seems that all the glory is lit up for him alone.

Lou Mu showed interest in Yan's eyes. As expected, it was Ming Xiu.

As soon as Ming Xiu lifted his eyes, he faced Lou Muyan and smiled in his dark eyes as deep as the sea.

Seeing that the visitor was the leader of Tianji palace, people on both sides immediately put up their fight.

"The two schools came to the mission together this time. I hope you don't delay the big event because of small things. It's not too late to compete when there are any resentments or contradictions." Ming Xiu walked to the public like a stroll in the court. His voice was slow, but it implied a chilling fierceness.

"Brother Chi laughed. We just talked about how we could really fight." the leader of haoyuezong smiled.

For the gate of Tianji palace, Jinse was afraid to take back his momentum and stopped talking. Chi Xiu was too strong for them to shake.

Seeing that the two people were no longer fighting each other, Mingxiu restrained the breath released from his feet, went to a chair in the hall and sat down, "everyone sit down. Let's talk about this task first."

Hearing what he said, the people standing were all looking for a seat to sit down.

"Brother Chi, what's the matter with the disappearance of disciples in luogui river? How's Guizong doing?" the leader of Jianzong asked cautiously.

Ming Xiu's eyes were light, "after we received the news that the nearby guard disciples disappeared, we sent people to investigate and found that there might be evil cultivation nearby, but their soul card was not broken, so it always revealed a sense of something wrong."

"As for the detailed information, I don't have it here. This time, Tianji sect launched six missions just to check this matter."

"I see. It's still very tricky." the leading disciple of Yaozong frowned.

If there is evil cultivation, it will be troublesome. The means of evil cultivation are cruel and insidious. They are better than their sword cultivation at the same level.

"Let's have a night off. Let's go to luogui River tomorrow to check ourselves."

The whole Inn has been chartered by six sects, one room for each.

After the show, Lou Muyan was hugged from behind as soon as she entered the room, and the familiar smell lingered at the tip of her nose.

"Woman, I miss you!" Mingxiu hugged Lou Muyan's waist and put his head in her neck.

And Mo Yan standing on Lou Muyan's shoulder was squeezed down by Mingxiu.

Mo Yan's dark eyes exuded a cool air, and flashed into the spirit pet ring with a cold hum.

Out of sight, out of mind, but why are you so upset? He really wanted to tear off the thick skin of Mingxiu, but he held back because of Lou Mu's smoke.

Lou Muyan would think of him from time to time since he found the difference between Mingxiu and him, so he didn't resist his hug.

"Your identity changes very quickly." Lou Muyan smiled.

Ming Xiu smelled the clean and refreshing faint fragrance of Medicine on Lou Muyan, and the agitation in his heart gradually subsided. He was cold and heartless, but he never thought he would be planted on a woman one day.

Although they didn't meet many times, Lou Muyan basically had all the news. Every time he knew her, he would miss her more and deeper.

Mingxiu was so moved that he reached out and made a few Dharma Seals at will, and the whole room was surrounded by an advanced separation spirit array.

"I can't help it. I joined Tianji palace to check things, so I can't expose the identity of the leader of jiuzhong hall."

When Lou Muyan saw him, he could arrange a level-5 spirit separation array. His eyes were deep and his body was soft. He let him hold him, "are you a level-5 array mage?"

Ming Xiu kissed Mu Yan's ear and whispered, "I'm a level seven array mage."

He doesn't want to hide Lou Muyan. He likes her, so he should be honest. He will never be vague.

Lou Muyan was surprised and secretly sighed that this guy's talent was too rebellious, but he didn't hide himself from him. He still felt more comfortable in his heart.

"Your cultivation is more than the medium-level sword statue seen by others?" Lou Muyan continued to ask against him.

"Well, I used a secret method to hide my accomplishments. I'm actually a sword saint." Mingxiu replied with a low smile.

Does Lou Muyan's asking him these questions mean that he has begun to sincerely accept him?