My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 609 - 191: Who Are You?

Unhappy at the interruption, he answered impatiently, "The same as her."

After the waiter left, Kyle asked anxiously again, "Diana, what do you think?"

Diana had a sip of her coffee. Then, calm as anything, she replied, "Kyle, you make me sick."

Kyle was hurt by her words. But still, he couldn't accept that there was no chance for them. He grabbed Diana's arm and pleaded with her, "Diana, is there no chance for us? Really?"

Diana was disgusted by his behavior.

"Kyle, let me go."

As Diana struggled to get free, a voice appeared beside them.

"What is going on here?"

Diana turned around and found Simon William standing beside them.

She was stuck and murmured, "Mr. William…"

Mr. William was raging, seeing Diana and Kyle touching each other like that, how inappropriate!

Diana stood up in a hurry and explained, "Mr. William, it is not what you think."

"Then what was it that we saw?" Mrs. Garcia interjected. I had no idea that you were so shameless. Brian isn't even dead!" Mrs. Garcia said the words with deliberate maliciousness.

Simon, too, was disappointed in Diana.

"Diana, I thought you were a good girl and that you truly loved Brian with all your heart. But now…" Simon trailed off bitterly, shaking his head.

"Mr. William, please allow me to defend myself," Diana exclaimed.

However, as Mrs. Garcia saw Simon starting to doubt what he'd seen, she added, "I heard there would be a vote tomorrow. Diana, you shouldn't be so impatient. Brian has only been in the hospital a few days, now you want to take his place so soon. That kind of behavior could bring you a bad reputation…"

This revelation shocked Simon even more.

"What are you talking about?"

"Simon, didn't you hear? There will be a vote tomorrow. If Diana wins, she will be the president of the company."

Mr. William was enraged. He roared at Diana, "You won't get the company. You are a liar!"

He stormed away in anger, while Mrs. Garcia stopped to give Diana a quick, conceited look, then followed Simon out.

Diana stood still, frozen to the spot.

Kyle came towards her and asked with concern, "Diana, are you okay?"

Diana threw Kyle's hand off, which he'd placed delicately on her shoulders.

"Enough with your bullshit Kyle! It must have been you who ordered this, wasn't it?"

Diana didn't wait for an answer. She simply left Kyle in disgust.

Ken was sitting in the car, waiting for Diana. When he saw Diana come out with a gloomy expression, he got out of the car immediately.

"What happened?" he asked.

Diana had no idea how to tell him. She only said, "Please take me to the hospital."

Ken didn't ask anymore. He got in the car and drove Diana to the hospital.

Diana walked weakly towards Brian's ward. At the entrance, she found a crowd of people there surrounding the door.

As she got closer, she found it was Jessica who was attracting all the attention.

When Jessica saw Diana, she walked towards her angrily.

"Mr. William had an accident?! Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Why should I tell you about it? Who are you? Do you have any close relationship with him?" Diana shot back.

Jessica was stuck. She pointed at Diana but had no words to refute her.

Ignoring her, Diana made her way through the crowd and into the ward.

Brian was still lying on the bed, still and peaceful. When Diana saw him, she felt herself choke up, sobbing uncontrollably again.

"Brian, please wake up. I cannot go through all these sufferings alone."

She held Brian's hands, which made her feel slightly at ease.

Then, she felt Brian's fingers move. She looked at him in shock. Was it her mind playing tricks again?

But sure enough, moments later, Brian slowly opened his eyes.

Elated, Diana rushed to the doctor's office and shouted, "Doctor, Brian is waking up!"

When Diana took the doctor back to the ward, she found that Jessica had thrown herself into Brian's embrace, and Brian was touching her hair.

When Brian saw Diana, he asked with confusion, "Who are you?"

Diana was baffled. The idea that Brian could see her as a stranger and ask who she was, this was surely a dream!

Diana could not control herself. She rushed to Brian and grabbed his hand.

"Do you really have no idea who I am?" She asked, still in disbelief.

Brian took back his hand with a disturbed look on his face.

"Sorry, Miss, I have no idea who you are."

Diana felt physically wounded by his words. She was no one to him!

"Brian, are you thirsty? Let me bring you some water," Jessica said, hovering around Brian as if she belonged there.

"Hold on a second," Diana cried. She pointed at Jessica, then asked Brian with a trembling voice, "Who do you think she is?"

"She said she is my girlfriend, and that she has been here by my side for several days," Brian answered politely.

"And you believed her? Who do you think I am?" Diana pointed at herself, tears rolling down her face.

Diana's crying made Brian feel hurt, though he didn't know why. Already knowing what his answer would be, Diana staggered out of the ward.


Brian went to shout for Diana to come back, but Jessica stopped him. She looked at him and aggrieved.

"Why do you want her? I have been waiting for you for so long!"

"What happened to me?"

"You had an accident," Jessica replied vaguely.

As Diana ran away down the corridor, she bumped into Ken.

"What happened?" Ken caught her as she tried to get free from him. She was crying hysterically; something horrible must have happened.

Diana grabbed Ken's arm with a distraught look and murmured, "Ken, he has no idea who I am. Brian has lost his memory!"

"What? How?"