My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 646 - 228: I Still Remember You

As the people streamed in and out of the drugstore, Diana's worries about the state of the business were eased.

The customer volume had increased significantly, thanks to Jason's idea.

"What are you looking at?" Brian asked as he handed Diana a cup of coffee.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about the business, I was pretty worried about that thing with Uncle Cook's medicine…."

Brian chuckled. He had worked hard on persuading his employees to spread the news about the discount at the store.

"You're lucky you have me, Diana, if not, there would never have been so many people!"

However, Diana did not take kindly to this comment.

"I don't think so. Without your help, I could ask my friends for assistance. So could Jason. My friends have their own networks and contacts, the news would have spread widely regardless."

Brian didn't get annoyed at her defensiveness; instead, he chuckled.

"Well, Diana, since the business is going well, there is no need for us to cancel the contract, right?"

Diana went to leave. However, Brian pulled her into an embrace.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Diana said nothing, staying completely silent.

"So, what do you think of my suggestion?"

Diana couldn't help grinning and replied, "Depends on your performance…."

"What?" Brian pretended not to be satisfied with the reply. He tickled Diana playfully on her side. She was very ticklish, so she laughed loudly at Brian's touch.

They two were playing and laughing, something the rest of the busy employees did not appreciate; how unfair the boss could play, but they couldn't!

Not far away, there was someone keeping a constant watch on them. It was Antonette.

Brian had a look at his watch. It was approaching at half-past four.

"Abby will be finished kindergarten soon. Let's go pick her up."

Diana was a little jealous of her own daughter.

"Now, you like her more than me?"

Brian thought this was funny and said in an exaggerated fashion, "So…do you envy your own daughter?"

"Fuc…" when Diana caught sight of the busy employees, she stopped short of saying what she wanted to. All she could do was glare at Brian.

Abby was often jealous of her classmates when they were picked up by both of their parents, as she was only collected by her mother.

"From now on, you can have the experience of your parents being together," Diana thought.

However, just as Brian got in the car, someone called him.

"What's wrong?" Diana asked.

"One of the directors asked me to sign some doc.u.ments. Now…" Brian replied, annoyed.

Fortunately, Diana comforted him right away, dispelling his guilt.

"It's okay, you go back. It's for business."

"Are you okay to pick her up alone?"

"Of course. I'm used to it."

"Be careful." Brian kissed her on the forehead.

"Okay. Enough. Too sweet!" Diana said impatiently. However, she also had a smile on her face.

As Brian drove away in a hurry, Diana was about to take a taxi when someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth.

The person closed the door vigilantly and turned on the light. It was so bright that Diana could barely open her eyes.

As she grew accustomed to the light, she was finally able to see the face of her attacker.

"Antonette?!" Diana called out her name in shock.

"Bet you didn't expect this, did you, Diana? It's me. I'm back." Antonette stared at Diana, every word she said full of hatred.

Diana looked at Antonette coldly. Brian had told her that it was Antonette who was responsible for the plan to attack her and Abby.

Thank god Abby isn't with me now, she thought.

Antonette grabbed Diana's jaw and forced her to face the window. They were directly opposite the Anderson's Drugstore.

"Diana, can you imagine how disgusted I feel every time I see you from here?" Antonette hissed.

Antonette's grip was painful, but Diana said nothing. Her silence made Antonette angry, and she slapped Diana in the face.

"That is for what you did to me before!"

Antonette could not forget how Diana had slapped her in front of everyone during the meeting.

"I thought you would have been trying to forget that day," Diana sneered.

"Oh, I will never forget it."

"Have you ever thought about why I hit you?" Diana asked.

Antonette was excited about the question and said ferociously, "Why? I don't know why. Ever since I was born, I have lived in darkness. But what about you? You have only known love your whole life. Everyone I ever loved loves you more than me. Why? Are you better than me?"

Diana looked at her with sympathy.

Antonette grabbed her around her neck and said with anger, "Don't look at me like that. I don't need your pity."

"Antonette, I feel sorry for you," Diana said emotionlessly.

Antonette suddenly burst out laughing.

"It's all because of you. Diana, I won't let you get away with it."

After calming herself down for a moment, Antonette pulled out a long rope from a corner of the room and tied Diana up.

"What are you going to do?" Diana asked.

"You will know soon enough."

"Antonette, I'm telling you, whatever you are planning, this is a mistake. You will regret it."

Antonette was getting impatient with Diana's backchat. She took out a piece of duct tape and covered Diana's mouth.

"Shut up! Brian won't let you stay here alone. He will look for you. And I will kill both of you."

Though Diana's mouth was covered, her muffled screams could still be heard as she stared wildly at Antonette.

"You are too noisy." Antonette was fed up and hit Diana around the head with a brick, sending Diana tumbling to the floor, unconscious.