My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 647 - 229: Tracking Down Diana

After the meeting, it was already dusk. Brian took out his phone to check with Diana what she was doing. However, he found several missed calls from the kindergarten. He called them back straight away.


"What's the matter with you? You are the parents of this child. It is one and a half hours after class. I called her mother, but no one answered. Neither did you."

"Diana didn't pick up Abby?"

"I cannot get in touch with her. Could you please come and take Abby home?" The teacher was not in a good mood.

Brian drove to the kindergarten as fast as he could. There, he found Abby, she looked tired and anxious.

The teacher should have been home hours ago, so she was understandably angry.

"I'm so sorry!" Brian apologized.

Since Brian looked well to do and apologized sincerely, the teacher didn't say anything more.

Now, Brian was really worried. Abby was the most important thing in Diana's world. She would never leave Abby alone in the kindergarten. Even if she had something on, she would ask somebody else to pick her up.

"Something bad must have happened to her," Brian thought. He took out his phone and called her immediately.

Antonette saw there was someone calling Diana's phone. She picked it up.

"Hello, Diana, where are you?" Brian asked with concern.

But there was no answer, what was going on?

"Diana, hello? Why don't you say something?"

"Hello," Antonette answered.

Brian frowned. "Who is this?"

"Hi, brother, don't you remember me? You have been searching for me for such a long time."

"Antonette, what have you done?!"

"Half an hour. If you didn't find me in half an hour, I would kill Diana."

Then, the line went silent; that was all Antonette willing to reveal. She had spoken in such an evil tone, she truly sounded scary, even to Brian. But he had no idea where she was! How could he find her in half an hour?

"Dad Brian, why didn't Mummy come to pick me up?"

Brian tried his best to calm himself down and comfort Abby.

"Abby, Daddy, has an important thing to do, so I'm going to take you somewhere to stay for a while, okay?"

Abby nodded obediently and asked, "Dad Brian, will you bring Mummy back?"

"Of course," Brian answered firmly. He would get Diana back if it was the last thing he did.

However, now he had a further problem. Who could he ask to take care of Abby?

Sybil received the call from Brian while she was watching cartoons with Aaron. She was a little surprised; he hardly ever called.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Sybil, I need your help," Brian said in a hurry.

Sybil, with Ken by her side, went to the place that Brian told them.

"What's wrong?" Sybil asked when she arrived, out of breath.

It was lucky that it was not far from where Sybil lived in kindergarten.

When Brian caught sight of them, he handed Abby to them and hurriedly explained, "Please take good care of her. I will pick her up soon."

Since Brian was so anxious, Sybil asked Ken to accompany him.

"What are we doing here?" Ken finally asked.

But Brian didn't answer. He kept going up the stairs into the office of Detective Shields. The detective happened to be in the middle of an important meeting, however, Brian didn't care one bit.

"Mr. William, what are you doing here?"

"Detective, I need your help, it's urgent."

The detective had known Brian quite a while. Since Brian was evidently rather concerned, he knew something unusual must have happened. So without hesitation, he excused himself from the meeting and stepped outside.

"What happened?"

Brian grabbed him worriedly and said, "Detective Shields, please, help me track a phone number."

Brian handed Diana's number to him.

"The owner of this number was kidnapped. Please help me find her as soon as possible." Brian had lost his usual cool; this was real panic.

The detective went straight to his computer, and after a short while, he located Diana's position.

Brian was surprised to see the location was right by his company!


With the information he needed, Brian knew he had no time to waste. He thanked the detective and left immediately.

Ken still had no idea about the whole thing. He just followed Brian.

Brian was so worried that his hand was shaking as he tried to open the car door.

"Brian, let me do it," Ken offered.

Brian didn't refuse and handed him the key to the car.

While Ken drove them to the destination, he asked, "What happened?"

"Diana is in a bad situation."


Ken was shocked but still drove steadily. It had always been one of his skills to stay calm in tense situations.

"Faster!" Brian roared. He was sick with worry.

The sudden anger in Brian's voice startled him, and he sped up. Brian was strict, but he had never gotten mad at him like that before. Ken knew it must be serious.

"So, what happened?" Ken asked again, anxiously.

"Antonette has kidnapped Diana," Brian replied in a depressed voice.

"What?! How could this happen?"

"Just f.u.c.k.i.n.g drive!" Brian yelled.

Ken obliged this time, driving at top speed all the way.

When they arrived, Brian could see that from Antonette's hideout, she would have been able to observe all the comings and goings at the Anderson's Drugstore.

The problem was that there were so many flats in the building where Diana's phone was located. He couldn't know which room she was in.

As for Sybil and Abby, the driver had taken them back home.

Abby was quiet. She followed Sybil obediently and didn't make any noise at all.

"Abby, do you want some juice?" Sybil asked gently.

Abby hesitated. She had been told not to accept anything from strangers. But this lady seemed like a good person.

Noticing Abby's hesitation, Sybil tried her best to be calming.

"Aunt Sybil also has milk. Do you like milk, Abby?" Sybil asked gently.

"Aunt Sybil?" Abby was confused.

"Yes, I'm your Dad Brian's sister."