My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 642 - 224: You Can’t Die

Brian went from Simon's house directly to the police station. Ken had accompanied Carl and Jarvis to keep an eye on them.

"Quick! I need to see Detective Shields," Brian said to Ken.


"Antonette escaped."

They walked into the police station together, with Ken leading the way to the detective's office. Brian knocked politely before being called in.

"So what can I do for you?"

"I need a favor, Detective Shields," Brian began.

"Okay, what is it? I can help you with?"

"I need you to trace a car for me. The license plate is…" Brian gave him Antonette's details.

"Okay." Detective Shields was able to find the car surprisingly fast.

"Brian, that car has been picked up on cameras outside a hotel in the east of the city. I will send the location to your phone."

Brian thanked the detective and then dashed downstairs, eager to get to the hotel as soon as possible.

Brian and Ken found Antonette's car with consummate ease thanks to the detective's help, in the middle of the hotel car park.

"Ken, go and ask if Antonette has checked in," Brian instructed.

As Ken ran inside, Brian couldn't help feeling something was wrong. It was all too easy. Sure enough, Ken came out soon after, shaking his head. It was clear that they wouldn't find Antonette today.

In the darkness, Antonette ran back to Jenny's house and found her lying on the bed coughing.

Hearing a noise, Jenny opened her eyes and looked at Antonette.

"What's wrong with you?" Antonette asked. Her mother really looked in a terrible state.

"I am dying…" Jenny spluttered.

Antonette assumed Jenny was talking nonsense and went straight to the nightstand. She seemed to be looking for something.

Jenny struggled to sit up and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Where is your money? I need it. I have to get out of town for a few days." Antonette was rummaging through the bed stand, chucking random objects all over the floor.

Jenny took out a small purse from under her pillow and gave it to Antonette.

"Here, take this."

Antonette was shocked. "Why so generous today?"

Jenny smiled at her pitifully. "I am dying. The money is useless to me now."

"Nonsense, you're not dying!" Antonette grabbed the money and headed for the door. And then she heard Jenny cough. It was a horrible, guttural sound, and when she looked back, she saw Jenny spit out a mouthful of blood.

"What is wrong with you?"

Jenny reached out her hand.

Antonette hesitated but walked forward to hold her mother's hand.

Jenny touched Antonette's hair and said gently, "You are all grown up now…"

For once, Antonette fell silent. Something seemed different about her mother's tone; it was… genuine.

"I am sorry for what I have done to you," Jenny cried.

"I will die soon. Take care of yourself. I am sorry that I wasn't a good mother," Jenny murmured.

Antonette was frightened. She held Jenny's hand firmly. "You can't die! You owe me too much!"

Jenny sighed. Trying to hold back her tears, she continued repeating, "I am sorry. I am so sorry…" But as she spoke, she had to spit more blood out of her mouth. She opened her eyes wide and cried of her past regrets.

"I hate Simon William! I hate him! He ruined my life!" Jenny stared at the ceiling and cursed. She looked like a demon.

"What are you saying?" Antonette couldn't hear Jenny's words. She knelt down to try and catch what she was saying.

"Simon William…" Jenny murmured.

"Mum!" Antonette was shocked at herself. She hadn't called Jenny 'Mum' for years.

Within seconds, Jenny slowly stopped breathing.

Antonette couldn't believe it. She held Jenny in her arms and cried out, "Mum! Wake up! Mum!"

Jenny had treated Antonette badly her whole life; Antonette hated her. Yet, now she had passed, Antonette couldn't help crying.

When she gathered herself, Antonette opened the purse Jenny had given her. There were three credit cards in the red bag.

Thinking of what Simon had done, Antonette was immersed in hatred. She swore that she would make Simon pay for what he had done to her and her mother.

Unable to locate Antonette, Brian and Ken were discussing how to go about tracking her down.

"Ask our men to monitor the airports and train stations. We can't let her escape the city," Brian instructed.

"Yes, will do, Boss." Ken nodded.

Left on his own, Brian rubbed his temples gingerly. He really missed Diana. So much so that right at that moment, he decided to drive back to the hospital.

When he got there, Diana had already fallen asleep.

Brian opened the door and saw Diana lying with Abby in her arms. He crept forward and touched Diana's hair. He was afraid that he might wake her, so he lay down as carefully as he could beside Diana. And there they lay, cuddling each other all night.

Diana's movement stirred Brian awake too.

"Morning," Brian uttered gently.

And at last, Diana didn't get angry. Instead, she smiled warmly back at him.

Abby opened her eyes and noticed Brian and Diana lying side by side. This made her very happy too.

Suddenly, Diana heard her phone ringing. She looked down and saw it was Jason.

"Diana, you have to come back now! We need you." Jason sounded rather anxious.

"What happened?"

"Just come back as soon as possible!" After saying that, Jason abruptly ended the call.

Diana looked at Brian with concern.

"Something is wrong at the pharmacy."

"Go, then," Brian said.

"What about Abby?"

Abby was due to leave the hospital that day. Brian thought for a while and said, "Look, I will call Ken to go to the company and check on things with you. After everything is sorted, I will bring Abby to the office."

Diana agreed. Now it was time to see what was going on at the pharmacy!

There were many people crowding around the entrance to the pharmacy.

Jason was waiting at the door, and when he saw Diana, he ran to her at once.

"What happened?" Diana asked.

"There is a problem with this batch of herbs. Now all these customers are asking for us to refund them," Jason said.

Diana was stunned. "How could such a mistake occur?"

Jason felt guilty. "I was in charge of this batch. The supplier has cooperated with us for many years, so I didn't check it carefully enough."

Diana went to inspect the herbs and picked some up in her hand. But she couldn't find anything wrong with them.